Chris W. Mitchell


The Revelation
Unemployed Jacob moves in with his elderly mother at the start of the corona lockdown. He falls under the influence of an internet conspiracy-theorist and goes slowly insane.
The Revelation
Unemployed Jacob moves in with his elderly mother at the start of the corona lockdown. He falls under the influence of an internet conspiracy-theorist and goes slowly insane.
The Windmill Massacre
Jennifer ha viajado de Australia a Ámsterdam huyendo de su pasado. La fuga la lleva a un autobús de turistas que pretenden visitar unos famosos molinos de viento. Cuando el vehículo se estropee, el grupo no tendrá más remedio que refugiarse en un destartalado molino que esconde una oscura leyenda, sobre un devoto del diablo que recolectaba huesos humanos en vez de cereales.
Brimstone. La hija del predicador
Story Consultant
Liz lleva una vida tranquila, pero cuando escuche el primer sermón del nuevo reverendo, la joven madre comprenderá que su paz ha terminado y que su pasado la ha alcanzado de nuevo. Comienza así un peregrinaje épico, lleno de sangre y sufrimiento. Dakota Fanning, Guy Pearce y Kit Harington (aka Jon Snow) protagonizan este American Gothic, en cuatro actos y con el mal pisando los talones.
The Pool
Two families go camping illegally in a forest, and set up their tents near a beautiful pond, far away from the daily hubbub. However, they soon discover that the pond contains a mysterious force, which will not allow them to leave. Rot and decay strike, and madness follows.
The Pool
Two families go camping illegally in a forest, and set up their tents near a beautiful pond, far away from the daily hubbub. However, they soon discover that the pond contains a mysterious force, which will not allow them to leave. Rot and decay strike, and madness follows.
Frankenstein’s Army
Frankenstein Army nos sitúa hacia el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, donde en un laboratorio secreto nazi se ha empezado a experimentar con el diario de un tal Dr. Victor Frankenstein. Los científicos han utilizado el trabajo de Frankenstein para reunir un ejército de supersoldados formados por partes cosidas de los camaradas caídos, en una última táctica desesperada de horror de Hitler para escapar de la derrota.
Film basado en la historia del judío alemán Walter Süskind, quien como gestor de las deportaciones de Ámsterdam parecía ser un colaboracionista con los nazis, pero que a escondidas salvó docenas de adultos y entre 800 y 1.000 niños.
Birthday Boy
It is Sjoerd's birthday and his mother has spared no trouble or expense to make this day a pleasurable one. Helped by the au pair, she takes the eleven-year-old kid on a search, where an unfortunate coincidence puts them in the middle of a raid. The criminals take the complete party bunch hostage and then it is a matter of surviving for the birthday boy.
Birthday Boy
It is Sjoerd's birthday and his mother has spared no trouble or expense to make this day a pleasurable one. Helped by the au pair, she takes the eleven-year-old kid on a search, where an unfortunate coincidence puts them in the middle of a raid. The criminals take the complete party bunch hostage and then it is a matter of surviving for the birthday boy.
Wordless short film in which strange things happen when an elderly lady starts doing a jigsaw puzzle at night. What puzzle is she really trying to solve? Only when all pieces fit together, we get to know more.
Wordless short film in which strange things happen when an elderly lady starts doing a jigsaw puzzle at night. What puzzle is she really trying to solve? Only when all pieces fit together, we get to know more.
The arrival of a new baby in the family is for the parents of the seven-year-old Daniel had a dream that will come true, but for himself the beginning of a nightmare.
The Prodigal Son
A young male hustler gets into deep trouble.
The Abductee
Eve, a slightly nerdy Science student, is abducted by Frederick, a crazy-seeming drifter who claims an alien invasion is imminent. He sees Eve as the only one who can stop the impending Apocalypse. Held captive in an abandoned mansion, she undergoes strange and frightening "special training" methods while making various escape attempts. As time passes and clues appear that point towards Fred's claims possibly being true, Eve's whole concept of reality is torn apart.