Nabeshima Naoshige murders his lord, Ryuzoji Takafusa, seeking to gain power and steal his Lord’s wife. To avoid her fate, Lady Takafusa drowns herself along with her cat in a nearby marsh. A decade later, Naoshige’s efforts to steal another woman trigger a curse on him when she also commits suicide at the same marsh — forcing him to suffer the consequences of his past actions.
Situado en el período Tokugawa (o Edo), es la primera de las películas de la Serie los placeres de la Tortura de Teruo Ishii. Esta primera película retrata una sucesión de mujeres que son decapitadas, quemadas vivas en la hoguera y partidas en dos por bueyes. La película adopta un enfoque acrónimo de tres historias cortas que todo culminará en largas sesiones de tortura.
Eight villains, former pirates, gather to attack the magistrate's office. They develop a plan and begin their actions in secret, making full use of their special abilities. In the end, their plan goes beyond what was intended and turns into a good deed for many people. A masterpiece of historical drama, full of breathtaking thrills and action.
The tale of real-life Yakuza boss Shimizu Jirocho is told from his earliest beginnings as a gambler on the road as he forms his gang and sets out on the path to fame and fortune. One of the smartest and strongest of all the gang bosses, he went on to survive the end of the samurai era and become a successful businessman. But first, he must survive against all odds in order to build his reputation and develop his strength. Powerful portrayals of the group are led by the great Tsuruta Koji with help from the likes of Matsukata Hiroki.
Ieyasu Tokugawa se encuentra con sus hombres de confianza en Sakai mientras Mitsuhide avanza en su intento de conquistar el país. La única vía de escape que tiene es pasar por Iga y contar con la protección de sus ninjas hasta Hamamatsu, atravesando previamente el valle del infierno. Por otro lado el pueblo de Iga sufre el ataque de los 6 guerreros Koga y su jefe, siendo exterminados todos salvo una mujer, dos niños, y Kagemaru. Tras la muerte de su padre será este último quien deba proteger a Ieyasu.