Eglė Mikalauskaitė


The Poet
Makeup Designer
A newly appointed teacher arrives at a remote village school in 1947. The famous journalist and distinguished poet was downgraded for illegal publications and forbidden anti-Soviet verses. Suspicious locals still prefer to test his loyalties, while children wilingly recite his verses from 'To My Soviet Motherland', written under pressure to prase Uncle Lenin. Eventually, an unforgotten friend shows him a secret wintery path to the Dainava resistance platoon's underground bunker.
Makeup & Hair
Hilma af Klint forma parte importante de la historia del arte como una de las primeras pintoras que se atrevió a realizar arte abstracto y una de las más importantes de la historia de Suecia. Sin embargo, a diferencia de la obra de muchas de sus compañeras y compañeros de la época, la suya fue incomprendida y olvidada hasta mucho después de su muerte. Esta es la historia de Hilma y las circunstancias que hicieron posible sus pinturas.
Kompromat: El expediente ruso
Makeup Designer
Mathieu, miembro del instituto francés en Irkutsk, es arrestado durante la noche por las autoridades rusas. Encarcelado y acusado de abusar sexualmente de su propia hija, se da cuenta de que es víctima de un Kompromat. Con la ayuda del FSB, alguien ha construido un caso para incriminarlo. Aislado, no tiene a quién recurrir. Demostrar su inocencia es imposible: la única solución es escapar.
Makeup Designer
Ambientada en un futuro distópico después del colapso del ecosistema de la Tierra, Vesper, una niña de 13 años que lucha por sobrevivir con su padre paralizado, conoce a una misteriosa mujer con un secreto que obliga a Vesper a utilizar su ingenio, su fuerza y sus habilidades de bio-hackeo para luchar por la posibilidad de un futuro.
Feature Film About Life
Makeup Designer
It is highly probable that before their own death, everyone has to organise someone else’s funeral. This is by far not an easy task. In addition to the searing grief, dying also brings a number of tasks that are at once utterly alien and intensely time-critical. The main character of this film, Dovile, who unexpectedly has to bury her father, has to face the bedlam of exactly such a challenge. Overnight, the young girl has to become a skilful organiser of a family event, while also being a specialist on coffins, urns, wreaths and funeral feasts. Dovile’s journey towards organising a perfect funeral is inevitably full of hardship and mishaps, accompanied mainly by black humour and comical situations.
Nothing to Laugh About
Makeup Designer
Kasper Berntsen es un cómico de éxito, que tiene todo lo que podría desear. Un día todo cambia. Se entera de que tiene una enfermedad grave, y su novia le deja. La estrella emergente de Kasper como cómico cobra nueva vida al utilizar el humor como fuerza desarmante y liberadora. Descubre nuevas facetas de sí mismo y, sobre todo, lo más importante de la vida.
Retratos De Una Guerra
Makeup Designer
En 1941, una joven aspirante a artista de 16 años y toda su familia son deportados a Siberia en medio del brutal desmantelamiento de Stalin de la región báltica. La pasión de la joven por el arte y su esperanza incorrompible tratarán de imponerse a la dramática situación.
Makeup Designer
From a young age, Jill has acted as the responsible adult in her small family. She cares for her loving but mentally unstable mother and her younger brother. The news that their estranged father will be visiting on Jill's birthday gives the children much needed hope. When the family is struck by tragedy, Jill keeps it a secret.
El Anillo del Rey
Makeup Designer
En su lecho de muerte, el rey reinante otorga poder a un inesperado heredero que debe encontrar fuerza dentro de sí mismo para unir a su pueblo contra las cruzadas violentas que amenazan su libertad.
Winter Thaw
Makeup & Hair
In late nineteenth-century Russia, Martin Avdeitch is a humble shoemaker whose life has been characterized by grief. Martin must find the courage to look outside himself and trust in the goodness of God. This BYUtv original holiday special is based on Leo Tolstoy's short story, "Martin the Cobbler," and stars John Rhys-Davies.
The Gambler
Makeup Designer
Paramedic Vincentas is a passionate gambler, who is forced to make radical decisions to return the debts. An idea strikes Vincentas to create an illegal game related to his profession. Love, life and death will be at stake.
Educación siberiana
Makeup Supervisor
Rodada en inglés y basada en un libro de Nicolai Lilin, narra su adolescencia y formación dentro de la comunidad de los Urka, irreductibles criminales siberianos, que fueron deportados a Transnitria (entre Moldavia y Ucrania) por Stalin en los años 30. La historia se desarrolla poco antes de la caída de la Unión Soviética.
Silencio en la nieve
Makeup Designer
Frente ruso, invierno de 1943. El soldado Arturo Andrade y el sargento Espinosa se encargan de investigar un misterioso asesinato mientras la División Azul española del ejército alemán soporta el feroz contraataque del Ejército Rojo.
The Fortress of Sleeping Butterflies
Makeup Designer
Monika, a middle-aged wealthy woman, goes through a marriage crisis with her younger husband Linas. A car accident leads Monika to meeting three young girls, Kristina, Egle and Gitana, who happen to be ex-prostitutes extradited from Germany. The lady and the girls settle down in a country mansion, to form a relationship that will change their lives forever
Fireheart: The Legend of Tadas Blinda
Makeup Designer
A romance blooms between a noblewoman and a common man amid a peasant revolt against the brutal Russian army
Back to Your Arms
Makeup Designer
1961. Father and daughter, separated during World War II, are trying to meet in Berlin. He comes to Berlin from Soviet Lithuania, she comes from the USA. Even if the Berlin Wall has not been built yet, the Cold War is coming close to its apogee. Political and geographical situation, that seemed to be favorable in the beginning, turns out to be deceptive. After his arrival, the father is looked after by KGB intelligence agents. They, using him as bait, are trying to lure the daughter to the east side. Affected by the citie's atmospehere that's pervated with distrust, she is afraid to cross the West Berlin boundary. Trying to save each other from the possible trap, father and daughter are ready to give up the idea of the so much desired meeting...
Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11
Makeup Designer
Man's landing on the moon was our greatest technological achievement. The Apollo 11 mission was truly the stuff of dreams. For the first time, our species walked on another celestial body. Even more remarkable was their ability to make it back. This is the story of the July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 moon landing. Drama with digitally remastered original footage.
Dragones y mazmorras 2: La ira del Dios dragón
Makeup Artist
El malvado hechicero Damodar desafía un peligroso vórtice para robar el orbe elemental negro, el cual le servirá para preparar un plan siniestro de venganza contra el reino de Ismir. Berek, un guerrero, y Melora, una bruja aficionada reunen a cuatro guerreros más, para luchar contra el ejército de criaturas espantosas de Damodar, y así poder recuperar el orbe que devuelva la estabilidad al reino.
Especies en peligro
Makeup Artist
Un cazador furtivo de otro planeta, llega a la tierra a por nuevos ejemplares para su colección. Estos seres tienen una extraña predilección por las pieles...