Christopher Bessette


Tráfico de inocentes
Es una película inspirada en hechos reales, enfocada en cómo cualquier persona, puede ayudar a combatir la trata de niños y niñas. Protagonizada Mira Sorvino, y Dermot Mulroney ,nos relata la historia de una pareja que después de perder a su hija de 7 años, van al sur de Asia a unirse a la lucha contra el trafico internacional de niños con fines de explotación sexual.. ..
Tráfico de inocentes
Es una película inspirada en hechos reales, enfocada en cómo cualquier persona, puede ayudar a combatir la trata de niños y niñas. Protagonizada Mira Sorvino, y Dermot Mulroney ,nos relata la historia de una pareja que después de perder a su hija de 7 años, van al sur de Asia a unirse a la lucha contra el trafico internacional de niños con fines de explotación sexual.. ..
Yai Wanonabalewa: The Enemy God
Here in the Amazon jungle, where the spirit world and the natural world merge, Shake has reached the highest honor a Yanomamö shaman can attain. Shake has possession of many spirits, but the Spirit most feared by all Yanomamö, is one they call Yai Wanonabälewä – The Enemy God. Shake is a powerful shaman of the Yanomamo people. His desire is to use his power to heal and protect. Tracing his life and the life of his community over 40 years of their history, Shake tells how he and his people grapple with new ideas from the outside world and the challenging decisions they make to maintain their identity and survive as a people.
Yai Wanonabalewa: The Enemy God
Here in the Amazon jungle, where the spirit world and the natural world merge, Shake has reached the highest honor a Yanomamö shaman can attain. Shake has possession of many spirits, but the Spirit most feared by all Yanomamö, is one they call Yai Wanonabälewä – The Enemy God. Shake is a powerful shaman of the Yanomamo people. His desire is to use his power to heal and protect. Tracing his life and the life of his community over 40 years of their history, Shake tells how he and his people grapple with new ideas from the outside world and the challenging decisions they make to maintain their identity and survive as a people.