Atli Geir Grétarsson


Perdidos en el Ártico
Production Design
Basada en hechos reales. 1909. La expedición danesa Alabama, liderada por el Capitán Ejnar Mikkelsen (Coster-Waldau) emprende una misión para demostrar que Groenlandia no está dividida en dos trozos de tierra y refutar el reclamo de Estados Unidos sobre el territorio. Dejando atrás a su tripulación, le acompañará en el viaje, que llegarán a realizar incluso a pie por el hielo, el inexperto Iver Iversen (Joe Cole).
Production Design
En el Ártico, la temperatura puede bajar hasta -70° C. En este desierto helado y hostil alejado de todo, un hombre lucha por sobrevivir. A su alrededor, la inmensidad blanca, y los restos de un avión que le ha servido de refugio, vestigio de un accidente ya muy lejano. Con el tiempo, ha aprendido a luchar contra el frío y las tormentas, a cuidarse de los osos polares y a buscar comida.
Medidas extremas
Production Design
Un hombre está dispuesto a todo con tal de sacar a su hija del mundo de las drogas y los hurtos, ignorando que el peligro se puede encontrar en lugares totalmente inesperados.
The Grandad
Production Design
Gudjón has led a safe life. Suddenly faced with retirement and growing older, he is forced to take a good, hard look at his marriage. A dramatic but often lighthearted story about life at a crossroads and the meaning of it all.
Art Direction
Superproducción épica sobre la figura bíblica de Noé. En un mundo destruido por la perversión de los hombres, un humilde carpintero llamado Noé recibe una importante misión que será trascendental para la evolución y el desarrollo de la raza humana. Dios, cansado del corrupto y depravado comportamiento de los seres humanos a los que él mismo dio vida, advierte a Noé de un necesario e inminente diluvio universal que depure y libere a la tierra de la acción humana. Noé tendrá que construir un arca gigante para salvar a su familia, donde deberá reunir a una pareja de cada especie animal para preservar su conservación y crecimiento tras el apocalíptico diluvio que acabará con la humanidad y su fatídica conducta. El arca evitará que los seres que estén dentro mueran ahogados y los mantendrá con vida para una posterior reconstrucción del universo.
The Deep
Set Designer
Based on an astonishing true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984, The Deep fashions a modern-day everyman myth about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero.
White Night Wedding
Production Design
Jon, a middle-aged professor is going to get married tomorrow, for the second time, to one of his ex-students half his age. But it's not all roses. First, there's his cranky mother-in-law-to-be who violently opposes the marriage and who demands repayment of Jon's loan before the wedding night. Second, his plans to build a golf course on the little island of Flatey where they live aren't going at all to plan. Third, his extremely drunk best man is on the loose without any shoes and lastly, the continual presence of his emotional first wife is haunting his every move. When the guests start flocking to the island, Jon starts getting cold feet. After a very long night of drinking and thinking, will Jon be able to make it to the church on time?
Set Designer
A tale of crime in the Kolaport
Prop Designer
A tale of crime in the Kolaport
Hinir ómótstæðilegu
Comedy, philosophy, gunfights, music, and chases.
Hinir ómótstæðilegu
Comedy, philosophy, gunfights, music, and chases.
Broken Glass
Maria is somewhat of a rebel and problem child. Her mother died and her father remarried some awful lady, and Maria isn't happy at all. She takes a drug overdose and winds up in a home for other girls with problems, but the two women who run the place turn out to be not quite the ladies they seemed. Maria knows she can't stay there very long, and starts planning her escape.