The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death! Translated with (free version)
La vida de Kate se derrumba cuando su marido la deja por Laura, una ama de casa con quien deberá compartir la custodia de su hija. Además, está segura que ella pretende hacerle daño a la pequeña.
Love is a thing. And live every living things, it has a beginning and an end. And every end offers the promise of another new beginning. On average, the modern relationship consists of 13 stages...
Alemania, 1943. Los nazis se proponen eliminar definitivamente a todos los judíos de Berlín. Más de 70.000 ya han sido deportados. En abril de 1943 sale de la estación de Grunewald hacia Auschwitz un tren con 688 judíos. Durante seis días, los pasajeros tendrán que sufrir calor, hambre y sed. En su desesperación, algunos intentan huir; entre ellos, Henry (Gedeon Burkhard), Lea (Lale Yavas) y Ruth (Sibel Kekilli). Pero el tiempo apremia porque Auschwitz está cada vez más cerca.
Six guys from Norway go on a trip to Germany to cheer on Norway in the world Championship of football. But it isn't easy to put their normal life aside, not even for football.
In 1989, Jenny Ecker, an 18-year-old daughter of an entrepreneur, flees from Hildesheim to the east - out of love. The teenager has fallen hopelessly in love with an East Berliner. Jenny’s parents are foaming from wrath and offer a reward: One-hundred thousand, later even a million, deutschmarks for whoever brings them their daughter back. The prospect of so much money gets east and west into quite a disarray – and in the end, the Wall really falls.