Un empresario que viaja a Lisboa es confundido con un espía inglés que transporta un cargamento de diamantes. Se convierte así en víctima de una persecución, sin entender en absoluto lo que está pasando.
Inspector Malin
Cuatrocientos años después de morir en la hoguera, un diabólico conde vuelve a la vida mediante un rito de magia negra. A partir de ese momento, sembrará el pánico junto a su diabólico grupo de adeptos.
When a woman begins to investigate her husband's mysterious death in a plane accident she discovers the involvement of a woman known simply as Diana.
Mr. Pickett the Art Expert
Jimmy Boule, famoso ladrón de cuadros y propietario de un hotel de moda en Madrid, por encargo de Muñoz, un aristócrata español, y con la complicidad de una amiga roba un cuadro de Velázquez en la mansión de unos amigos, donde está pasando el fin de semana. Cuando Muñoz se hace con el lienzo, chantajea a Jimmy, obligándolo a robar un cuadro del Museo del Prado. (FILMAFFINITY)
During World War II, the residents of a French village find an able helper in their task of making life difficult for German-occupying forces in a Canadian pilot they rescue after he crash-lands in the vicinity and ends up in the hands of the Nazis. As the villagers grow increasingly dependent on the flyer's training and smarts, the Germans grow more determined to eliminate the force behind the strengthened local resistance. [Netflix]
Jan Putek
Un asesino desconocido, que usa una media negra para ocultar su rostro, deja un puñado de narcisos amarillos en la escena de sus crímenes. Es la séptima película de Edgar Wallace producida por Rialto y está basada en la novela de Wallace "The Daffodil Mystery".
Condenado antiguamente por malversación de fondos, John Brent es ahora el director de una compañía de transporte marítimo. Pero el destino parece cebarse en su contra. Su esposa Nicole amenaza con dejarlo, el ex dentista de la prisión, Ralph Beldon, lo chantajea y amenaza con hacerle perder su puesto. De vuelta a casa, Beldon es sorprendido por un hombre enmascarado que lo obliga a participar en el robo de la caja fuerte de la compañía naviera... John deberá aclarar las cosas por sí mismo, si no quiere volver a la cárcel.
Sheikh Ibrahim
In this British comedy set in Saudi Arabia, a gentle British travel-agency clerk decides that it would be a smashing idea to open up a desert resort in Arabia. He heads to the desert and immediately finds himself on the bad side of a local sheik as the fellow tries to build his resort atop oil-rich land. A war erupts between rival desert bands as they vie for the rights to the oil, but it is the travel agent who wins out in the end
A murderer enriches his finances by marrying and then killing off a series of wealthy women.
John Sand, capitán de un barco de rescate, encuentra al carguero 'Mary Deare' a la deriva. En su interior se encuentra escondido Gideo Patch, un hombre misterioso y algo aturdido que ha presenciado los hechos y conoce las razones por las que el buque ha perdido el rumbo. Además, está seguro de que su testimonio evitará que los dueños del barco estafen a la compañía de seguros.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un periodista americano afincado en Grecia vende información al servicio de Inteligencia Británico. Cuando los nazis descubren sus actividades, lo persiguen por toda Europa.
Lora huye de su novio, un delincuente de poca monta que acaba de matar a un policía, refugiándose en un carguero que navega por el Rhin. Su belleza seduce al capitán, pero ella está decepcionada con los hombres y no quiere implicarse. Su presencia provoca los celos de la esposa de uno de los tripulantes y la cosa se complica aún más cuando su novio, acosado por la policía, se introduce en el barco.
During the Cold War, a British family struggles to overcome cultural differences as they welcome two Russian social workers into their home for a visit.
Georges Clemenceau
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
Paul Zakon
An insurance investigator tumbles onto a series of similar deaths, by brain hemorrhage, of patients of a psychiatric clinic in France where therapy involves a device which can implant visual imagery in the minds of patients, ostensibly to help them relax.
The Doctor
Bruce Campbell decide trasladarse a Canadá cuando se entera de que a su abuelo le queda poco tiempo de vida. Llega allí con la clara idea de hacerse cargo de la herencia que recibirá cuando él falte. Pero los lugareños no tienen ninguna prisa por conocerlo, pues no sienten simpatía por el abuelo ya que creen que en su tierras había petróleo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Carlo Raffone
The wife of a condemned man tries to save him in England by finding the real killer.
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
Papa Gozzi
In London's colourful but seedy Soho, Michael Morgan is working mending the road. He is unhappy, with little hope of finding happiness. Then he meets Julia Gozzi, a barmaid, and "The Miracle" happens.
Captain of Ulysses
Tony y Félix son los propietarios de un pequeño barco con el que navegan por el Caribe, haciendo pequeños trabajos. Aunque no tiene pasaporte, acceden a llevar en su barco a la hermosa Irena, pero durante la travesía se enamoran de ella, y su amistad se rompe. Tony deja el barco y acepta un trabajo en un carguero; pero, tras una colisión, el buque se incendia y él queda atrapado bajo la cubierta. Sólo Felix, a quien odia y ha jurado matar, acude en su auxilio.
Capt. Baris
Victor Mature es un agente de narcóticos que persigue a un peligroso traficante. Dada la dificultad de la empresa, cambia de táctica y decide centrarse en su atractiva cómplice para llegar hasta él. Todo un reto también pues la tendrá que seguir por medio mundo.
Cuando el audaz Zarak besa a la joven Salma, el padre de ésta ordena la muerte de aquel. Pero Zarak consigue huir, siendo perseguido implacablemente por un oficial británico. Entre ambos hombres surgirá un respeto mutuo en extremas circunstancias.
Dr. Guani, Foreign Minister, Uruguay
En los primeros años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la Royal Navy libra una batalla desesperada para mantener abiertas las rutas de convoyes en el Atlántico y poder abastecer a las islas británicas, enfrentándose así al gran peligro que suponen los numerosos buques de guerra alemanes que, como el Admiral Graf Spee, recorren el océano en busca de cargueros que hundir.
Stranger with "The System"
Las consecuencias que sobre una pareja de recién casados caerán por disfrutar de su luna de miel en Montecarlo.
When a sedate wife and mother decides her family takes her for granted, she pens a movie script -- and it becomes a hit film. Suddenly faced with instant celebrity, she must choose between being a highly paid author and a middle-class housewife.
La India, en los días anteriores a su declaración de la independencia del imperio británico. Los movimientos de resistencia, que tan importante papel habían jugado en la consecución de la independencia, amenazan con promover una revolución sangrienta que los británicos se ven incapaces de detener. En estas circunstancias, el coronel Rodney Savage (Stewart Granger) recibe la orden de mantener a toda costa el importante nudo ferroviario de Bhowani. El oficial de enlace es la bella subteniente Victoria Jones (Ava Gardner), hija de un inglés y una india.
Giorgio Sacchi
After being consulted by a friend concerning a murder case, a private eye learns the friend has become the next victim.
Passport to Treason was put together by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman, the same team who’d later collaborate on the UK TV series The Saint. Rod Cameron stars as an American private eye, stationed in London. For the sake of a murdered friend, the detective takes over the dead man’s case, which turns out to have international ramifications. The villains are members of a phony pacifistic society, all of whom harbor plans for taking over the world.
España, Reinado de Felipe II (1559-1598). Al quedarse viuda, Doña Ana de Mendoza vive apartada de la vida de la Corte de Madrid. Sin embargo, por razones de estado, el propio Rey, buen amigo de Ana, le pide que vuelve a la Corte e interceda por uno de sus hombres de confianza. Cuando llega, conoce a Antonio Pérez, secretario del Rey y hombre de gran influencia política, que vivía entre intrigas palaciegas y bellas cortesanas. A pesar de la inicial animadversión de Ana hacia él, ambos se enamoran locamente, pero la traición de Pérez a la Corona les causará a ambos graves problemas políticos.
The suburban peace of the Bentley household is shattered when John Bentley is informed by his wife Stella that their two married daughters, Pat and Corrine are in trouble and need funds to come home and bring their husbands, Peter, a penniless Parisian artist and Barnaby, a Texas cowboy, with them. And the youngest daughter, Gwen, has tricked an American singer, Bobby Denver, into visiting them on the pretext that it is the home of a noted British film magnate. When all the women in the household --- including the maid --- fall for the singer's charms, Bentley consults a crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Schneider, who almost succeeds in ousting, not the singer, but Bentley's wife, with his advice to Bentley to make her jealous by living it up with Pearl, a showgirl recruited for the purpose.
Tony Bellario
An idol of auto-racing fans attempts a comeback after serving in the Air Force. When his former rival lies dying in the hospital he must decide whether to continue in the Grand Prix, or make peace with his adversary. Featuring race car greats Stirling Moss, Reg Parnell, John Cooper, Alan Brown, Geoffrey Taylor and Leslie Marr.
Police Inspector
A man hypnotizes a young woman into being an opera singer.
Dr. Weissbrod
A young employee of the British State Department falls in love with the daughter of a top Russian diplomat, much to the panic of their respective countries' officials, who suspect espionage. The cast includes David Knight, Odile Versois, Theodore Bikel and David Kossoff.
Cuando a Madeline, una americana que vive en Nápoles, la echan de su apartamento, Ciccio, un compositor de buen corazón, la aloja en su casa. Madeline tiene una aventura amorosa con un amigo de Ciccio, un guapo cantante que, aunque está a punto de casarse, se fuga con Madeline poco antes de la boda.
Harry Stevens
Sensuous and desirable, Carol Forrest has always attracted the attention of men. Expert in the art of manipulation and control she married an older man, loving only his vast wealth and continued to amuse herself with indiscreet affairs. But when neighbour Mark Kendrick lets slip that her husband intends cutting her out of his will Carol concentrates all her attentions on the unsuspecting Kendrick, obtaining his help to dispose of this irritating obstacle.
El guardabosques Bob Payton (Anthony Steel) rastrea una red de contrabando de marfil a través de algunos de los pasajes más traicioneros del territorio de Zanzíbar.
N.K.V.D. Man
Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un corresponsal americano en Moscú se casa con una bailarina de ballet. Posteriormente es expulsado del país y no tiene más remedio que abandonarla. Hará todo lo que esté en su mano para recuperarla.
La trama cuenta cómo un ex militar experto en explosivos es solicitado por la policía para desactivar una bomba colocada por un terrorista en un tren de municiones.
M. Blanc
A compulsive gambler stumbles towards losing everything when Merle Oberon decides to save him from himself.
El cabeza de una familia de músicos tiene una vida amorosa muy complicada.
Prestigiosa adaptación de una novela de Joseph Conrad sobre un aventurero desesperado que vive en una isla malaya, donde desarrolla una actividad criminal. Finalmente, será víctima de una auténtica cacería humana.
Nick, an American gambler, arrives in San Paolo and falls in love with Colleen, an American tourist, after she loses all of her money at the casino. Nick flees with Colleen after they are framed for murder and he tries to track down the real killer.
A divorced couple, living hand-to-mouth in Stockholm, must first pay their hotel bill before returning to England. To raise the necessary funds, they must pretend that they're still married.
Un norteamericano (Douglas Fairbanks Jr.) se da cuenta de que el monarca de un ignoto estado europeo ha sido reemplazado por un sosías.
Commissario Scaletti
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Dr. Matthieu
A blind Englishwoman weds a French nobleman and moves into his family's chateau, but she quickly realizes someone there wants her out of the way.
Algerian Detective
Life is not going well for the Huggetts. Father has lost his job. Jimmy and his wife cannot get to South Africa where he has a new job. So the family decide that they should go to South Africa by truck. With their travelling companion they travel across the desert which includes a brush with the law.
Spectacular account of the infamous Eureka Stockade, and the events leading up to it.
A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.
By pure chance, Jessie and his four jazz musicians are hired to play at the cabaret theatre “Trocadero”. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about music and it doesn’t help that all four musicians are in love with her. Jessie doesn’t reciprocate their feelings, because she has a thing for Martin. Unfortunately, Martin believes that Jessie stole his car … and so, right before the premiere at the cabaret, she ends up in jail.
Monk Mac Connell
Ellen Hobart is a gold-digging manicurist who sights her sights on David Stone, a wealthy young man. After they marry, Hobart is persuaded to accept $50,000 to give her husband up. She willingly goes along with this arrangement, only to realize she's genuinely in love with the boy when he falls dangerously ill. German-language version of the American pre-code film The Devil's Holiday.