Pino Mercanti

Nacimiento : 1911-02-16, Palermo, Italy

Muerte : 1986-09-03


The Underground
Italian gangster story with socio-politico themes about a Robin Hood-esque character.
The Underground
Italian gangster story with socio-politico themes about a Robin Hood-esque character.
The Underground
Italian gangster story with socio-politico themes about a Robin Hood-esque character.
Cifrado especial
Después de veinte años del accidente aéreo en el que su piloto logró soltar la carga, Kurt Miller será perseguido y presionado por dos organizaciones para localizar lo que creen es un importantísimo cargamento de plutonio.
Las malditas pistolas de Dallas
Clay Stone defends a lawless town from a gang of outlaws after s stagecoach robbery.
Gentlemen of the Night
Massimo vuelve a Venecia después de combatir durante varios años contra los turcos. Su amada Elena se ha casado con el tirano de la ciudad, pero se enamora de la bella Katarina. Después de que un amigo muera a manos de los esbirros del tirano, decide encabezar la rebelión de los ciudadanos.
Three Dollars of Lead
Rudy Wallace arrives home to take over the family ranch as his father was killed by cattle baron Morrison. Morrison wants no competition and instructs all other ranchers not to sell Rudy any cattle. A sheriff has followed Rudy to arrest him as an accomplice in a series of holdups but eventually finds out that Rudy is innocent and helps him defeat the crooked Morrison.
El duque Negro (César Borgia)
César Borgia pretende unificar toda Italia. Cuenta con su astucia y habilidad, pero también tiene grandes enemigos.
El último vikingo
Second Unit Director
El príncipe vikingo Harald regresa a su hogar tras una travesía en alta mar de diez años. Al llegar a su poblado se encuentra con que este ha sido destruido y su padre asesinado a manos del rey Sveno, quien ha dispersado al resto de las tribus vikingas. Harald entonces planea reunir a todos los vikingos para hacer causa común contra el monarca, infiltrándose él mismo en la corte de Sveno como embajador danés.
El caballero de los cien rostros
El caballero Massimo D'Arce, aborrecido por el anciano duque Ambrogio di Pallanza, se ve obligado por éste a vivir confinado en sus tierras, pero frecuenta secretamente los hijos del duque, Ciro de dieciséis años, y Bianca, doncella de veinte, de la cual está enamorado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ricordati di Napoli
Ambush on the Sea
I cinque dell'Adamello
The odyssey of 5 Alpine soldiers who died during the First World War because of an avalanche. Their bodies were found several years later.
I cinque dell'Adamello
The odyssey of 5 Alpine soldiers who died during the First World War because of an avalanche. Their bodies were found several years later.
Serenata amara
Mario and Fabrizio are two boxer friends who fall for the same girl and become enemies because of her. As time goes by things get better between the two men but... tragedy looms behind the corner.
The Outlaws
Turi, having returned to Sicily from abroad, learns that his sister Maruzza is the lover of Cosimo Barrese, a militant of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily, who, abandoned by everyone, has become a bandit. The two would like to get married, but life as an outlaw seems an insurmountable obstacle. Turi asks for revenge on the bandit who has dishonored the family and uses a shady and devious lawyer to drive him into a trap.
I cavalieri dalle maschere nere
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
I cavalieri dalle maschere nere
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
A film that is going to be viewed on Filmoteca
A film that is going to be viewed on Filmoteca
All'ombra della gloria