Costume Design
In the vein of Good Will Hunting and Garden State, POPE DREAMS is a coming of age tale about a young man at a crossroads in life. Filled with heart, music, life, and loss. And a set of drums. Oh, and the Pope. POPE DREAMS is about a directionless nineteen-year old boy, Andy Venable, who works for his hard-case dad in a store warehouse during the day and plays drums in a loud heavy-metal band at night. His only clear goal at the moment is to get his sick mother, a devout Catholic, to meet the Pope before she dies. While he's busy with that, he falls for a girl who's totally out of his league and gets discovered by two Broadway producers for a musical talent that just might be his true calling. Andy's a dreamer. But dreaming is easy. It's reality that's hard.
Costume Design
Año 1846. John Riley es un oficial de origen irlandés en el ejército norteamericano, al mando de un pelotón formado por inmigrantes. Despreciados por su nacionalidad y por su condición de católicos, él y sus subordinados están arrestados a causa de algunas pequeñas infracciones. El estallido de la guerra entre México y los Estados Unidos es inminente, y con la ayuda de otros soldados irlandeses. Riley encabeza una revuelta. Los desertores cruzan la frontera, internándose en las imponentes y desérticas montañas mexicanas, camino del puerto de Veracruz y de su ansiado pasaje hacia la libertad.