

Yard Sale
Harley and Renee Atwater, both in their early 30s, on a warm, sunny, Saturday morning, as they are preparing their "Yard Sale." The reason for the yard sale is simple In two days their divorce will be final and, at their mediator's suggestion, they've decided to sell all of the possessions they've acquired during their 11-year marriage and split the profits. And during the constant haggling with buyers over the dozens of items that Harley and Renee are selling, the items often lead to "flashbacks" of incidents that occurred earlier in the couple's marriage,giving us a unique insight into how and why their relationship spiraled downward, ultimately leading to their pending divorce and this unique "Yard Sale."
Las aventuras de Chatrán
Es la historia del gatito Chatran y el perrito Puske; ambos se crían juntos en una granja y son casi como hermanos. Un día, jugando al escondite, el felino se esconde en una caja junto al embarcadero del río. Al can le cuesta un rato encontrarlo, pero cuando lo consigue, la corriente empieza a llevarse la caja y la arrastra río abajo, llevándose a Chatran muy lejos. Puske entonces viajará incansablemente en busca de su amigo...