Thomas Ostermeier

Nacimiento : 1968-11-03, Soltau, Germany


Le Roi Lear (Comédie-Française)
Lars Eidinger – To Be or Not To Be
Lars Eidinger is one of Germany’s most talented and versatile actors with his love of improvisation and physical acting style. This documentary seeks to dispel some of the mystique surrounding this exceptional actor’s unique art and also provide an exciting insight into the world of theatre and filmmaking.
Vernon Subutex 1
My Little Sister
Lisa y Sven son una pareja de hermanos gemelos que viven separados entre Suiza y Alemania, muy lejos el uno del otro. Siguen caminos separados (ella, una dramaturga que no escribe, y él, un actor exitoso), hasta que Sven es diagnosticado con una agresiva leucemia. Esto empuja a Lisa a volver a su lado y tratar de mantenerlo vivo a través del teatro, a sabiendas de que intentarlo puede costarle su propio matrimonio.
Fishel, psychiatrist
La película cuenta la historia de la relación sentimental entre el heredero al trono ruso, Nikolay Romanov, y la bailarina del Teatro Imperial, Matilda Kshesinskaya, desde la época en que el príncipe heredero tenía 22 años y la bailarina 18 años en 1890, hasta la coronación de Nikolay y su esposa Aleksandra Fedorovna en 1896.
Bella Figura
Bella Figura is a play where the stage direction "flottement" (a suspension, indeterminacy, or oscillation) occurs frequently, indicating a moment of silence when the characters and audience are left in ambiguous tension. The playwright Yasmina Reza wrote Bella Figura specifically for the Schaubühne director Thomas Ostermeier, and I imagine that she included these floating silences with him in mind.
Richard III
Richard of Gloucester uses murder and manipulation to claim England's throne.
Hamlet in Palestine
When Thomas Ostermeier, artistic director of the Schaubühne in Berlin, decided to go to Ramallah in September 2012 to stage Hamlet at the invitation of the Al-Kasaba Theatre, he knew that the Shakespearean verses would find a particular resonance there. The idea of the trip came from intense contact with theatre professionals in Palestine, and most especially with the Freedom Theatre in the refugee camp in Jenin. Under the watchful eye of the film director Nicolas Klotz, the tragedy of the Danish prince intersects with that of young Palestinians. The film is, moreover, a view on another tragedy: the murder of Juliano Mer Khamis, the former director of Freedom Theatre, killed by an unknown assassin in April 2011.
Hedda Gabler
Hedda and Jørgen Tesman come back from their honeymoon to their brand new house in the western part of the city. It is apparent from the start that the couple is a mismatch, and it becomes clear that Hedda will soon be bored to tears by her petit-bourgeois existence. Until she hears a man she loved a few years back is in town, the writer Eilert Løvborg.
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