Louise Emmons

Louise Emmons

Nacimiento : 1858-01-01, Yuba County, California, USA

Muerte : 1935-03-06


Louise Emmons


La marca del vampiro
Old Gypsy Woman (uncredited)
Un inspector de policía investiga una serie de extrañas muertes en una población checa. Las víctimas presentan en el cuello pequeñas marcas que hacen sospechar que lo que está pasando es obra de vampiros.
Chandu on the Magic Island
Sisaba the Hag
On the mystic island of Lemuria, the cult of Ubasti seek the Egyptian Princess Nadji to sacrifice so that their goddess Ossana, whose soul resides in Nadji's body, may be resurrected by Black Magic. Nadji is located in the Far East port of Suva, but shielded by the White Magical powers of Frank Chandler, an American raised by Eastern mystics who is also known as Chandu. When Chandu takes a voyage alone, however, the evil Voice of Ubasti is able to magically spirit her to Lemuria, where Black Magic reigns supreme. Chandu sets out in pursuit with his sister Dorothy, niece Betty and nephew Bob; but, shipwrecked on the magic island, Chandu finds his family also held prisoner for sacrifice while he is plunged into an endless maze of caverns beneath the evil temple, where both his mortal and magical strength seem rendered useless.
Mush and Milk
Cap's wife
When Cap's back pension finally comes in, he treats the gang to a day at an amusement park.
King Kong
Old Woman in Line at Mission
Un equipo de cine va a rodar una película a la misteriosa isla de Teschio, al este de Sumatra. Allí descubren la existencia de una civilización prehistórica y de una tribu ancestral que secuestra a la atractiva Ann, la actriz protagonista, para ofrecerla en sacrificio ritual a King, un gigantesco gorila.
En boca de todos
Prisoner Jessie Jones
La atractiva Nan Taylor integrante de una banda que roba un banco, va a la cárcel gracias al evangelista David Slade... que la ama.
Alcohol prohibido
Cackling Hag in New York City Bar (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Heaven on Earth
A young boy finds out that the man he thought was his father actually killed his real father, then adopted him.
Waterloo Bridge
Passerby in Front of Theatre (uncredited)
In World War I London, Myra is an American out-of-work chorus girl making ends meet by picking up men on Waterloo Bridge. During a Zeppelin air raid she meets Roy, a naive young American who enlisted in the Canadian army. After they fall for each other, Roy tricks Myra into visiting his family, who live in a country estate outside London, his mother having remarried to a retired British Major. Myra is reluctant to continue the relationship with Roy, he not aware of her past.
Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo
Old Hag in Dungeon (uncredited)
Primera adaptación al cine sonoro de la célebre novela de Mark Twain, en la que un americano es transportado a la corte del Rey Arturo, donde le toman por un mago debido a la sapiencia que aporta del futuro.
Great Gobs
Old Hag (uncredited)
Great Gobs is a comedy short.
Women Receiving Apple
A young Acadian woman spends years searching for her lost love after the two are separated and forcibly relocated by the British.
West of Zanzibar
Old Woman on Street (uncredited)
A magician seeks vengeance upon the man who paralyzed him and the illegitimate daughter he sired with the magician's wife.
El hombre que ríe
Queriéndose vengar de Lord Clancharlie, El Rey Jacobo II ordena la muerte y el secuestro de su hijo. Como venganza contra su padre, el niño es secuestrado y deformado su rostro quedándole una sonrisa monstruosa. Tras vivir en una feria y enamorarse de una ciega, la Reina Ana se entera del origen nobiliario de Gwynplaine y le restituye su título de Lord. La reina le quiere obligar a que se case con su hermana para castigarla, pero él huye con su verdadero amor.
Spoilers of the West
Settler (uncredited)
A soldier falls in love with a beautiful settler who has refused his order to leave American Indian land.
The Enemy
Carl Behrend, son of a wealthy businessman, marries Pauli Arndt, daughter of a pacifist professor. When World War I breaks out, Carl is drafted. Pauli and her family and friends are left behind to experience the suffering which befell civilians during the war. Her luck worsens when her father is dismissed from his professorship for teaching that war is evil. Her father argues violently with Carl's father, and degradation and despair descend on Pauli and her family as they await Carl's return from the front.
La pequeña vendedora
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Joe Merril, hijo del millonario propietario de una popular cadena de tiendas, se hace pasar por Joe Grant para trabajar en el almacén de una de las tiendas de su padre y así demostrar que puede triunfar sin la influencia de éste. En el almacén conoce a Maggie Johnson, y los dos se enamoran. Pero esto supone un problema, porque la señora Merril ha planeado que su hijo se case con Millicent Rogers, una chica de la alta sociedad...
Los amores de Manón
Smiling Hag (uncredited)
Francia, siglo XVIII. Un noble que estudia para ser sacerdote abandona su vocación cuando se enamora de una hermosa, pero reticente, cortesana.
Garras humanas
Gypsy Woman (uncredited)
Alonzo es una de las atracciones del circo gitano de Zanzi. Aunque es manco, arroja hábilmente con los pies cuchillos contra Nanon, la bella hija de Zanzi. A la joven no le gusta que los hombres la manoseen, en especial Malabar, el hombre forzudo. Por eso se siente muy a gusto con Alonzo, pero éste no es quien dice ser.
Irish Hearts
Old Woman
Sheila, a feisty Irish girl, loves Emmett, a somewhat shady Irish boy. When Emmett goes to America, Sheila and her father follow and join him. However, when he loses his job, Sheila is forced to get a job in a cheap restaurant. There she meets Rory, a poor American boy who works in a shipyard. Rory falls in love with her but she still loves Emmett. Then she finds out that Emmett has been taking up with a brassy "flapper" named Clarice.
Por la razón y la fuerza
Frontier Woman (uncredited)
El coronel O'Hara, un hábil luchador en la naturaleza, ama a Rene, hija del comandante de las fuerzas francesas durante la guerra entre Francia y la India. Los indios, bajo Pontiac, secuestran a René. O'Hara espera rescatarla y casarse con ella.
Tomasín en el reino de Oz
Una campesina se entera de que es una princesa y es arrastrada por un tornado a la tierra de Oz.
Pioneer's Gold
Mother La Monte
An old pioneer wants his brother's children whom he has never met to inherit his wealth, but a villain substitutes ringers for them.
Open All Night
Bicycle Race Spectator
Therese Duverne (Viola Dana) is bored with her even-tempered husband, Edmond (Adolphe Menjou). Isabelle Fevre (Gale Henry) suggests that Edmond go to the bicycle races and stay out all night. Then she takes Therese there and introduces her to manly Petit Mathieu, one of the racers (Maurice B. Flynn). Since he has just quarreled with his sweetheart, Lea (Jetta Goudal), he is glad to have Therese's attention and offers to run away with her after he wins the six-day race. Lea, meanwhile, is spending her time with Edmond. Therese eventually decides she doesn't care for brutes like Mathieu, and Edmond gains a temper and wins his wife back. Lea and Mathieu are reunited, while Isabelle goes back to helping her own alcoholic sweetheart, Igor (Raymond Griffith), break into the movies.
Los diez mandamientos
Elderly Israelite (uncredited)
Primera épica bíblica de la historia de Moisés dirigida por el propio Cecil B. DeMille, y que se superaría a sí mismo con creces en su remake de 1956. Se narra la historia de Moisés desde su enfrentamiento a Ramsés y la aparición de las plagas de Egipto, hasta su éxodo liderando al pueblo judío hacia la Tierra Prometida, así como la revelación de los Diez Mandamientos en el monte Sinaí. El film tiene una segunda parte que analiza la influencia práctica de los Diez Mandamientos en la vida moderna, en una historia ambientada en la contemporánea San Francisco (FILMAFFINITY)
Las tres edades
Old Fortune Teller
En su primer largometraje en el cine, el genial Buster Keaton hace una parodia de "Intolerancia", de D.W. Griffith, al tiempo que muestra sus dotes dramáticas y cómicas (siempre serio) mientras compite con Wallace Beery por conseguir el amor de Margaret Leahy en tres épocas diferentes: la prehistoria, la antigua Roma y la (entonces) edad moderna: los años veinte.
Sangre y arena
Old Woman
Juan es el hijo de una pobre viuda sevillana y, a pesar de eso, conseguirá llegar a ser un gran torero, reconocido en todo el país. En su ascendente carrera conocerá y se casará con Carmen, una mujer honrada, bella y casta. Pero toda su suerte se truncará con la aparición de la hija del Marqués de Guevara, Doña Sol, que será capaz de hacer cambiar sus convicciones y arrastrarlo a una pasión desenfrenada que pondrá en peligro su reputación.
The Bride's Play
Peasant Woman (uncredited)
A sweet-natured young Irish woman is courted by a romantic poet and a local country gentleman. Which man will she choose?
Esposas frívolas
Mother Garoupe
Un vividor se hace pasar en Montecarlo por un respetable conde ruso, e intenta seducir a una distinguida dama norteamericana que pasa sus vacaciones con su marido, un destacado diplomático. Jean Renoir declaró que ver esta película fue determinante en su futura carrera como cineasta.
The Conquering Power
Washerwoman (uncredited)
Young playboy Charles Grandet is sent to live with his miserly uncle after his father loses his fortune. He and his cousin Eugenie fall in love, but his uncle sends him away and tries to arrange a marriage more to his liking (and profit!). Will true love triumph?
Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis
French Mother Bidding Farewell (uncredited)
En vísperas de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), las dos ramas de una acomodada familia argentina se dividen en dos bandos: los Desnoyers, oriundos de Francia, y los von Hartrott, de origen alemán. Julio Desnoyers, un joven irresponsable y bohemio, tiene un romance con Marguerite, una mujer casada. Cuando estalla la guerra, el esposo de Margueritte se va al frente. Poco despues, una serie de circunstancias hacen que Julio cambie radicalmente y decida trabajar para la Resistencia.
True Heart Susie
la bigote
Susie secretly loves her neighbor, William Jenkins, but neither, it seems, can confess their feelings for each other.
Captain Kidd, Jr.
An old man wills a map to his grandson, with instructions showing a buried treasure, but it is accidentally sold to a book store. The owner and her granddaughter Mary discover it. Mary and her boyfriend an aspiring author, meet the desperate grandson and agree to share the treasure.
The Eyes of Julia Deep
In Theater Audience (uncredited)
The Eyes of Julia Deep is a 1918 silent comedy-drama film starring Mary Miles Minter, directed by Lloyd Ingraham. The film is based on the short story by the same name, written by Kate L. McLaurin. It is one of the few films starring Minter which are known to have survived.
Shifting Sands
Ugly woman at Court (uncredited)
Marcia Grey is wrongly convicted on trumped-up evidence of a German. After serving her term, she rebuilds her life and marries well.
Corazones del mundo
Película originariamente destinada a apoyar la entrada de los Estados Unidos en la primera guerra mundial. (FILMAFFINITY)
Polly Redhead
Mrs. Meekin
Aside from the fact that Polly had red hair in abundance, she was not otherwise an exceptional child, save for one thing. She was willing to work and slave, if need be, to keep her baby brother, affectionately termed "The Lump," from being sent to the poor house. So she did housework and prepared breakfasts for John Ruffin, an attorney, and Hon. Gedge-Tompkins. John Ruffin's sister, Lady Osterly, has separated from her husband, and he holds their child. When Lady Osterly calls on Ruffin she is struck with the remarkable resemblance Polly bears to her own child. Ruffin and Lady Osterly formulate a plan to come into possession of her daughter, by using Polly as a substitute.
Mixed Blood
Mrs. Valyez (as Mrs. Emmons)
For Nita Valyez, who is half-Spanish and half-Irish, Carlos represents potential violence and danger, two things to which she is both attracted and repelled. In contrast, she has only a passing interest in Big Jim, the town's honest, good-hearted sheriff. Then, after Carlos kills a faro dealer, he forces Nita to make an escape with him.
The Stronger Love
Widow Serviss (as Louise A. Emmons)
Nell, a beautiful mountain girl, is a member of the Serviss family, rivals of the neighboring Rutherford family. Nell is engaged to Jim Serviss, who is the head of their clan, but when, by accident, she meets a stranger who has come to stay with the Rutherfords, they become infatuated.
The Grasp of Greed
Shipwreck Survivor (uncredited)
En route to Australia, beautiful authoress Alice Gordon (Louise Lovely) is shipwrecked on a desert island in the company of wealthy book publisher John Meeson. Sensing that his days are numbered, and lacking pencil and paper, Meeson tattoos his last will and testament on Alice's lovely back.
He Fell in Love with His Wife
One of Bridget's Relations (uncredited)
A widowed farmer, failing in his efforts to find a woman capable of running his household, decides to marry a young woman he believes can fill the bill. Wat he doesn't know is that she is running away from a brutish and violent husband, whom she has discovered is also a bigamist, and that her angry and vengeful husband is looking for her.