Nina Ljeti

Nina Ljeti

Nacimiento : 1991-04-22, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Nina Ljeti is a Bosnian-Canadian musician, actress and filmmaker.


Nina Ljeti
Nina Ljeti
Nina Ljeti
Nina Ljeti


Patti Smith
Ambientada en 1969, trata sobre Ike Jerome, un estudiante que llega a Hollywood obsesionado con entrar en la industria del cine, introduciéndose de este modo en un mundo de sexo y drogas.
Divine Children
Set in a near-future, post-war America, Divine Children tells the story of Buzz, a teenage boy with a passion for Britney Spears who dreams of becoming an international popstar. When a tough gang of older kids dare Buzz to walk across an active minefield, Buzz agrees. If he makes it, he believes it will ensure his survival in the new world.
Divine Children
Set in a near-future, post-war America, Divine Children tells the story of Buzz, a teenage boy with a passion for Britney Spears who dreams of becoming an international popstar. When a tough gang of older kids dare Buzz to walk across an active minefield, Buzz agrees. If he makes it, he believes it will ensure his survival in the new world.
Rose Williams
Tom (Tennessee) Williams, an aspiring writer in his 20s, lives with and negligent father. Tom attempts to maintain peace in the family while also dealing with his depressed and anti-social sister. Struggling against the societal pressures and expectations of him, Tennessee is determined to hone in on his artistic talent and achieve greatness. Directed by James Franco, Tenn focuses on a young Tennessee Williams struggling to find his voice and at the same time his true self as a gay man in 1930's St. Louis.
The Institute
En el siglo XIX Baltimore, Isabel Porter, una chica afectada por el dolor de la muerte prematura de sus padres, se investiga voluntariamente en el Instituto Rosewood. Sometida a extraños y cada vez más violentos experimentos pseudocientíficos en la modificación de la personalidad, el lavado de cerebro y el control mental, debe escapar de las garras del palo de rosa y exigir su venganza, o bien perderla para siempre.
Blood Surf
A shy tattoo artist must infiltrate a notorious gang of surf witches to discover what happened to her missing brother.
Blood Surf
A shy tattoo artist must infiltrate a notorious gang of surf witches to discover what happened to her missing brother.
Ivan Cohen is a young boy living in Palo Alto, California. Unsatisfied by his slacker group of friends, his love for a girl who doesn't know he exists and a dysfunctional family life, he is struggling to find his place in the world. Based on the book Palo Alto by James Franco.
Ivan Cohen is a young boy living in Palo Alto, California. Unsatisfied by his slacker group of friends, his love for a girl who doesn't know he exists and a dysfunctional family life, he is struggling to find his place in the world. Based on the book Palo Alto by James Franco.
Child of God
1st victim
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Cormac McCarthy, que narra la historia de Lester Ballard (Scott Haze), un hombre violento que se va a vivir completamente solo a una cueva en las montañas de Tennessee.
Tar (El color del tiempo)
Adaptación basada en la colección de artículos del mismo nombre del ganador del premio Pulitzer, el poeta CK Williams. La película combina la adaptación de 11 de los poemas para crear un viaje poético a través de la vida de William CK, que recorre varias décadas de su vida, desde su tierna infancia, a la adolescencia en Detroit en los años 40, y la década posterior de madurez en los 80. Allí será donde CK y su esposa Catherine se casan y tienen a su hijo Jed, mientras él pasa sus noches tratando de escribir nuevos poemas, atormentado por los recuerdos de su pasado. Un viaje por la memoria recordando los momentos centrales de su vida, llegando a experimentar y entender tanto su relación con el amor y la pérdida, y cómo encontró su vocación como poeta a través de las mujeres de su vida, todo ello gracias a una lectura de su obra en Nueva York.
The Letter
Al mismo tiempo que intenta que su nueva obra salga adelante, una autora teatral (Winona Ryder) empieza a tener alucinaciones y a sufrir ataques de paranoia.
About Cherry
Cuenta la historia de una joven de 18 años que accede a la sugerencia de su novio de hacerse unas fotos por dinero. Con lo que gana por dicha sesión, decide marcharse junto a su mejor amigo a la ciudad de San Francisco, CA., allí conoce a un abogado interpretado por James Franco que le ofrece un mundo de glamour, fiestas, drogas, hasta llegar a introducirse en la industria del porno de la ciudad californiana.
Jeffrey is a short film that is based on Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer who murdered more than twenty young boys in the late 80's and early 90's. But this film explores a different side of the murderer. We get a glimpse into Jeffrey's lonely, mundane life, and the desperation he felt that lead him to committing his atrocious acts.
Jeffrey is a short film that is based on Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer who murdered more than twenty young boys in the late 80's and early 90's. But this film explores a different side of the murderer. We get a glimpse into Jeffrey's lonely, mundane life, and the desperation he felt that lead him to committing his atrocious acts.