Ionuț Teianu


Elle m'a sauvée
Threatened and beaten by her ex-husband for many months, Julie Douib, 34, mother of two young children, had gone to file a complaint many times. On March 3, 2019, Julie was shot by her ex-partner in L'île Rousse in Haute-Corse. On the night of 16 to 17 April 2018, after several years of domestic violence, Laura Rapp finally found the courage to file a complaint: her spouse tried to strangle her in front of their two-year-old daughter. After a year of pre-trial detention for attempted homicide, her ex-spouse is released pending trial.
Au nom de toutes les autres
Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès : dans la tête du suspect
Afacerea Tanase. Leapsa Pe Murite
En 1982, el recién elegido Presidente de Francia, François Miterrand, se enfrenta con el dictador rumano Nicolae Ceaucescu en una historia de espionaje digna de una novela policiaca, un conflicto durante la Guerra Fría y una lucha oculta en el que estuvieron implicados los servicios secretos de ambos países, la DST francesa y la Securitate rumana. En 1982, Ceaucescu ordena a uno de sus agentes que asesine a dos disidentes rumanos que viven en París, los escritores Virgil Tanase y Paul Goma, ciudadanos franceses. Pero en lugar de cumplir esa orden, el agente de la Securitate Matei Haiducu, alias Matthieu Forestier, fue directamente a denunciarlo a la DST.
Of Snails and Men
One worker in a bankrupt factory finds an unusual solution to save his co-workers from unemployment. If it doesn't work the factory will be privatized and sold to a French company planning to convert the plant into a snail cannery. Only 300 of the 3000 workers will keep their jobs.