László Márkus

László Márkus

Nacimiento : 1927-06-01, Budapest, Hungary

Muerte : 1985-12-30


László Márkus


Tizenötezer pengő jutalom
Vackor az első bében
Kaviár és lencse
My First Two Hundred Years
Divided into two different halves separated by mood and subject matter, this is an uneven drama about the experience of one Hungarian Jew before and during the fascist takeover of Budapest. The hero Pali (Zoltan Bezeredi) arrives back in Budapest from the U.S. and meanders among the intellectual and social elite before he leaves for a brief stay in England. There he has an even briefer affair with a happy-go-lucky aspiring actress (Anna Kubik), and after a few other encounters with movie mavens, he heads back to Budapest -- quite inexplicably. The rest of the film deteriorates into a dark realm of hatred and violence.
The Tyrant's Heart, or Boccaccio in Hungary
Una confusa exposición sobre el Poder y su apariencia, el poder real y el poder imaginario, centrada en el siglo XV en Hungría, en una de las muchas épocas en que los húngaros estaban dominados por un rey extranjero. Un castillo es el lugar adonde regresa Gaspar, hijo de un noble húngaro, después de haber pasado desde su niñez a su adolescencia en Bolonia; Gaspar regresa acompañado de unos actores. Su padre -le dicen- ha muerto en las garras de un oso; su madre ha quedado muda y parece sorda, pero acaso para reponerse de la impresión y conservarse siempre joven sacrifica cada noche una doncella, y sus tíos, un arzobispo y otro enamorado y amante de su cuñada, están empeñados en que el joven Gaspar alcance a ser Rey de Hungría.
Eternal Light Inn
A titkosrendõr
The scene of the story taking place in the 18th century is an inn, which is advertised by its owners for sale. The inn was namely the scene for mysterious disappearances and murders, but the result of all these events, the treasury is hidden and guarded by the mother. Everybody want to get it from her during one night: the inn-keeper couple, the fake couple who arrived as buyers, Colonel Majorossy with his son, the secret agent and the servants.
The Nameless Castle
The romantic story takes place in the time of Napoleon in Hungary, near Fertő-lake. Count Vavel hides here the French heiress from the revolution and Napoleon.
Kojak in Budapest
Lt. Kojak arrives in Budapest as a guest speaker for the 'International Crime Writers Conference'. Soon after he starts enjoying the pleasures that the city has to offer, he assists his old friends at the police department with a case. The case involves solving the murder of a noted scientist, unaware that a Mafia hit man and his female companion are targeting him.
A zebegényiek
A buta Zebegényi
A kisfiú meg az oroszlánok
A Happy New Year!
Szabó, minisztériumi felettes
Three thirtysomething chemical scientists, Laci, Gyuri and Kati celebrate the success of their development program before New Year's Eve with drinking for several days. But the morning of New Year's Eve does not bring the expected recognition, because the nice, bald, old director is replaced by a young, bald, but disagreeable one. In a sodden atmosphere it becomes clear that everybody has an axe to grind in the informative discussions.
Gedeon is a young, ambitious detective. Three women have disappeared and he strongly believes that there’s direct connection between them. All three of them were driving lonely and have disappeared in the same region. After a lenghty discussion Gedeon gets the permission from his boss for going on patrol with his colleague in that area.
El quinto sello
Király László
Ambientada en Budapest a finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un grupo de amigos dialogan una noche en un bar. Uno de ellos propone un dilema moral: Si volvieran a nacer, qué preferirían ser, un cruel rey que comete todo tipo de atrocidades o el esclavo que las padece..
Szépség Háza
Ősze kartárs
The Phantom on Horseback
Lubomirszky Tivadar sztaroszta
A ghost is haunting Lubló: Kaszparek Mihály, trader of wines, does not refrain from haunting his native town even in broad daylight. He rides his horse sitting backwards, pays with false gold and pays frequent visits to his widowed wife, who is far from being appalled by the caresses of her dead husband.
Forduljon Psmithhez
Football of the Good Old Days
Turner Pipi
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
Parallel Faces
This sensitive and ironic film points up two girl-faces: Vera is happy, but cold, while Borika is tired, but warm-hearted.
Prince Bob
George, Prince of Wales mingles with the crowd in Bowie Street in disguise under the pseudonym Bob. He falls in love with the poor Uncle Tom's daughter, Annie. But to save his business, the indebted Uncle Tom promised her to the usurer Plumpudding.
A bunker
A Hanákné ügy
Summer of Old Times
Tihanyi, zeneszerző
Esther and the Men
Béla Neszveda
Small town girl Eszter adores her husband, Zoltán. He doesn't know Zoltán is having an affair with Alizka, until the woman moves in to their apartment.
A múmia közbeszól
Szőke Szakállas
Én, Strasznov Ignác, a szélhámos
Mikola nyomozó
A Hungarian Nabob
Lord Darlington
On the novel by Mór Jókai. The first half of the XVIII century. Several decades of life of a noble family Karpati.
The Corporal and the Others
PFC Molnár decides his WWII services are over, and with serious money hidden in his hand grenades, he heads to an abandoned mansion where he encounters not only the sour butler but a bunch of others who also try to wimp out of their duties.
Másfél millió
Dióbél királyfi
Telezsák királyfi
The Naked Diplomat
Felix Martin
Félix, a somewhat clod-hopping young man, finds himself in the Grand Hotel of Little Lagonda, barefooted and in pyjamas. He is soon followed by a hooded, fat and leggy gangster. This is all the more strange as the hotel is under quarantine with the pretext of a plague-epidemic, in order to make it a suitable ground for the negotiations of certain oil-companies.
Every day - Sunday
Jirka is a composer, his wife, Jana, a pianist. Jana would like to have an own concert, but so far she has only been selected to accompany Valenta during his concerts in Budapest. After some resentments, she accepts the proposal.
A Bus Does Not Stop
A young woman on board of a bus notices that her watch has been stolen. The ticket collector keeps everybody on board, and upon the advice of a traffic police, they drive directly to the nearest police station.
Házasságból elégséges
Two Half-Times in Hell
To celebrate Hitler's birthday, a soccer match is organized between the Germans and prisoners of war.
Három csillag
A Certain Major Benedek
On the eve of World War II, Major Benedek Zoltán is an embodiment of the service regulations in the army. He only discloses his feelings towards Anna, his brother's widow. An investigation is conducted in the regiment to identify Communists.
Love and Money
Szombattól hétföig
Sleepless Years
The "sleepless years" in this propaganda piece by director Felix Marlassy occur on Csepel Island, an island south of Budapest that is home to an armaments factory. The factory workers are shown being exploited by imperialists, capitalists gone berserk, and fascists, more or less in that exact chronological sequence. The heavy-handed approach does much to undercut the belief that when socialism finally takes over, the lives of the workers are brought up to a human level. In this instance, audiences might prefer a more nuanced and subtle statement, no matter what the message.
A Window on the Sky
Mrs. Fazekas and her three sons live in a tenement house in the outskirts. The eldest son, Fecó, is saving money in order to buy a washing machine for his mother, while her other two sons spend time by hanging around and playing tricks.
St. Peter's Umbrella
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
At Midnight
On New Year's Eve in 1956 the artist couple, the actor János and the dancer Viki are hastily packing. While they are waiting for the car, which is to take them across the border, their entire life is replayed in front of their eyes.
A Sunday Romance
The poetic love story depicting everyday life from a micro-psychological aspect takes place in the 1910s. Sándor, editor of the local paper, serves as a foot soldier on Sundays, but spends weekdays playing billiard and courting women. One Sunday afternoon - in soldier's uniform - he meets Vilma, the beautiful maid, whose honesty and chastity turns the adventure to love.
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