Actor in "Hearts of Oak" (uncredited)
Una joven que aspira a convertirse en actriz y triunfar en los escenarios se las ingenia para introducirse en un grupo de actores de teatro y hacerse amiga y confidente de una famosa y veterana actriz. El deseo de actuar y los celos la consumen hasta el punto de traicionar a sus compañeros en su escalada hacia el éxito. Ella halaga, atrae, seduce, pero también pisotea a todo el que se cruza en su camino: escritores, directores, productores. Sólo un inteligente crítico teatral adivina lo que se esconde tras su dulce apariencia, sólo él es capaz de ver a Eva al desnudo.
Bide Murphy
In this domestic comedy, a social climbing wife inadvertently creates trouble when she insists that her husband invite a renowned financier, who is new in town, to their house for dinner. Her husband doesn't know the man, and is too intimidated to ask him; instead, he hires an actor to play him.
Wayne Trenton
El juez Hardy va en viaje de negocios a Washington, donde Andy no tarda en enamorarse de la hija del embajador francés.
Nightclub Patron
In this musical set in swingin' Manhattan, an heiress plans a ballet in the famous Moonbeam ballroom located atop a 100-story skyscraper. Unfortunately, the attending audience is quite bored until someone starts the place swinging. Musical numbers include: "Blame It on the Rhumba," "Where Are You?" "Jamboree," "Top of the Town," "I Feel That Foolish Feeling Coming On," "There's No Two Ways About It," "Fireman Save My Child"