Kyle Schember


Regreso al espacio
Elon Musk y el equipo de SpaceX tienen una misión: llevar a varios astronautas de la NASA hasta la Estación Espacial Internacional y revolucionar los viajes espaciales.
Mother's Little Helpers
Executive Producer
When Joy Pride, a groovy 70s burn-out on the caboose of the flower power movement learns she has weeks to live, her estranged children come together to do right by a mother who always did them wrong. It's based on the premise that no matter who dies, we always find a way to make it all about us.
El mundo de Roger Corman
Supervising Sound Editor
Una crónica de la larga carrera del cineasta estadounidense Roger Corman, el más tenaz e ingenioso productor y director de bajo presupuesto de la industria cinematográfica de los Estados Unidos, pionero del cine independiente y descubridor de nuevos talentos.
Photographer Greg Friedler brings together 173 naked persons to photograph for his final book in his critically acclaimed "Naked" series in Las Vegas.
Closing Time: Storia di un negozio
Sound Designer
The last month of the oldest store in the Little Italy section of New York City. It is a portrait of the Rossi family, of the neighborhood that used to be, and of the way the city changes in a blink of an eye. The tiny store contains small treasures belonging to a part of Italy that does not exist anymore - not even in Italy.