Lars Jönsson


Which human skills are we trying to learn the forthcoming generations? Childhood is observing 6-year-olds in a pre-school in Nesodden outside Oslo in the Direkt Cinema-tradition, made to debate when children are put into a school situation.
Up in the Sky
Pottan is going to a riding camp, but ends up at a recycling center where she is taken care of by the strange staff. One day Pottan finds out that the staff are building a space rocket.
Disa's husband has found himself a new love and a new future, while Disa has found herself in an unsatisfactory life. But one day a chatty father with seven children appearance, an uncommunicative patient at Disa's hostipal has begun to open up, and a new martial arts teacher has begun teaching in this small town in Dalarna.
We Are the Best!
Tres chicas de entre 12 y 13 años de edad deciden formar un grupo de punk en el Estocolmo de 1982.
Stora Scenen
The artist Tova Mozard places herself, her mother and grandmother on the Royal Dramatic Theatre's main stage. In a therapy similar staging stories accidentally and unavoidably passes between generations, between mother and daughter.
Película ambientada en varios escenarios internacionales: Estados Unidos, Tailandia y Filipinas. Leo es un hombre que ha alcanzado el éxito en la industria de los videojuegos. Y Ellen, su mujer, trabaja como médico. Ambos viven en Nueva York con su hija pequeña, que, debido a que sus padres están absortos en sus respectivos trabajos, pasa la mayor parte del tiempo con una nanny llamada Gloria, asunto que preocupa en gran medida a Ellen, temerosa de perder el cariño de la pequeña. Un día, y debido a un asunto de negocios, Leo deberá realizar un viaje al extranjero, y a partir de ese momento tendrá lugar un cúmulo de hechos que afectarán de forma profunda a su vida familiar.
Micka is a cool and independent single woman who lives for her media career. Until one day when she falls in love with her not so trendy neighbour.
Falkenberg Farewell
Executive Producer
The last summer the five boys are together in Falkenberg. They are now grown up to be young men, on their way out into the world. At least most of them.
Poetic, experimental and different, Container is described by Lukas Moodysson as "a black and white silent movie with sound" and with the following words; "A woman in a man's body. A man in a woman's body. Jesus in Mary's stomach. The water breaks. It floods into me. I can't close the lid. My heart is full."
A Hole in My Heart
In a decript apartment, a young man watches as his father and a friend shoot an amateur porn film. Issues of morality, reality TV and friendship are explored.
Mia returns from Stockholm to her parents' home in a small town in Dalecarlia (Dalarna) to celebrate her father's 70th birthday. Her elder sisters Eivor and Gunilla welcome her, but their different lifestyles prevent them from really communicating. The tension builds, and the party that should be a celebration turns out to be a turning point for the family and their friends
Co-Executive Producer
Grace llega a la remota localidad de Dogville huyendo de una banda de «gangsters». Persuadidos por las palabras de Tom, que se ha erigido en portavoz de la pequeña comunidad, sus integrantes se avienen a ocultarla. Grace, en justa correspondencia, acepta trabajar para ellos. Sin embargo, cuando Dogville sea sometido a una intensa vigilancia policial para dar con la fugitiva, sus habitantes exigirán un acuerdo más favorable, que les compense del peligro que corren al darle cobijo. Grace aprenderá, de un modo brutal, que en este lugar la bondad es algo muy relativo. Pero ella guarda un secreto que no quiere desvelar.
Sweet Dreams
Executive Producer
Skagerrak is the story of being hit by happiness when you least expect it. In their late twenties and tired of partying their way around the world, Danish Marie and Irish Sophie come ashore in Northern Scotland. After another drunken night they are soon parted from all their accumulated cash. Out of money and out of luck ambitious Sophie pressures Marie into accepting a lucrative job as surrogate mother. Months on, Marie finds herself alone, life having taken a dramatic turn. Heavily pregnant, and wanting to terminate her pregnancy, she's on the run from the future parents, searching for Sophie's old flame, Ken. In a case of mistaken identity, Marie ends up in hiding with three strange men in a seedy Glasgow garage. But then happiness strikes again.
Executive Producer
Un grupo de policías se aburre mortalmente en una comisaría local; el problema es que como en los últimos diez años no se ha cometido un verdadero crimen en la zona, las autoridades competentes están a punto de cerrar la comisaria. Dadas las circunstancias, tendrán que pensar algo para salvar su puesto de trabajo.
Lilja forever (Lilja 4-ever)
A sus 16 años Lilja es una joven rusa que ha sido abandonada por su madre y lleva una vida miserable en una ciudad pobre de la decadente ex-Unión Soviética. Su única vía para poder escapar del hambre y de la pobreza más extrema es prostituyendo su cuerpo esporádicamente. Entre toda esa desdicha su único amigo es Volodja, un niño de 11 años adicto al pegamento, ambos intentan escapar de la realidad soñando con una vida mejor. Un día parece que esa vida soñada por fin se pone al alcance de Lilja cuando conoce a Andrei, del cual se enamora y éste le propone que se marche con él a Suecia y empiece una nueva vida.
Bear's Kiss
A fairy tale-like love story between young circus artist Lola and the bear Misha, who one day transforms into a human being.
On their way to find Paris, Sture the dog (Hasse Alfredsson) and his friend Picasso end up on a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Along with Miss Mops, Sture tries to sniff out who is causing all the strange events of the hotel.
Un grupo de jóvenes viven bajo el mismo techo mientras se preguntan sobre sí mismos, sobre la sociedad, sobre sus creencias políticas y el mundo cambiante que gira a su alrededor. Al mismo tiempo, son conscientes de la importancia que tiene para ellos estar juntos, mantenerse unidos, constituir, en suma, una familia. Tras el éxito de "Fucking Amal" el sueco Moodysson vuelve a conquistar a crítica y público con una entrañable, divertida y encantadora comedia universal.
Bailar en la oscuridad
Co-Executive Producer
La película se desarrolla en Estados Unidos en el año 1964. Selma (Björk) es una inmigrante checa que se muda a aquel país con su hijo Gene. Además padece una enfermedad hereditaria degenerativa que le está ocasionando una rápida ceguera progresiva. Por este motivo Selma ahorra centavo a centavo en una lata que guarda en su cocina para pagar una operación que evite que su hijo sufra el mismo destino.
A Summer Tale
The summer of '58, the year Sweden almost won the world championship in soccer over Brazil, Yngve Johansson accepts two children to live with him during the summer, as told through the eyes of a young boy. His name is Mårten, and the other child's name is Annika. She is a rough girl, with many problems. The three of them do not get along, and Yngve is a true dictator to the children's eyes. However, when the children discover that their new guardian has a crush on their teacher (Cecilia Nilsson), they do what they can to bring the two together. Soon enough, the three will discover that they have a lot more in common than they previously imagined, and together they can make their lives worth living again. This is a sweet story about life in Sweden in the mid 1900's. It is about family, love, hate, innocent friendship that we all can relate to, and much, much more...
Fucking Åmål
La película relata la historia de Agnes Ahlberg y Elin Olsson, alumnas de secundario en el "insignificante" pueblo de Åmål. Elin es extrovertida, popular y ha estado con innumerables chicos, pero encuentra su vida exasperantemente aburrida. Agnes, por el contrario, es tímida y no ha conseguido hacer amigos desde que se mudó con su familia a Åmål hace un año.
Lucky People Center International
Lucky People Center International takes us on a journey around the world through human souls. Music's rhythms and the film's pulsing form reminiscent of the music video aesthetics and gives the documentary a new face. The film traveled around the world for two years to find people and lifestyles that reflect the world before 2000.
Tranceformer: A Portrait of Lars von Trier
A portrait of Denmark's most acclaimed and controversial director, Lars von Trier. A meeting with von Trier on a private level as well as with his film universe. Filmmaker Stig Björkman follow von Trier during a period of more than two years, meet him at work, at home and at leisure. Written by Fredrik Klasson
Birger es un jubilado que vive solo y que sigue acudiendo a la empresa donde trabajaba pese a que nadie le hace caso. Un día, una joven Hare Krishna llama a su puerta para intentar captarle.
Rompiendo las olas
Executive Producer
A principios de los años 70, Bess (Watson), una ingenua joven de un pueblo costero de Escocia, se enamora de Jan (Stellan Skarsgård), un hombre mundano que trabaja en una plataforma petrolífera. A pesar de la oposición de la rígida comunidad puritana a la que pertenece, Bess y Jan se casan. Tras la boda, él vuelve a su trabajo, y ella cuenta los días esperando su vuelta. Bess, una creyente devota, cree que su amor está bendecido por el cielo; pero un día sucede un terrible accidente. Primera película de la trilogía "Corazón dorado" de Lars Von Trier.
Harry & Sonja
Executive Producer
Harry works as a hairdresser in a mental hospital. He likes to play bingo and is married to Anna. One day he meets the cleaning lady Sonja.
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
House of Angels
Executive Producer
In a small village in Västergötland, everything is turned upside-down when the local loner dies and his cottage is inherited by his unknown relative Fanny. She rides into town on a big black motorcycle with her androgynous boyfriend Zack, wearing black leather and spikes. When they decide to stay, Flogfält's plans to buy the cottage are upset.
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