Yayoi Watanabe

Yayoi Watanabe

Nacimiento : 1952-08-24, Tokyo, Japan


Yayoi Watanabe


The Okinawa War of Ten Years
After World War II, when Okinawa was under control of the United States, the local yakuza prospered. But when Okinawa is returned to Japan, the mainland yakuza tries to take over; the local yakuza tries to compete. Now sides are drawn among the local yakuza guys who used to be best friends since their childhood, and brother fights brother. It results in the biggest yakuza war in Okinawa.
The Runaway Season
The third movie in the "Boso" series.
Festival Champ
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
Karate Warriors
Sakata protects a little boy while coping with rival gangs.
Violent Panic: The Big Crash
Two bank robbers specialize in "smash and grab" style heists. The thieves dream of escaping Japan and going to Brazil...
Gambling Den Heist
After eight years in prison, Takeshi’s mission is a big heist from his own clan’s gambling parlor.
Wolf Guy
Taka Inugami
Akira Inugami is the only survivor of a clan of ancient werewolves who relies on his supernatural powers to solve mysterious crimes. After a series of bloody killings perpetrated by an unseen force, Inugami uncovers a conspiracy involving a murdered cabaret singer, corrupt politicians, and a plot by the J-CIA to harvest his blood in order to steal his lycanthropic powers! At the same time, Inugami also discovers the truth behind his family heritage, and that he may not be the last of his kind.
Convento de la sagrada bestia
Hisako Kitano
Después de la misteriosa muerte de su madre, una joven entra en un convento para averiguar lo que pasó. Tan pronto como la puerta se cierra, las monjas comienzan a torturarla. Además, tiene que hacer frente a un arzobispo que odia a Dios y una madre superiora lesbiana.
Female Prisoner Scorpion: #701's Grudge Song
Tras resultar herida de gravedad en un enfrentamiento con la policía, Matsu es acogida por un trabajador de un club de striptease llamado Kudo. Kudo había sido torturado fuertemente años atrás por los mismos policías que habían herido a Matsu, así que deciden formar equipo e ir contra ellos. Cuarta y última entrega de la saga Sasori protagonizada por Meiko Kaji.
Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable
Tras lograr fugarse de prisión, busca a su amiga Yuki para esconderse con ella un tiempo. En la huida mutilará a un policía, que pondrá todo su empeño en vengarse y acabar con Nami. Tercera entrega de la saga Sasori.
A True Story of the Private Ginza Police
Prostitute C
After a desperate gang of ex-soldiers and gamblers meet in a fistfight in occupied Ginza they decide to make the neighborhood their own.
The Bodyguard
Karate master and anti-drug vigilante Chiba returns to his home in Japan, where he holds a press conference announcing his intention to wipe out the nation's drug industry. He also offers his services as a bodyguard to anyone who is willing to come forward and provide information about the drug lords' activities. He is soon approached by a mysterious woman claiming to have important information and asking for Chiba's protection. She seems to be legitimate, but is she really what she appears to be?
A Woman’s Road
Poor Yoko knows she is getting played and used by a playboy, but she loves him with all her heart and soul.
Kôkôsei burai hikae: Tsuki no Muramasa
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike
El lujurioso shogun y sus 21 concubinas
A las puertas de la muerte, el Shogun nombra a su sucesor. No todo el mundo está de acuerdo con la elección, pues parece que solamente está interesado en recluirse en su cuarto para cultivar su mente. Como es impensable que un Shogun no conozca los secretos de las mujeres y los placeres que estos conllevan, un noble y una ladrona se alían para ocupar el trono con un doble hasta que el verdadero Shogun esté perfectamente instruido en el mundo del placer. Mientras tanto, el doble del Shogun, un simple sirviente de baño, se acostumbrará rápidamente en su nueva vida y se aprovechará de la situación.
A Narcotics Agent's Ballad
Undercover cop Kikuchi teams up with the Okinawa local police to clean up the narcotics and prostitution underworld.
Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion
Yukiko Kida
Nami Matsuhima es una mujer que se enamora completamente de Sumigi, un policía corrupto. Sugimi buscando ascender en su carrera, convence a Nami para que se infiltre en un clan yakuza que quiere detener. Tras lograr su objetivo, Sugimi se olvida de ella, que se siente traicionada e intenta asesinarle. Como consecuencia, Matsu acaba en la cárcel, donde sufrirá todo tipo de torturas y abusos por parte de los guardias y prisioneras, mientras trata de escaparse para poder completar su venganza. Primera entrega de la saga Sasori.
Woman His Prey
Wandering Ginza Butterfly
Nami, líder de una banda juvenil, mata a un ejectuvio miembro de una organización yakuza debido a un conflicto territorial y es enviada aprisión. Cuando sale de prisión tres años mas tarde, llega a un salon de billar, y a través de Ryuji, comienza a trabajar como anfitriona en Ginza, donde se hace muy popular.
Sex Up And Down
A con man sets up a consulting firm where he poses as a doctor specializing in curing people of their sexual problems and hang-ups.
Yakuza Wolf
A fearless man confronts a yakuza organization pushing the envelope of extravagant & all sorts of violence.
The Gambling Nun
A young woman, an experienced gambler, enters a nunnery to atone for some of her father's crimes. When the nunnery runs into debt, she resorts to gambling and challenges the racketeer threatening to sell the place to a game.
Wolves on Motorcycles
Hoodlum group helps fishermen against firm polluting their fishing ground.
The Sucker's Blunt Dagger
A man aspires to be a big boss but falls in love with a beautiful woman boss.
New Harenchi Gakuen College
Yagyu Juubei the 2nd
Former students of the notorious Harenchi Gakuen college open a new school for dissident youths after their former school is ruined by disputes.