Basile Belkhiri


Too Close to the Sun
When he leaves hospital, 30-something Basil moves in with his younger sister and closest confidant, Sarah. Living with a psychiatric disorder, Basil tries his best to re-establish a sense of normality in both his work and his love life. But, whilst hiding his illness from his new relatives, how long can he maintain this fragile stability?
Dernier soleil
Somewhere in the north-east of France, Eric, a penniless man who lives in his car, rejects his son Esteban, 10 years old, autistic and living under the care of his uncle. Because of another carelessness of his father, Esteban is kidnapped by two gangsters. Eric, devastated, is determined to do what's necessary in order to raise the ransom. He plunges into the city's ghetto in hopes of saving his son.
Joan of Arc
Dumont's sequel to Jeannette picks up where the previous film left off, with Jeanne's military victories, her capture, trial, and ultimate execution.
Golden Youth
París, Francia, 1979. Rose, una rebelde huérfana adolescente, y Michel, un joven aspirante a pintor, disfrutan de su loco amor bajo las luces de neón del decadente club nocturno Le Palace, donde establecen una ambigua relación con Lucille y Hubert, dos burgueses bohemios que cambiarán sus vidas.
Moon Hotel Kabul
Ivan Semciuc (a journalist), is a charismatic man nonetheless guilty of cynicism and lack of compassion. A seemingly meaningless sexual encounter with a translator in a hotel room in Kabul produces a vital revolution in Ivan’s unshakeable lifestyle. After Ivan’s arrival back to Bucharest, Ioana is found dead, with her wrists cut. Ivan starts living in the absent presence of Ioana, who is starting to be more vivid in death than in life.
Coincoin y los extrahumanos
Quinquin ha crecido. Ahora se llama Coincoin y se mueve por la Costa de Ópalo, donde va a reuniones de Bloc con su amigo "le Gros". Su amada Eve le ha abandonado por Corinne. Mientras tanto, el comandante Van der Weyden y el leal Carpentier exploran la zona rural donde los inmigrantes deambulan y cae magma del cielo sobre la gente con conductas extrañas. Los ciudadanos se van dividiendo en dos grupos y nuestros dos héroes investigan lo que parecen fenómenos "inhumanos". Entonces, la invasión extraterrestre comienza.
Jeannette, la infancia de Juana de Arco
La historia esá ambientada en la Francia de 1425, momento en el que Jeannette (Lise Leplat Prudhomme) es solo una niña de ocho años que aún no se ha convertido en la famosa Juana de Arco, pero que ya desea echar a los británicos del Reino de Francia, el que es su hogar.
Southern Belle
El realizador y actor Nicolas Peduzzi graba el día a día de una bella joven que hereda una fortuna tras la violenta muerte de su padre. Los traumas familiares, las drogas y la amistad son algunos de los anclajes de esta cinta.
La alta sociedad
Verano de 1910. Varios turistas han desaparecido mientras descansaban en las hermosas playas de la costa. Los inspectores Machin y Malfon pronto deducen que el centro de las misteriosas desapariciones debe ser la bahía Slack, un lugar donde el río Slack y el mar se unen cuando hay marea alta. En ese lugar vive una pequeña comunidad de pescadores y granjeros de ostras.
GHB: To Be or Not to Be
A reflection on love and pleasure experienced by three women, set in France, New York, and Shanghai.
Camille Claudel, 1915
En 1915, en un asilo de enfermos mentales del sur de Francia, Camille Claudel ha sido internada por su familia, no volverá a esculpir y espera la visita de su hermano Paul. Interpretada por Juliette Binoche, la actriz rodó a las órdenes de Dumont en un manicomio real rodeada de auténticos pacientes con discapacidad mental.
Outside Satan
Assistant Editor
A orillas del Canal de la Mancha, sobre la Costa de Ópalo, cerca de una aldea, de su río y de sus marismas, vive un chico extraño que sobrevive, practica la pesca, reza y hace fuegos. Una chica de una granja se ocupa de él y le alimenta. Pasan tiempo juntos en los vastos paisajes de dunas y bosques, se recogen misteriosamente a orillas de los estanques, allí donde ronda el diablo...
Would You Have Sex With an Arab?
It's a question that surprises most people: “Would you have sex with an Arab?” Film-maker Yolande Zauberman doesn't just ask anyone this question, she asks people in the clubs and bars and streets of Tel Aviv. 20% of Israelis are of Arab origin, but for some the question is still incomprehensible, for others long since reality and yet others a political issue. One thing it is never is immaterial. The film manages to break down the Middle East conflict into individuals and to show what enormous influence it has, even into the most intimate of spheres.
Toute l'Algérie du monde
The largest country in the Arab world and a producer of hydrocarbons, Algeria has everything it needs to weigh on the international scene. But Africa's second military power seems undermined by its internal problems. While the Bouteflika regime has fallen and the popular “hirak” movement has shown that the people are ready to enter a more democratic era, the country appears as a colossus with feet of clay, which has failed enhance their independence. How did this isolation come about? From the “dark decade” of terrorism to the fall of Bouteflika, via 9/11 or the Arab revolutions, this documentary sheds light on Algerian foreign policy in recent decades, while deciphering the strategy of Western powers towards it.