

Nacimiento : 1962-09-28, Los Altos, Jalisco, Mexico


He is a Mexican wrestler whose real name is unknown, as he fights masked. Known by the nicknames The Idol of the Children; The Prince of Atlantis, Atlantis Badness, The Idol of the Rude Children, The Ogre of the Children, Atlantis Legend, Atlantis the King. His son is the masked wrestler Atlantis Jr., and his brother the masked wrestler Atlántico. His teacher was Diablo Velazco. His debut was June 12, 1983 - Pista Arena Revolución in Mexico City; appears to have wrestled outside of Mexico City as early as September 1982. He is 5'8"/177 cms, and weighs 202 lbs/92 kg. He has defended his mask in wager matches 18 times, unmasking Mano Negra, Kung Fu, Ultimo Guerrero and Villano III, among others. After being a career técnico (babyface), Atlantis was changed to a rudo (heel) in 2005. It did not appear to be his idea or even the promotion's idea, but the fans forcing a change. CMLL had been building up Atlantis, including weekly Seccion Azul features trumpeting his work with kids or focusing an award being given to Atlantis, to push him as the ultimate good guy. The build was the setup for a Dr. Wagner Jr./Atlantis mask match, the culmination of a long rivalry. Unexpectedly to the promotion, once the fans realized the long teased mask match would actually happen, they turned on Atlantis and threw their support vocally behind Dr. Wagner Jr. Wagner had turned tecnico in 2004 when the crowds adopted him as a new hero following the death of his father. The Doc was riding the wave of new tecnico support at the time, while Atlantis was the same unchanged man he'd been for years and had slowed down as a worker.




CMLL 89 Aniversario
CMLL is celebrating their 89th anniversary with a superstar spectacular on Friday, September 16 featuring mask versus mask competitions, the Independence Cup final, a trios title fight, and more.
Atlantis al Rescate
Octagon y Atlantis, la revancha
La policía solicita los servicios de los luchadores Octagón y Atlantis para capturar una banda de traficantes de armas. El jefe de esa banda hace que sus hombres usen un medallón para identificarse, pero que en realidad son bombas con las que los elimina a control remoto cuando son capturados. Eso dificulta las investigaciones de los luchadores, pero descubren que una periodista es cómplice de la banda y que le pasa información. Luego Octagón finge descuidarse para que la banda lo ataque, pero Atlantis está listo para capturar a los delincuentes y consigue datos de un embarque de contrabando. Octagón se enfrenta al jefe, lo elimina y le quita una reliquia que había hurtado a su padre. Después Octagón y Atlantis vencen en una lucha de campeonato a dos poderosos rivales.
La verdad de la lucha