Kumiko Takizawa
Nacimiento : 1952-08-21, Tokyo, Japan
Muerte : 2022-06-11
Kumiko Takizawa (滝沢 久美子, Takizawa Kumiko, born August 21, 1954 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress who works for 81 Produce.
Only one episode of this was partially completed, the released version containing numerous examples of animation that is missing in-between frames. The story as such concerned the arrival of the real Chojin as he/she (a hermaphrodite) makes moves to wipe out all life on Earth. Interestingly, the setup for the show was far more heavily connected with the first two, more popular, chapters in the Urotsukidoji saga, with appearances by Nagumo and Akemi (unseen since the early episodes of Part III), and redesigned character models that more closely resembled the earlier episodes. Some of the less popular characters introduced in chapters III and IV, particularly Buju, were nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, such strategies did little to get this final saga off the ground and the story was shelved.
Vanessa (voice)
As Mankind expands out into the galaxy, new colonies are created under the control of the Earth government. For the outer planets, however, space is governed by no law. Tina Owen has been sentenced to 2000 years in jail, with only one chance to redeem herself, by investigating the mysterious planet Omega 13.
An indentured Chinese laborer, brought to Japan to work in a coal mine during WWII, manages to escape his captors. He hides out in the Japanese countryside, so far from human habitation that he does not realize when the war ends, with ultimately tragic results.
Suffering from a crippling memory loss ever since an accident at the age of six, Toshiaki finds new hope, and a new mystery, when he is visited by a girl from his own future.
Newscaster (voice)
El Sr. Takazawa, un anciano inválido que es atendido en su casa por Haruko, una joven estudiante de enfermería, es elegido por el Ministerio de Bienestar Público japonés para probar el Z-001, una cama de hospital computarizada con características robóticas que supuestamente muestra más eficiencia y habilidades que cualquier enfermera humana, pero Haruko desconfía de una máquina incapaz de considerar los sentimientos humanos.
Nadia se trabaja en un periódico londinense y se ha separado de su amigo Jean, que se dedica a hacer investigaciones para el gobierno francés. Sin embargo, un extraño suceso en el que se ven envueltas diversas personalidades del gobierno hará que ambos se vuelvan a reunir para vivir una nueva y emocionante aventura en la que un científico loco pretende sustituir a ciertos políticos por robots y, de esta forma, iniciar una guerra mundial...
Vulgar Mother (voice)
Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman (アニメ・V・コミック レンタマン) along with Abashiri Ikka, Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijou and Akai Hayate.
Nike (voice)
Olimpus es una ciudad creada tras la III Guerra Mundial, en ella conviven los humanos supervivientes y los androides pero se verá amenazada por las ansias de poder de un personaje que quiere sembrar el caos.
Es el Siglo 22 y un par de periodistas investigan su ultima asignacion, un asesinato sin resolver. La unica pista apunta a un parque de diversiones y centro vacacional llamado Technoland, que tambien resulta ser el ingenioso escondite del villano maestro Mister X.
Daughter / Small Robot (voice)
Película que incluye una serie de 9 cortos, todos basados en robots y su relación e interacción con la humanidad, tomando gran importancia el gran ambiente musical que orquesta en gran medida el ritmo de la animación, prescindiendo en la mayoría de los casos de diálogos.
Yuzuru's mother (voice)
Las cosas no podrían haber parecido mejores para Shiga Yuzuru, un adolescente promedio de secundaria. El capitán del equipo de tiro con arco de la escuela, se mantiene firme con su compañero de equipo y compañero de clase Satomi. Casi había olvidado que había estado comprometido con su prima, Shiga Azusa, cuando solo tenía 6 años... pero todo esto cambia cuando su tía muere de una muerte peculiar y antinatural. Ahora que llega para reclamar lo que siente que es suyo por derecho, solo Satomi se interpone en el camino de Azusa... y con los poderes misteriosos y aterradores que trae Azusa, ¡Satomi no se interpondrá en su camino por mucho tiempo!
Mother (episode 1) (voice)
Part 1: "Time Knot: Reflection" Written by Kazunori Itô, directed by Tomomi Mochizuki. Mayu finds a camera floating in the ocean while on vacation. A very unusual camera. The film, mostly intact, reveals a picture of herself with a man she has never seen before. But that isn't the unusual part. This camera hasn't been made yet, and won't be made for another two years. Soon, Mayu finds herself swinging uncontrollably back and forth through time like a pendulum. Part 2: "Mystery Article File 538" Written and directed by Mamoru Oshii. This episode follows a down-on-his-luck detective who accepts the first case to come his way: Surveillance of a man and a little girl. But who are they? And why do airplanes that fly over them turn into giant imperial carp? An investigator's normal methods don't apply when reality itself no longer applies.
Betty Valentine (voice)
A devil-girl with the face of an angel and a heart of gold, blond Betty falls in love with an earthbound gangster, Danpei Kimogawa, when they meet in a rainstorm. They end up living together in a Tokyo highrise apartment, though Danpei has trouble coping with his new witch and demon in-laws dropping in at inopportune moments. Betty has actually been sent to the human world on a mission to defeat the demon Lutan. While Betty continues her task, her skeletal grandmother sends nubile nymphs to tempt Danpei and see if he is suitable husband material. Based on the manga Mamonogatari itoshi no beti.
Kumiko Gōtokuji
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.
Susan (voice)
Some time ago, Shunsaku Ban witnessed his friend’s murder during a random robbery attempt, and decided to become a guardian for the man’s infant son, Yuno. The child instantly bonded with a mysterious green cat that was carried by the gang, but Shunsaku was convinced that there’s something nefarious about the feline. Now, in the present, his long lost child surfaces in the news as a rich and powerful man who’s having the best luck at the casinos - and somehow, the green cat is still alive and at his side. Determined to save Yuno from the clutches of this evil creature, Shunsaku begins to investigate the truth of what’s really going on...
Rita / Emily Dawson
Sus enemigos le consideran indestructible y las mujeres irresistible. Es un asesino profesional que se mueve misteriosamente en el anonimato. Su nombre en clave es Golgo 13. Si tu nombre aparece entre su lista de objetivos, considérate muerto. Golgo 13 tiene una gran reputación al no haber incumplido nunca un contrato. ¿Pero, podrá sobrevivir a la coalición de fuerzas que forman el FBI, la CIA, el Pentágono y el ejército de los Estados Unidos? ¿Habrá encontrado Golgo 13 la horma de su zapato en los poderes sobrehumanos del "serpiente" y en los malvados gemelos psicópatas: Oro y Plata?. Primera película de animación basada en el manga de Takao Saitô.
Fubuki Eiena
A principios del siglo XXI la policía utiliza al máximo la electrónica. Ken, un guapo policía rural motorizado, es asignado temporalmente en Sentinel City para formar parte de un equipo, para descubrir una banda criminal especializada en robos. Ken queda asombrado cuando percibe las maravllas del progreso tecnológico a que se ha llegado: robots, hombres y mujeres mecánicas, etc. Una de las primeras personas que Ken encuentra en Sentinel City es Elenore, una mujer policía, con ojos del tamaño de los dólares de plata y una nariz tan pequeña que casi le impedia respirar. Ellos vivirán el más romántico y ardiente de los romances, en esta historia llena de emoción e intriga.
Cocoa (voice)
Nuclear testing has resulted in the abrupt evolution of the Fumoon, a tiny but highly intelligent humanoid race on a small island, who are detected by Dr. Yamadano. Except for a few witnesses including the detective Shinsaku Ban, and the young men Rock and Kenichi and Kenichi’s sister Pichi (Pinoko), no one believes him. The Fumoon are kidnapping animals from around the world to bring with them as they use their space ships to evacuate the earth, because they know Earth is shortly to be destroyed by an enveloping cloud of black gas created by a stellar explosion. The Fumoon intend to abandon mankind, but one Fumoon, Rokoko, who becomes good friends with Kenichi, tries to help Dr. Yamadano and the others to develop a space ship to allow a few humans to escape, with the help of Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Frankenstein.
The series follows the odd life of kindergartener Makoto Sawada and his family. Makoto gets into all sorts of toilet and adult humor. He sometimes dresses in his mother's and sister's clothing, and often has a long strand of mucus dangling from his nose.