Costume Design
En un futuro próximo donde las emociones se han convertido en una amenaza, Gabrielle finalmente decide purificar su ADN en una máquina que la sumergirá en sus vidas anteriores y la liberará de todos los sentimientos.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Tras un difícil viaje a través de Europa, Aleksei llega a París para alistarse en la Legión Extranjera francesa, un cuerpo militar muy selectivo que permite conceder el pasaporte francés a cualquier extranjero, incluso indocumentado. En el delta del Níger, Jomo lucha contra las compañías petroleras que amenazan la supervivencia de su aldea. Mientras tanto, su hermana Udoka sueña con escapar, sabiendo que allí todo está perdido.
Costume Design
The moment a teenage girl begins to “spread her wings” coincides with a global health crisis. Locked indoors, she experiences life in a state of limbo. In between reveries and video chats with her friends, she follows an influencer named Patricia Coma. A device she buys from her, called a “revelator”, leads her to question how much free will she actually has.
Costume Designer
En un futuro lejano, en un planeta salvaje, la solitaria adolescente Roxy libera a una criminal que estaba enterrada en la arena. Una vez libre, la mujer vuelve a sembrar el terror y la muerte. Roxy y su madre, Zora, son consideradas responsables, se les exilia de su comunidad y se les condena a localizar a la asesina. Así, comienzan a vagabundear por los territorios fantásticos y fantasmales de su sucio paraíso.
Costume Designer
Dead city. Foggy night. A saxophone is playing. Lust is lurking.
Costume Designer
We see a succession of scattered glam images: beat-up figures on lucid papers and dreamlike landscapes, until the (apelike) apparition of a model and her photographer. Together, they will play martyr and demiurge. They will attempt to achieve grace in a world of moving surfaces.
We see a succession of scattered glam images: beat-up figures on lucid papers and dreamlike landscapes, until the (apelike) apparition of a model and her photographer. Together, they will play martyr and demiurge. They will attempt to achieve grace in a world of moving surfaces.
Costume Design
Two policemen interrupt a secret ceremony: a woman being disembowelled at the bottom of a garden to let out her inner beauty. This situation is presented in a variety of ways and all possibilities are explored.
Costume Designer
Summer, 1988 in Corsica. Vanina, fourteen years old, paints the town red with her cousin and sixteen-year-old sister. The teenagers slip out of the house on the quiet to go and dance and meet up with boys in the only nearby disco.
Costume Design
A heroic-fantasy musical.
Costume Designer
Haití, 1962. Un hombre vuelve de entre los muertos para trabajar en las infernales plantaciones de azúcar. 55 años después, una joven haitiana le dice a sus amigas su secreto familiar, sin saber que esto llevará a una de ellas a cometer una atrocidad.
Costume Design
During his acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award, Nicolas Chauvin – a farmer-soldier, a veteran of the Revolutionary Army and the Napoleonic Wars, “father” of the chauvinism that bears his name – embarks on a monologue and recounts his life story. At the bend of a road, a spectral encounter shocks his (non-)existence.
Fille au bar
During his acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award, Nicolas Chauvin – a farmer-soldier, a veteran of the Revolutionary Army and the Napoleonic Wars, “father” of the chauvinism that bears his name – embarks on a monologue and recounts his life story. At the bend of a road, a spectral encounter shocks his (non-)existence.
Costume Design
Paris, verano de 1979. Anne, una productora de películas porno gay baratas, es una mujer violenta, víctima del alcohol y de sus propios demonios. Cuando Loïs, su editora y pareja, la abandona tras años de relación, Anne queda destrozada. Desesperada y decidida a reconquistarla, hace una película mucho más ambiciosa. Pero un asesino misterioso enmascarado merodea en su entorno y esto alterará su vida.
Costume Design
An abandoned seaside resort. The shooting for a fantasy film about the end of an era wraps up. Two women, both members of the film crew, one an actrice, the other a director, Apocalypse and Joy, are on the verge of concluding their love affair.
An abandoned seaside resort. The shooting for a fantasy film about the end of an era wraps up. Two women, both members of the film crew, one an actrice, the other a director, Apocalypse and Joy, are on the verge of concluding their love affair.
Roger es el compañero de un militar que está en misión en Djibouti. Roger se ha quedado solo en la base de Fort Buchanan y es víctima de la violencia de su hija adoptiva, Roxy. Roger va a pedir consejo y consuelo a sus amigas y buscará una nueva confianza junto a su entrenador deportivo.
Un biopic sobre el famoso diseñador, centrado en el periodo 1965-1976 protagonizado por Gaspard Ulliel ('Largo domingo de noviazgo', 'Fugitivos') como Yves Saint-Laurent y Léa Seydoux ('El gran hotel Budapest', 'La vida de Adèle') como Loulou de la Falaise.
Nouk and Samuel love each other, but they are young and possessive and awkward. One day, Nouk abruptly loses Samuel, who finds himself in limbo.
The French Trilogy showcases a series of 62 photographs taken by Philippe Terrier-Hermann with 25 actors in 6 French regions echoing his previous project, The American Tetralogy. Questioning the relationship between cinema, landscapes and representations, this project features a song by Edward Barrow and was visible in public space in France during the summer of 2013, through a distribution system borrowing from advertising strategies.
When Roger's husband deploys to Djibouti, he's left alone at Fort Buchanan with his temperamental daughter Roxy. Her violent outbursts drive him to seek comfort in friends and self-confidence through boxing lessons with a personal trainer.
París, principios del siglo XIX. Está ambientada en un lupanar, en el que un hombre desfigura el rostro de una prostituta. La cicatriz resultante dibuja en su cara una sonrisa trágica que la marcará de por vida.
Violetta es una niña de 10 años que vive con su abuela en un pequeño apartamento. Hannah, su madre, es una fotógrafa impredecible que vive con Ernst, mecenas y renombrado pintor. Un día, Hannah fuerza a Violetta a posar como modelo. La fama de esas fotos crece rápidamente en la comunidad artística parisina de los 70 y Violetta entra en el juego. Entre su ascenso como estrella provocativa y su aburrida existencia como niña precoz, su cuento de hadas se convertirá finalmente en un infierno.