The movie tells a story of a journey of two start-up entrepreneurs from their "garage" to Silicon Valley.
Mattias has a dream to become a photography student of the Berlin Arts Academy. On the journey of following his calling, his dream is constantly put to a test after Mattias falls in love with a beautiful free spirit Hanna. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hanna, that he can be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Breaking the law together with Hanna, Mattias risks everything dear to him, not knowing yet, that Hanna's bold acts are only the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In the moment of jelousy Mattias accidentally commits a crime that could put him behind bars for years. The only escape he sees is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that Mattias decides to start faking the illness her gilfriend really has - bipolarity.
Sport Shop Salesman
Henrik is a successful actor and comedian who's always trying to prove he's not a homophobe. In his private life, he is lonely and insecure, struggling with adulthood. One day, after dislocating his shoulder, he joins a yoga class and makes his first gay friend ever.
La historia de Frida, una anciana señora estonia que emigró a Francia hace muchos años y ahora se encuentra con que la cuidará una joven inmigrante de su país de origen llamada Anne.
Writers' Assistant
Joseph es un joven taciturno, introvertido, incompetente en los deportes, distinto, raro. Todo eso hace de él un cabeza de turco ideal para los matones de su instituto. La escalada de humillaciones y el ensañamiento van creciendo mientras la vida de Joseph se vuelve más insoportable. Entonces llega Kaspar, un amigo inesperado, un aliado. Ahora ya no está solo. Ahora son dos y quieren la revancha porque los mansos se han cansado. Porque planean fría y concienzudamente su venganza... Siguiendo la estela de Elephant (Gus Van Sant, 2003) Klass es una reflexión sobre la gestación de la violencia adolescente, una historia que supone una llamada de atención sobre el acoso escolar (bullying) a la vez que, con objetividad, rastrea la crueldad en la adolescencia, sus motivos y las respuestas violentas en situaciones extremas.