Dan Shillon


Seven years after his death, Motti Kirschenbaum’s eldest son Canaan decids to open the great archive left behind by his father. The archive clips, old films and photos paint a picture of one of the most important and busy television producers in Israel. The son traces Motti’s long career, along the way he meets journalists and actors who worked with Kirschenbaum over the years and reveals the lesser-known sides of his personality, his function as a spouse, father and friend.
Un día en septiembre
En 1972 durantes las Olimpiadas de Munich, un grupo de terroristas palestinos entró en el recinto olímpico y secuestró a varios atletas israelíes, con trágicos resulados. Este aclamado documental, Oscar en su categoría el año 1999, incluye material real rodado en esas fechas, además de una entrevista al único superviviente terrorista de la operación, Jamal Al Gashey.