Mark Owen-Taylor


En 1978, cuando el impulso para despenalizar la homosexualidad se ha estancado, un grupo de activistas decide que deben hacer un intento final para celebrar quiénes son. Liderados por el ex jefe del sindicato, Lance Gowland, obtienen un permiso policial y corren la voz. En una helada noche de invierno, se visten con disfraces, se unen y desfilan por la calle Oxford. Pero no tienen idea de que la policía enojada está al acecho, y el coraje que encuentran esa noche finalmente movilizará a la nación.
Lani's Story
Lani's Story follows a woman's experience of two relationships - one she has to escape to survive, the other she cannot survive without. It is a moving and intimate portrait of a young Aboriginal woman's journey from victim to victor, from a broken and violent relationship to discovering the redemptive power of love. Lani's Story also explores the impact of inter-generational violence within a family and community and how the courage of one person can transform the lives of others.
Los secretos de la isla
Notar Penny
Paul recibe una carta de quien asegura que es su verdadero padre, proponiéndole un último encuentro antes de morir. El hombre viajará hasta Australia y allí conocerá a una mujer por la que se sentirá atraído.
Jack Kempson started out as an idealistic cop. Thirty years on, he remains relentless in tracking down villains, but has lost confidence in his moral barometer. He turns a blind eye to the dubious methods employed by some of his contemporaries — prepared to let dodgy means be justified by the noble end.
La chica de mis sueños
Cuando Guy conoce a Lizzie, una joven médico, cree haber encontrado a la mujer ideal. Inmediatamente suenan campanas de boda, pero, cuando llega el día del matrimonio, el protagonista empieza a tener dudas porque vuelve a su memoria el recuerdo de un antiguo amor.
Cody: Wrong Stuff
A young girl dies after a batch of deadly pills find their way into a dance club scene. Cody and Fiorelli attempt to stop others from taking the lethal cocktail as they uncover an established underground manufacturer.
Act of Necessity
Ben Coleman
An Australian couple strive to prove that chemical companies have polluted the water supply, giving their daughter leukemia.