Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chained up in his barn and trains them to perform circus tricks. Andre's father is still around of course, but because the old homestead is next to a nuclear test site he has been transformed into a raving homicidal mutant that Andre keeps locked up in a shed.
TV Watcher
John Considine plays the flamboyant Dr. Death, a thousand-year-old magician who has mastered he art of transferring souls from one body to another and thereby manages to perpetuate himself by jumping from one body to the next. Apparently the Doc is a kindred spirit since his blood is a highly-corrosive acid that can strip flesh from bone
Ticket Girl
En un futuro próximo existe un gigantesco parque de vacaciones dividido en tres zonas: la Roma Imperial, el Oeste americano y la Europa Medieval. Cada una de ellas reproduce con total fidelidad las características de cada época. Existe, además, la posibilidad de que quien pueda permitírse el lujo viva sus propias aventuras en la época elegida. Al parque han ido de vacaciones un par de amigos, Peter Martin (Richard Benjamin) y John Blane (James Brolin). Todo está perfectamente controlado hasta que los robots que hacen de figurantes empiezan a fallar, en concreto un implacable pistolero (Yul Brynner) diseñado para perseguir sin descanso a sus víctimas.
Mara, la Reina de la Brujería Negra, siempre secundada por su manada de Vírgenes Voluptuosas, atrapa bajo su hechizo a la pareja formada por Lorraine y Mark. Unos horribles asesinatos arrastrarán a los protagonistas al reino del mismísimo Satán, para vivir torturas que no podían imaginar.