Soumendu Roy

Nacimiento : 1933-02-07,


Soumendu Roy is an Indian cinematographer most known for his work with noted director Satyajit Ray's films, starting with Teen Kanya, when Subrata Mitra developed an eye-problem, though he has earlier shot Ray's documentary Rabindranath Tagore and has been an assistant to Subrata in post Pather Panchali films.


Feluda: 50 Years of Ray's Detective
A documentary exploring the 50-year legacy of Bengali fictional detective Feluda, created by Satyajit Ray.
Nemai Ghosh: A Ray of Light
Self - DOP of Ray's films
Nemai Ghosh: A Ray of Light' is a moving story of how an ordinary man came to be associated with a giant of cinema-Satyajit Ray-and became the photo-chronicler of his creative and personal world.
Chotoder Chobi
Focusing on the predicaments of those born with genetic defect causing dwarfism, the film is the love story between Khoka and Soma.
Atmiyo Swajan
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
This powerful and realistic film is a study of poverty, illiteracy, natural calamities and the toll they take on the human soul. the story of a rural couple who're trying to survive on the road with many others like them, after their village was destroyed by a flood. the wife gives birth to a deformed baby, which is pronounced as a 'child of the devil' by the local pundit (Hindu priest), who forces them to abandon the child and exiles them from the community. the journey takes the couple towards a bizarre and heart-breaking conclusion
El mundo de Bimala
Director of Photography
Bimala recuerda los hechos que cambiaron su visión del mundo. Su marido, un terrateniente educado en Occidente, rico y culto, desafíando la tradición, decidió educarla y hacerla salir del ancestral aislamiento propio de las mujeres casadas de la época, para consternación de sus parientes más conservadores. Así, Bimala, que asistía a las reuniones de su marido con un amigo y líder de la rebelión contra los británicos, acabó adhiriéndose a la causa de la independencia.
Kann Sivanthaal Mann Sivakkum
Director of Photography
Kann Sivanthaal Mann Sivakkum is a 1983 Tamil film directed by debutant Sreedhar Rajan. Produced by R. Venkatraman, the film won the Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director at the 30th National Film Awards in 1983.
Director of Photography
Un intenso drama rural y un durísimo alegato contra la explotación basada en el sistema de castas que, irónicamente, financiaría la televisión nacional india, Doordarshan.
Kingdom of Diamonds
Director of Photography
Transcurridos diez años, los dos héroes se han casado con sendas princesas y cada uno ha tenido un hijo, pero sus vidas son mortalmente aburridas. Un día, reciben una invitación para visitar el Reino de los Diamantes, que está gobernado por un cruel tirano que desangra a sus súbditos con onerosos impuestos y los hace trabajar como esclavos en su mina de diamantes. Además, le ha encargado a un científico que fabrique una máquina capaz de lavar el cerebro de los habitantes del reino. Por su parte, el profesor Udayan trata de incitar a la gente a la rebelión contra el tirano; el rey reacciona cerrando las escuelas y ordena que la máquina "lavacerebros" empiece a funcionar.
El dios elefante
Director of Photography
El detective Feluda (Soumitra Chatterjee) suele pasar las vacaciones en la ciudad santa de Benares acompañado de su primo y un amigo. El robo de una imagen, de valor incalculable, de Lord Ganesh (el dios elefante) lo obliga a emprender una investigación. Feluda sospecha de Maganlal Meghraj (Utpal Dutt), un comerciante despiadado. Pero hay más sospechosos, como un artesano inocente brutalmente asesinado, un sombrío "hombre santo" y un niño (y su abuelo) al que le gusta la aventura, y que adora las películas de crimen y de suspense...
Los jugadores de ajedrez
Director of Photography
Ambientada en la India en 1856. Mientras se producen en la India los primeros levantamientos contra el Imperio Británico, se desarrolla una partida de ajedrez entre dos hombres de clase alta. Uno de los films más alabados de Satyajit Ray.
Nidhiram Sardar
Director of Photography
Suddenly a thief named "Nidhiram Sardar" totally changed the life of Kolkata police. He theft from the dishonest businessman and distributed them to the poor. Mr. Gangaram an importer-exporter also faced the same at Hotel Love Bird. The owner of the hotel Sitesh Pyne a whimsical, high profile criminal become very anxious about the incident. On the other side Jamini, a young, smart girl is the only earning member of a middle class family suddenly faces some problem. Some unknown antisocial follows her regularly. In such a situation, she asks for help from Ram Prasad Singha. Ram Prasad who is a reputed singer as well as a bold man with his own values tries to reveal the problem. He puts his every effort and solves the case with the help of his relative Mallik and old friend Sanjay.
The Middleman
Director of Photography
A bright and idealistic young graduate steels himself for a dog-eat-dog world, only to flounder in a job market packed with thousands of other hopefuls. When he eventually decides to start his own business as a middle-man, he discovers that the world of business does not live up to his lofty ideals.
Director of Photography
A documentary about the aging prima ballerina Balasaraswati (popularly known as "Bala"), the most famous exponent of the Bharatanatyam dance.
La fortaleza dorada
Director of Photography
Un parapsicólogo descubre que los dibujos del niño Mukul representan escenas de una vida anterior: muestran los hechos ocurridos en una fortaleza, donde el padre del niño había trabajado como tallador de piedras preciosas. Decide, entonces, viajar con el niño por diversos lugares de Rajastan, con la esperanza de encontrar la fortaleza. Unos bandidos que se enteran del extraño caso a través de los periódicos, secuestran al niño. Entonces el detective Feluda y su ayudante Tapesh serán contratados para rescatarlo.
Un trueno lejano
Director of Photography
Gangacharan es el nuevo brahmán de una aldea, donde asume diversos deberes: enseñar, organizar eventos religiosos y tratar de prevenir epidemias. Pero en ese año 1943, la guerra está furiosa (como lo recuerdan los aviones que ocasionalmente se escuchan volando sobre el campo), y una gran hambruna está en marcha. A medida que la escasez de alimentos alcanza proporciones catastróficas, Gangacharan intenta preservar su situación privilegiada, mientras su generosa esposa, Ananga, por el contrario, trata de ayudar y apoyar a la comunidad.
Company Limited
Director of Photography
The chronicles of Shyamalendu Chatterjee, an ambitious and self-made young man, as he rises his way up the corporate ladder.
Director of Photography
Satyajit Ray's poetic documentary was commissioned by the Chogyal (King) of Sikkim at a time when he felt the sovereignty of Sikkim was under threat from both China and India. Ray's documentary is about the sovereignty of Sikkim. The film was banned by the government of India when Sikkim merged with India in 1975. The ban was finally lifted by the Ministry of External Affairs in September 2010.
Director of Photography
A Middle Aged Woman named Sheba comes to an Obscure town named Nijhumgarh to be the Governess of a Renowned Household called "Raykuthi". But little did she know about the Bungalow and the dwellers. She gets startled to know that two murders took place there nearly seven years earlier. The Mist of the mysterious happenings get only thicker. Now Sheba could only pray for it to Go Away as incidents transcend the rules of our physical world.
The Adversary
Director of Photography
Siddhartho Chowdhury, a brilliant medical student, is forced to leave his studies after his father's sudden demise. He is forced to navigate the high unemployment rate and the communist socio-political climate of 1960s Calcutta in search of a job.
Días y noches en el bosque
Director of Photography
Cuatro amigos, que viven en Calcuta, hacen una excursión en coche en dirección a los bosques de Palmau. Llegados a una aldea, buscan alojamiento en un albergue y, como no han hecho reserva, para ser admitidos tienen que sobornar al vigilante, que se arriesga a perder su trabajo, pero necesita el dinero, pues su esposa está enferma. Los jóvenes, muy seguros de sí mismos, muestran muy poco respeto por los aldeanos. El líder del grupo es Ashim (Soumitra Chatterjee), el más rico de todos. Sanjoy (Subhendu Chatterjee) es un joven tímido. Hari (Samit Bhanja) es un deportista que trata de olvidar a una chica que acaba de rechazarlo. Shekhar (Robi Ghosh) es el más gracioso y seguro de sí mismo.
The Switch (Baksa Badal)
Director of Photography
A hilarious romantic-comedy where two people have their luggage exchanged during a train journey. One of them (Soumitra Chatterjee) is a psychiatrist, and he develops a keen interest in knowing the other party (Aparna Sen). His experience as a psychiatrist helps him to understand the happy-go-lucky and pampered Aparna Sen and woo her love.
Las aventuras de Goopy y Bagha
Director of Photography
Dos chicos aspiran, cada uno por su lado, a ser artistas: Goopy desea ser cantante y Bagha quiere tocar el tambor dhol. Ambos se conocen en la jungla, cuando el rey del pueblo los expulsa. Vagando por la jungla encuentran al rey de los fantasmas, que les concede tres favores: poder conseguir siempre comida, tener libertad para ir a cualquier parte y la posibilidad de convertirse en músicos expertos capaces de hechizar a todo el mundo. Cuando los chicos oyen hablar de un concurso de música en el reino de Shundi, se dirigen allí para probar sus poderes.
The Zoo
Director of Photography
La acción transcurre en una colonia a las afueras de Calcuta, creada para ayudar a los parias por un juez jubilado, que es también director de la colonia. El director entra en contacto con Byomkesh, un detective, para pedirle que lleve una investigación. Pero poco después asesinan al director, y seguidamente es también asesinado un testigo sordomudo... .
Badrinath Yatra
Director of Photography
Due to her son's, Devdutt's arrest, Satyavati is unable to take the Badrinath Yatra. Subsequently, he starts to frequent a brothel to visit with a courtesan, Chandravati, and virtually refuses to do anything with his pregnant wife, Sheila. He even drinks alcohol, and assaults his father, Jaggannath, and brother, Sridhar. Things get even worse when he blinds his mother, lets Chandravati and her entourage move in their family home, and asks Sheila to serve the courtesan.
Director of Photography
This short film shows an encounter, through a series of games, between a street child from the shantytowns and a child of a rich family, stationed at his window. The film has no dialogue and the action moves through the attempts at one-upmanship evident in their successive display of their toys. Their rivalry (a kite shot down by a toy rifle, for example) concludes with the opposition between the world of noise (the toys inside the house) and that of music (the street child's flute).
The Coward
Director of Photography
Amitabha Roy is a Calcutta-based scriptwriter, driving around in the country to collect material for a film. His vehicle breaks down in a small town. A tea planter, Bimal Gupta, offers hospitality for the night. Amitabha is forced to accept the offer as he has no alternative.
El santo (Mahapurush)
Director of Photography
La llegada de un Hombre Santo y su ayudante a la casa de una familia adinerada pondrá de manifiesto los fanatismos religiosos de la sociedad local, pero también suscitará en algunos la sospecha de que el venerado personaje no sea más que un impostor. Emitida en cines en programa doble junto a Kapurush (El Cobarde).
Director of Photography
A wealthy man is struck by wanderlust that always takes him to new places where he mingles with the lives of different people.
Director of Photography
Un taxista tiene que afrontar grandes dificultades para vivir de su trabajo en las zonas rurales de Bengala.
Teen Kanya
Director of Photography
Adaptación de dos relatos de Rabindranath Tagore sobre la emancipación de las mujeres indias: Nanda es un joven que deja Calcuta para trabajar en una oficina de Correos en un pueblo remoto y asolado por la malaria. De cuidarlo se ocupa Ratan, una muchacha huérfana. El único consuelo de Nanda en un lugar tan aislado consiste en enseñar a Ratan a leer y escribir. Después de terminar sus estudios, Amulya vuelve a su pueblo. Su madre viuda desea que se case y ya ha elegido candidata. Amulya rechaza la propuesta de su madre, pero, viéndose obligado a casarse, lo hace con una chica poco femenina que no está preparada para renunciar a su libertad.
Rabindranath Tagore
Director of Photography
Docudrama about the life of Rabindranath Tagore, Indian polymath—poet, writer, playwright, composer, philosopher, social reformer and painter, who reshaped Bengali literature and music as well as Indian art, becoming in 1913 the first non-European and the first lyricist to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. The film was released during Tagore's birth centenary year.