Lukáš Bech

Lukáš Bech

Nacimiento : 1972-11-27, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czechia]


Lukáš Bech
Lukáš Bech


Narciso y Goldmundo
En plena Edad Media, el rebelde Goldmundo es enviado a un monasterio por orden de su padre. Allí el joven conocerá a Narciso, un novicio inteligente, erudito y distante, dedicado por completo a la vida ascética. A partir de su encuentro, nacerá entre ambos una amistad única, eterna, puesta a prueba por el destino cuando éste tienda a separar sus caminos por formas de vidas opuestas.
Old guilt, forgiveness and a new love. After 20 years in the French Foreign Legion, Martin returns to his Czech hometown. As soon as he arrives, he learns that his mother has died in his absence. Martin realizes that while in the military he learned to survive in any dangerous situation, but not how to cope with the complexities of human emotions and relationships. When he meets the deputy mayor's clever daughter Sara, he falls passionately in love and happiness seems to be within reach. But then his past catches up with him ...
Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarves
After her father’s death, Snow White is at the mercy of her self-loving stepmother. Locked in a tower by the evil queen, Snow White repeatedly escapes and secretly helps the old blacksmith. There she meets Prince Kilian, who immediately falls in love with her. When the queen’s plan to marry Snow White to a rich noble backfires, she plots to kill her but Snow White is rescued by seven dwarfs, while Prince Kilian searches for her throughout the kingdom. An action-packed retelling of the famous fairytale, with a nod to Game of Thrones.
Ottilie von Faber-Castell - Eine mutige Frau
Pfarrer Eisen
Head of the famous pencil corporation tries to make his 16 year old granddaughter ready to take his place.
Spider-Man. Lejos de casa
Helpful Dutch Man
Peter Parker decide irse junto a Michelle Jones, Ned y el resto de sus amigos a pasar unas vacaciones a Europa después de los eventos ocurridos en Vengadores: EndGame. Sin embargo, el plan de Parker por dejar de lado sus superpoderes durante unas semanas se ven truncados cuándo es reclutado por Nick Fury para unirse a Mysterio (un humano que proviene de la Tierra 833, una dimensión del multiverso, que tuvo su primera aparición en Doctor Strange) para luchar contra los elementales (cuatro entes inmortales que vienen de la misma dimensión y que dominan los cuatro elementos de la naturaleza, el fuego, el agua, el aire y la tierra) . En ese momento, Parker vuelve a ponerse el traje de Spider-Man para cumplir con su labor.
Rübezahls Schatz
The mountain spirit Rübezahl falls in love with the young maid Rosa. Blind with love, he does not notice that the Baroness of Harrant wants to plunder his gold treasures in order to build a sawmill in the Giant Mountains.
Yo, Olga Hepnarová
"Mi veredicto es: Yo, Olga Hepnarová, víctima de vuestra bestialidad, os condeno a pena de muerte". Esas fueron las famosas palabras de la asesina en masa, Olga Hepnarová, de 22 años de edad, quien en 1973 condujo un camión contra un grupo de personas inocentes en Praga.
El secreto de los hermanos Grimm
Alemania, siglo XIX. Jake y Will Grimm son dos hermanos que se dedican a recorrer los pueblos embaucando a los pobres lugareños: primero les cuentan historias de maldiciones, espíritus y fantasmas que los acechan y después fingen salvarlos por medio de exorcismos y rituales varios. Pero, un día, llegan a un pueblo sobre el que pesa una maldición real, un pueblo situado cerca de un bosque encantado en el que recientemente han desaparecido varias niñas. Los Grimm tendrán entonces que demostrar su valentía y coraje para salvar al pueblo de una amenaza terrorífica.
Alien vs. Predator
Location Manager
El descubrimiento de una antigua pirámide enterrada bajo los hielos de la Antártida hace acudir hasta el continente helado a un equipo de científicos y aventureros. Una vez allí, hacen un descubrimiento aún más aterrador: dos razas de extraterrestres en guerra. Gane quien gane, nosotros perdemos. La increíble y terrorífica aventura comienza cuando el millonario industrial Charles Bishop Weyland reúne a un equipo internacional de arqueólogos, científicos y expertos en seguridad, dirigidos por la especialista en medioambiente y aventurera Alexa ”Lex” Woods, para investigar unas misteriosas ”emanaciones de calor” que surgen desde las profundidades de la Antártida.
Location Manager
Cuando la berlinense Mieke se declara, vía e-mail, al norteamericano Scott, éste la rechaza creyendo que es un hombre. Cuando descubre su error intenta ponerse en contacto con ella, pero resulta imposible. La única forma de conquistarla parece viajar hasta Berlín (Alemania) y para ello, en su viaje le acompañarán su amigo Cooper y los gemelos Jenny y Jamie.
Půl pejska
Malý vodní had
Lucy, the Menace of Street
A first part of a funny adventures of six years old Lucie and her two magic dolls.
Blob to the Fairytale
Little Vendulka receives a birthday gift of a seemingly innocuous children's book. Little she knows that the book is actually a portal into the surreal world of nursery rhymes and Josef Lada's paintings.
Povídka Malostranská
Panelstory or Birth of a Community
An old man is wandering round a badly signposted and as yet mostly under construction Prague housing estate looking for the high rise block into which he is supposed to be moving with his daughter's family. The old granddad from the countryside likes chatting, nothing escapes his eyes and he wants to give everyone a helping hand.
Tomás lives in a very small Czech town and is a nature lover and a birdwatcher. He struggles to keep the forests he loves clean and constantly fights his "archenemy" whose sister and Tomás's classmate is secretly in love with him.
The Meaning and Mystery of Life
Location Manager
What is the meaning of life? What is love, humor, fear and death? Is it all just a dream? Who are we? Will we wake up, will we remember? Do beings from other dimensions help us? Can we finally understand the purpose of the Game? Who is the Creator? Where is the Kingdom of God? The new feature movie called The Meaning and Mystery of Life is looking for answers to these questions and many others as well. Question for Petr Vachler, the author of the story and screenplay, and the movie director: Why did you decide to make such an author-pronounced movie? “As a small kid I used to hide behind the house and cry because there was an end to everything, and there would be NOTHING afterwards. But what was that big NOTHING? This question accompanied me all my life, probably just like it has to the majority of us all.