Pauline Knof

Pauline Knof

Nacimiento : 1980-06-27, Berlin, Germany


Pauline Knof


Beyond the Blue Border
Elisabeth Klein
GDR, August 1989: Hanna and Andreas became a target of the secret police and had to give up their plans for their future studies and desired professions. Instead, they face arbitrariness, mistrust and reprisals. Their only chance for a self-determined life lies in fleeing across the Baltic Sea. Fifty kilometres of water separate them from freedom - and only a thin connecting rope around their wrists saves them from absolute loneliness.
Krauses Weihnacht
Cerca de tu enemigo
Sonja Honecker
Enero de 1990. Alemania está a punto de ser reunificada. El régimen moribundo de la RDA se vuelve contra su propio líder: el exjefe de Estado Erich Honecker quien enfrenta cargos de traición. Abandonado a su suerte, encontrará refugio en casa de un pastor protestante con quien confrontará moral y política.
Krauses Zukunft
This time, Krause is scared when there are changes all around the village. How can he stop the passage of time?
Jedermann - Salzburger Festspiele
Des Schuldknechts Weib
Krauses Umzug
Horst Krause tries to successfully couple his young cook.
Krauses Hoffnung
Police chief Horst Krause and his sister Elsa have been looking after the inn in Schönhorst in Brandenburg since his well-deserved retirement. It would be all good if Elsa wasn't suddenly so forgetful.
Tuva Hauck (jung)
After the death of her father Georg Inga Hauck drives together with her son Max in their home village. In her old home she meets Anna Kertesz. Inga's parents had taken Anna 28 years ago after her adult brother Zoltan mysteriously disappeared. Since the same day also Ingas was missing then six-year-old brother Magnus. Inga is being overtaken by her past in her parents' house. Soon her nerves are bare. And every day her memories come back.
Amanecer sobre Birmania
Inge, una estudiante austriaca, acude a una prestigiosa universidad americana. Allí conoce a Sao y se enamoran. Pero solo en la boda, Inge descubre que en realidad es el príncipe gobernante de Shan.
The Decent One
Anna Himmler (voice)
En mayo de 1945, un grupo de soldados de infantería del ejército norteamericano entraron en la casa familiar del comandante de las SS Heinrich Himmler, incautando cientos de cartas privadas, documentos y fotografías. Este documental revela el contenido de dicho material. Vanessa Lapa, periodista y realizadora nacida en Bélgica, vive desde 1995 en Israel, donde ha realizado cientos de reportajes para la TV israelita. (FILMAFFINITY)
König der Herzen
Jutta Lechner
Mozart Werke Ges.m.b.H.
Factory worker
Together with the ensemble of the Vienna Burgtheater, led by Kirsten Dene and Gusti Wolf, Franz Wittenbrink accounts in a wonderfully funny way with art and commerce in times of Mozart mania.
Das Geheimnis des roten Hauses
Eva Hermsdorf
Una casa solitaria
Ellen Weiss es una renombrada psiquiatra especializada en violadores, hombres agresivos y violentos. Cuando alquila una casa aislada al lado de un lago no imagina que el vecino es un psicópata y que ya la conoce. Thriler televisivo basado en la novela más conocida de la escritora de libros de misterio Anne Mclean Matthews. La cinta rodada en Alemania está protagonizada por la actriz Suzanne von Borsody ("Justiz: justicia"), una intérprete bastante conocida en su país y con una destacable trayectoria interpretativa.