The Ghost Club, an ancient organization of ghost explorers that included Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle continue there brand in a prime time ghost show.
In the heart of the military academy of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC), a group of cadets trains to become the next generation of soldiers of this war against the insurgents of the colonized planets. Among these cadets, we find Thomas LASKY who fights his doubts as to the relevance of this war and his fear of not being up to the hopes placed in him. As he prepares to become a great military leader, the alien alliance of the Covenant comes to upset everything. Very inspired by the life of the Master Chief, he must discover what it means to be a hero.
Remake de la película homónima que narra la historia de un pueblo donde se prohíbe bailar rock & roll a los jóvenes. El motivo está relacionado con una tragedia ocurrida algunos años antes. A ese pueblo llega un chico apasionado por el baile, que hará que los jóvenes del lugar se rebelen contra esa situación y reivindiquen su derecho a disfrutar de la vida.
Un arqueólogo a partir de 1.000 años en el futuro revela una novela romántica escrita en nuestro tiempo. Curioso, los viajes de regreso a conocer esta cosa llamada "amor" de la autora de la novela.