Gisa Flake
Nacimiento : 1985-10-10, Braunschweig, Germany
Finn has some bad luck. First, the paddling trip with his father falls through, and then he is robbed on the train to Berlin. On top of that, neither the conductor nor the police believe that his backpack and ticket have disappeared. Luckily, he meets the adventurous Jola, who quickly hijacks a rickety tractor. An exciting journey to the sea begins, where a brazen gang of rockers, a real wolf and many other fist-pumping adventures await the two runaways.
Hanna Salami
Gendarmin Nevou
A body is pulled out of the sea and it becomes clear this was neither a suicide nor accident… it was murder.
Two craftspeople, Uli and Didi, are working on a swastika in their workshop. Somewhere between a rural idyll and the monotony of country life, they wonder about the strange newcomers to their village.
After 14 years of prism Nabil is released and thrown back into his live.
Tras mantener un encuentro fortuito con un misterioso personaje, Wendy, una joven madre de clase trabajadora, descubre que tiene superpoderes.
Una historia de la vida laboral diaria con interminables conferencias telefónicas.
‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ in a new robe. KAISER translates Hans Christian Andersen fairytale into a company in the 21st century. A dystopian yet colorful narrative about power, hierarchies and invisible caterpillars.
After 20 years Moni (38) returns home to her sister Silke who has been attacked by a stranger. Moni is willing to do anything possible to find the attacker and to protect her sister. But is that really what Silke (34) wants? And if so, who is actually the one, to be protected? And above all, protect from who? And which role does the offender René (38) play, who doesn't even understand why he did it. A melancholic film that plays with three different perspectives and constantly reinvents itself while searching for answers.
En su salvaje búsqueda de amor, la energía salvaje de Benni, de 9 años, lleva a todos a su alrededor a la desesperación.
Nanette Jenisch
After two years, after a tip from Shukshin, Blochin finally got the chance to lure the child murderer Kyrill to Berlin. In addition, the self-proclaimed avenging angel takes his lover Pheline hostage, who is found shot shortly afterwards.
Imbissverkäuferin Moni
Police chief Horst Krause and his sister Elsa have been looking after the inn in Schönhorst in Brandenburg since his well-deserved retirement. It would be all good if Elsa wasn't suddenly so forgetful.
A former CIA agent's search for a lost colleague exposes a deadly conspiracy involving his own family and Soviet-era secrets in the mountains of East Germany.
Horst Kilian's Mother
Three former classmates reunite for their 30-year high school reunion.
Best friends Nini and Jameelah are both 14 years old and live in the same housing complex in Berlin. Jameelah's family is from Iraq and might be deported if their application for citizenship isn't approved, but right now, the girls try not to worry about these existential problems. They look forward to the Berlin summer and the school holidays.
A shoe theft in the ICE is the prelude to a wild kaleidoscope of relationships and dependencies between different urban people who relish as in a cobweb fidget.
Gabi is a floor tiler. Marco is her trainee. Lately, Marco has been rehearsing with Gabi how to split up with his girlfriend. Gabi adapts his game to her own life and finds a way to fight against her inner emptiness.
Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Berlín, 1940. Cuando a Otto y Anna Quangel, un matrimonio de clase obrera, les comunican que su único hijo ha muerto en el campo de batalla, ambos emprenden una campaña nada menos que en contra de Hitler, el nazismo y la guerra, pero pronto comenzarán a ser perseguidos por la Gestapo
Inexperienced guardian angel, Buddy (Michael Herbig) arrives to assist Eddie (Alexander Fehling) with getting his life back on track, but instead only causes more chaos.
Frank Schuster ha construído una vida de prosperidad para su familia, pero su adicción al trabajo hace que pase poco tiempo con ella. Solo después de un accidente de coche será capaz de recapacitar
Sarah (Muriel Wimmer) es una chica de 13 años que junto a su mejor amiga Charlie (Antonia Putiloff) de 16 tienen a sus espaldas una larga lista de conquistas. Lukas es un chico mayor de edad al que Sarah conoce por el chat y por el que por primera vez en su vida sentirá amor verdadero hacia una persona. Pero Lukas quizás no está tan interesado como ella cree. Por su parte, Charly irá en la búsqueda de su padre al que no conoce desde pequeña.Tres días en la vida de un grupo de adolescentes que intentan encontrar su lugar en la vida a través del sexo y las emociones.
Tjures Frau
Una mañana, la pequeña aldea vikinga de Flake es asaltada por los malvados guerreros de Sven el Terrible que secuestran a todos los niños… excepto a Vicky, un particular niño pelirrojo, hijo del Jefe Halvar, que destaca por sus brillantes ideas en los momentos más difíciles. Halvar, el más cabezota de los guerreros vikingos, decide dar caza a los secuestradores y salvar heroicamente a los niños de Flake. Ante la negativa de Halvar de que Vicky viaje con ellos en busca de los niños, el pequeño Vicky se esconde en el barco. Vicky y los valientes vikingos se las verán con fantasmas, espeluznantes villanos, cofres con legendarios tesoros… y mil aventuras más.
Jenny Haase