Piret Tibbo-Hudgins


In the Crosswind
14 de junio de 1941. Sin previo aviso, decenas de miles de personas en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania son expulsadas de sus hogares. El objetivo de esta operación -llevada a cabo por orden del líder soviético, Joseph Stalin- es purgar los países bálticos de sus habitantes nativos. Erna, estudiante de filosofia, felizmente casada y madre de una hija pequeña, es deportada a Siberia.
Todos los músicos son bastardos
En sus mejores sueños, el personaje principal de esta película, Leila (Riina Maidre), es una cantante resplandeciente. Sin embargo, toda su energía y talento se gasta en relaciones que carcomen su alma, sustancias que alteran la mente y exhibiciones glamorosas. Heleri desafía las reglas. Al jugar con las posibilidades del arte del cine, lleva al espectador a un universo incómodo donde el límite entre la realidad y la ilusión es increíblemente delgado. Este es un mundo que es familiar para todos los que en algún momento de su vida tuvieron que crecer y admitir que soñar no es suficiente por sí solo. Y quien tenga independientemente de que haya elegido soñar.
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Tom, a wide-eyed, innocent sixteen year-old, finds himself an unwitting accomplice in a deadly game of vengeance and death when he befriends Artur - a Chechen man, hell bent on revenging the torture and murder of his family - on the streets of Tallinn.
The Singing Revolution
Most people don't think about singing when they think about revolutions. But song was the weapon of choice when, between 1986 and 1991, Estonians sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation. During those years, hundreds of thousands gathered in public to sing forbidden patriotic songs and to rally for independence. "The young people, without any political party, and without any politicians, just came together ... not only tens of thousands but hundreds of thousands ... to gather and to sing and to give this nation a new spirit," remarks Mart Laar, a Singing Revolution leader featured in the film and the first post-Soviet Prime Minister of Estonia. "This was the idea of the Singing Revolution." James Tusty and Maureen Castle Tusty's "The Singing Revolution" tells the moving story of how the Estonian people peacefully regained their freedom--and helped topple an empire along the way.
A family comedy about a 7-year-old boy, who's a devoted viking fan.
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