Paul LaMastra

Nacimiento : 1941-03-29, Elizabeth, New Jersey, USA


Quiet Flows The Don
With World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Russian Civil War as backdrop, it's an old-fashioned, blood-and-guts narrative, filled with earthly humor and a wealth of colorful characters. The story concerns the fluctuating fortunes of Grigory Melekhov, a young Cossack who is both a hero and a victim of the uprising.
Volver a Hawai
Cuando una muchacha adolescente, Sydney, y su padre se trasladan a vivir a una isla en Hawai descubren una mayor cercanía en su relación. Sydney vivirá muchas aventuras y descubrirá un nuevo hobby y, también, la verdad sobre su madre.
La herencia del viento
Two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution.
Reemplazando a papá
Linda y George viven en una ciudad pequeña. Él es el director de la escuela. Están a punto de celebrar su 16 aniversario. Ella lo atrapa con el joven profesor de su hija, y tiene que lidiar con los niños, la ciudad y su amor a él.
Ruby Bridges
The true story of Ruby Bridges, an African-American girl who, in 1960 at age 6, helped to integrate the all-white schools of New Orleans. Although she was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent to, (and since all the white mothers pulled their children out of class, she was the only one there, period), and though she faced a crowd of angry white citizens every day, she emerged unscathed, physically or emotionally. Encouraged by her teacher, a white woman from the North named Barbara Henry, and her mother, Lucille, and with her own quiet strength, she eventually broke down a century-old barrier forever, a pivotal moment in the civil-rights movement
It has been nine years since Bancroft's character shot Brown's son. She goes to the prison to vent her rage at him over what he did, and discovers he's not the monster she thought he was.
Una Pareja Hecha En El Cielo
A dying widow plays matchmaker to her 32-year-old unmarried son and sets him up with a nurse that she meets.
The Member of the Wedding
In the last days leading up to her older brother's marriage, a young girl is forced to face realities and grow up quickly. A tender adaptation of Carson McCullers' classic novel, which has seen previous adaptations for both stage and screen.
100 héroes (Mil héroes al rescate)
Cuando llegó el desastre todos fueron heroes. El 19 de julio de 1989, el vuelo 232 de la compañia United se estrelló en un sembrado de Iowa, convirtiéndose en una enorme bola de fuego, atrayendo la atención de todo el mundo. El film describe el rescate minuto a minuto: cómo una ciudad movilizo a sus ciudadanos, resultando de su acción la milagrosa supervivencia de 184 de los 296 pasajeros de a bordo.
Mark Twain y yo
Dorothy Quick, una joven chica, se hace amiga del famoso escritor, Samuel "Mark Twain" en sus últimos años de vida.
The Perfect Tribute
A boy risks life and limb to travel across the war-torn southern states of America during the height of hostilities in the Civil War, hoping to visit his wounded brother in a field hospital on the other side of the country. His accidental meeting with Abraham Lincoln helps the disheartened president understand just how important the Gettysburg Address really is.
Annie Nations and her husband Hector loved their life together in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but when Hector dies, Annie has to decide if she can handle the wilderness on her own.
Unnatural Causes
Frank Coleman is a Vietnam veteran dying from cancer brought on by exposure to the defoliant chemical Agent Orange which he turns to Maude DeVictor, a Veterans Administration benefits counselor who teams up with Coleman to fight a lopsided batted against the bureaucratic system for its cover up of the possible dangers of Agent Orange.
Licencia para matar
El mismo día de su graduación, la joven Lynne Peterson es atropellada por Tom Fiske (Don Murray), un importante hombre de negocios que conducía borracho. El padre de Lynne, John Peterson (James Farentino) y el fiscal Martin Sawyer (Denzel Washington) iniciarán una dura batalla legal para demostrar la culpabilidad del acusado.
Confessions of a Married Man
A middle-aged man suffering from boredom selfishly walks out on his wife and family in search of excitement and adventure. Before he snaps out of his male-menopause moment, he has a brief affair with a much-younger woman named Jennifer.
Jacqueline Kennedy, vida privada
A los cinco años de edad, Jacqueline Bouvier tiene que enfrentarse al divorcio de sus padres y al nuevo matrimonio de su madre, quien desde siempre deseó hacer de ella una primera dama. Más tarde se traslada a un internado para señoritas, donde vive una serie de nuevas experiencias. Al cabo de un tiempo Jackie se convierte en periodista, trabajo que le permite conocer a John F. Kennedy.
Inmates: A Love Story
Accountant Roy is sentenced to prison because he cooked up balances. He hopes that his companions, who profited from his cheat, will help him to a revision of his judgment. Meanwhile he has to adapt to a life in jail - which works out quite well, especially when he meets the self-conscious convicted thief Jane and falls in love. He starts to woo her. But then, while working in the prison's accounting department, he discovers that the prisoners' accounts are not properly kept. The director tries to keep him in her prison as long as possible.
Tiempo de Milagros
Elizabeth Bayley Seton es una mujer episcopaliana de alta sociedad felizmente casada y madre de cinco. Pero todo cambia abruptamente cuando su esposo, William Seton fallece en Italia después de que su negocio de barcos quebrara. Fallecen también dos de sus hijas. Como viuda con cinco hijos abre un pequeño colegio para financiar a su familia. Decide convertirse al catolicismo, a pesar de las protestas de sus familiares y amigos. La exilian socialmente, se queda sin nada, así que ella y sus hijas se refugian en Baltimore. Bajo el alero de John Carroll, el primer Obispo Católico estadounidense, abre un colegio, establece una rutina religiosa y toma votos religiosos, convirtiéndose en la `Madre Seton.' Fundará un convento y luego a las Hermanas de la Caridad. Fue la fundadora del primer colegio católico de Estados Unidos. Canonizada en 1975. Fuente: peliculasdesantoscatolicos
Aclamada dramatización que recrea el motín de 1971 en la prisión estatal de Attica en Nueva York que duró 23 días y resultó en la mayor matanza entre estadounidenses desde la Guerra Civil.
The Flame Is Love
In this melodrama from Barbara Cartland's 1975 bestseller, a turn-of-the-century American heiress, while en route to her betrothal to an English duke, encounters love and intrigue in the arms of a French journalist.
Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion
A teenage boy gets a job as a Pony Express rider in the Nebraska Territory not long before the Civil War breaks out.
Chrome and Hot Leather
A Green Beret returns home from the Vietnam war to find that a gang of murderous bikers has killed his fiancee. He calls on several of his Green Beret buddies to come and help him take revenge on the gang.