The days are wartime in southern Israel. It is the beginning of the Jewish year, according to Jewish religious law, ten days of repentance are the days of asking forgiveness. Nissan an Orthodox Jew, feels that he will not be able to continue his life unless he receives forgiveness from his friend Shaul.
Executive Producer
A comedy-thriller created by mixing ISIS operatives, tough Mossad agents and a unique relationship between two young Muslim guys in the most rainbow-colored, song contest imaginable. Was previously a miniseries, now edited into a feature film for the festival circuit.
A comedy-thriller created by mixing ISIS operatives, tough Mossad agents and a unique relationship between two young Muslim guys in the most rainbow-colored, song contest imaginable. Was previously a miniseries, now edited into a feature film for the festival circuit.
Line Producer
Hayuta and Berl, an elderly couple, find it hard to adjust to today's Israel and to the social changes surrounding them. After years of struggle, the two refuse to let go of their communal dreams, and of their revolutionary plans to build a welfare state in Israel. During a night of painful disillusionment, the two decide to leave their apartment for a last journey.
Line Producer
Primer largometraje profesional que realiza una mujer judía ortodoxa, La Esposa Prometida es una invitación a la vida privada de una familia que vive aislada en un movimiento religioso ortodoxo y místico dentro del judaísmo, en Tel Aviv, Israel. La historia muestra los deseos, aspiraciones y secretos de Shira, una joven próxima a contraer nupcias con el chico de sus sueños. La inesperada muerte de su hermana mayor al dar a luz, cambia radicalmente sus planes, pues su familia propone casarla con su cuñado viudo
Anbessa, an Eritrean refugee is deported from Israel. He manages to escape the immigration police at the airport straight into the hands of Netanya›s soccer fans that mistake him to be the new Nigerian striker supposed to land that day. Now, Anbessa›s Sght for survival and the team›s Sght against relegation unite. the problem is, he never played soccer. Will Anbessa›s new status help him get his freedom?
Anbessa, an Eritrean refugee is deported from Israel. He manages to escape the immigration police at the airport straight into the hands of Netanya›s soccer fans that mistake him to be the new Nigerian striker supposed to land that day. Now, Anbessa›s Sght for survival and the team›s Sght against relegation unite. the problem is, he never played soccer. Will Anbessa›s new status help him get his freedom?