Genius scientist Sejeong lives with her cyborg husband Sungmin. She erased Sungmin’s memories and inputted new customized memories and information of her choosing, so she is able to enjoy a blissful marriage. Then someone Sejeong and Sungmin knew before he became a cyborg starts coming to their home. This person tries to correct Sungmin’s distorted memories while Sejeong tries to stop her. Sungmin, in the meantime, starts lying like a human being. What happened before Sungmin was turned into a cyborg?
Genius scientist Sejeong lives with her cyborg husband Sungmin. She erased Sungmin’s memories and inputted new customized memories and information of her choosing, so she is able to enjoy a blissful marriage. Then someone Sejeong and Sungmin knew before he became a cyborg starts coming to their home. This person tries to correct Sungmin’s distorted memories while Sejeong tries to stop her. Sungmin, in the meantime, starts lying like a human being. What happened before Sungmin was turned into a cyborg?
Tres curiosos chicos viajan accidentalmente en una máquina del tiempo y aterrizan en un nido de huevos de dinosaurio, 65 millones de años atrás. Su aventura comenzará cuando se encuentren con un enorme dinosaurio T-Rex que al parecer está feliz de encontrarlos… pero lo que ellos no saben es si su alegría es por haber encontrado un nuevo platillo para cenar o porque el dinosaurio cree que son familia. Ahora, deberán regresar a casa antes que de los verdaderos dinosaurios nazcan, pero en el camino deberán luchar contra peligrosas criaturas prehistóricas en fascinantes lugares llenos de increíbles peligros.