Alejandra Islas


La Luz y La Fuerza
What can thousands of electric energy workers do after being laid off from one day to the other? 16,599 workers reinvent themselves in order to resist, to go back to their jobs and also avoid that electric energy in Mexico be privatized. Four years of amazing stories of resistance and of confrontation with the Mexican government, in the midst of an acute global labor crisis.
La Luz y La Fuerza
What can thousands of electric energy workers do after being laid off from one day to the other? 16,599 workers reinvent themselves in order to resist, to go back to their jobs and also avoid that electric energy in Mexico be privatized. Four years of amazing stories of resistance and of confrontation with the Mexican government, in the midst of an acute global labor crisis.
Get to know the work of some women who were part of the first generations of one of the most important filmmaking schools in the world.
The Shelter
Across from the railroad tracks, priest Alejandro Solalinde founds and builds a shelter in Ixtepec, Oaxaca to provide refuge and spiritual relief to Central American migrants. Solalinde ́s struggle is interwoven with the changing lives of women and men who, motivated by their faith and need for dignified work, waits for their moment to defy danger and continue their journey to the north.
The Shelter
Across from the railroad tracks, priest Alejandro Solalinde founds and builds a shelter in Ixtepec, Oaxaca to provide refuge and spiritual relief to Central American migrants. Solalinde ́s struggle is interwoven with the changing lives of women and men who, motivated by their faith and need for dignified work, waits for their moment to defy danger and continue their journey to the north.
Los demonios del Edén
Documental que aborda la historia de la periodista Lydia Cacho, donde se da testimonio de su lucha frente a la red de pederastas que ella devela. El filme da seguimiento al difícil proceso que ha seguido para enfrentar a los poderosos empresarios y políticos que protegen y rodean a los involucrados en estos delitos: una red de pornografía infantil que opera en Cancún y Estados Unidos.
Los demonios del Edén
Documental que aborda la historia de la periodista Lydia Cacho, donde se da testimonio de su lucha frente a la red de pederastas que ella devela. El filme da seguimiento al difícil proceso que ha seguido para enfrentar a los poderosos empresarios y políticos que protegen y rodean a los involucrados en estos delitos: una red de pornografía infantil que opera en Cancún y Estados Unidos.
Los demonios del Edén
Documental que aborda la historia de la periodista Lydia Cacho, donde se da testimonio de su lucha frente a la red de pederastas que ella devela. El filme da seguimiento al difícil proceso que ha seguido para enfrentar a los poderosos empresarios y políticos que protegen y rodean a los involucrados en estos delitos: una red de pornografía infantil que opera en Cancún y Estados Unidos.
Muxes: Auténticas, intrépidas y buscadoras del peligro
Ganador del Premio del Público a mejor documental en competencia por parte del Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia su 3° edición, "Muxes: Auténticas, intrépidas y buscadoras de peligro" de Alejandra Islas muestra, a través de entrevistas e investigaciones, la vida de un grupo de homosexuales indígenas mestizos de Juchitán, Oaxaca, que defienden la diversidad y a la vez preservan su identidad cultural como zapotecas. La comunidad experimenta la aceptación y el rechazo, la fiesta y la soledad, el amor y el desencuentro con una actitud que demuestra la fuerza y el orgullo del que están hechos.
Polvo en el viento (1975-1979)
Chapter 16 of the series 18 decades of life in Mexico in the twentieth century. Images of the cultural, social and political life in Mexico from 1975 to 1979. Overview of the first years of the government of Jose Lopez Portillo. At the beginning of his administration, political problems make it necessary to counter the influence of Luis Echeverria. It is a time of disappearances and political killings; Birth of opposition political associations and guerrilla movements. Mexico is experiencing one of its worst economic crises.