Ai Ozaki


Los árboles del Albino
Las montañas del centro de Japón. Para pagar los gastos médicos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de su madre, Yuku acepta un contrato lucrativo para matar a un extraño ciervo blanco que vive en el bosque en un pueblo remoto, y cuya presencia se cree que socava el turismo en la región. Sin embargo, cuando se aventura en el pueblo, descubre que el animal es venerado como un dios por la comunidad local, que vive en un estado de semi aislamiento del resto de la sociedad. Mientras evalúa sus responsabilidades éticas al llevar a cabo tal tarea, se acerca a los habitantes de la aldea, enfrentando sus emociones conflictivas sobre si deben seguir viviendo como "forasteros".
This is the story about the life and artistic views of a designer through an interview that’s replete with poetic dialogue.
Bye Bye, Marrano
Kazuomi Nara lost his job due to the bankruptcy of his company and Shiori, his fiancé, is pregnant. Running away from reality, he steals a car and ends up in a field with four strangers, Joe, Marco, Santa and Tokie. An old man who can't ride a bike, a con artist, a virgin and a shop keeper. As confused as he is, Kazuomi decides to stay with these four strangers.
Seiji works on construction sites. He sympathizes with Hosaka just back from Thailand. Together, they spend their evenings in bars with Thai girls. On a construction site, they meet Takeru, a member of the hip-hop collective of the city.
Tamotsu is expecting a persimmon to dry and yet he cannot accept that it is time for a man on his deathbed to die. As the persimmon mysteriously, or supernaturally, holds out from drying, so Tamotsu tries his hardest to keep the man alive. Only when Tamotsu has let go can the persimmon take its natural course.