Giorgos Lazaridis

Giorgos Lazaridis

Nacimiento : 1927-01-01, Athens, Greece

Muerte : 2012-08-09


Giorgos Lazaridis


Ένας Άνθρωπος Παντός Καιρού
Θανάσης ο βομβιστής
Θανάσης ο βομβιστής
Πεινασμένος και τζέντλεμαν
The life of a sidekick goes from bad to worse as it can not find a job and do not have to eat. Returns Thessaloniki disappointed and determined to kill himself, but knows a rich girl, prepared and this put an end to her life.
Πεινασμένος και τζέντλεμαν
The life of a sidekick goes from bad to worse as it can not find a job and do not have to eat. Returns Thessaloniki disappointed and determined to kill himself, but knows a rich girl, prepared and this put an end to her life.
To didymo tis symforas
To didymo tis symforas
Υπαστυνόμος Θανάσης
Υπαστυνόμος Θανάσης
Ο πρωταθλητής
Ο πρωταθλητής
Κρεβάτι για πέντε
Κρεβάτι για πέντε
Θανάσης Ο Αισιόδοξος
Θανάσης Ο Αισιόδοξος
Άντζελα, ο πειρασμός
Άντζελα, ο πειρασμός
Ο Θανάσης στη χώρα του Θα
Ο Θανάσης στη χώρα του Θα
Άγραφος Νόμος
Άγραφος Νόμος
Γυμνά σκάνδαλα
Greek comedy.
Γυμνά σκάνδαλα
Greek comedy.
O zigolo tis Athinas
A zigolo falls victim to a well-intentioned plan that aims to incriminate him for killing a foreign agent.
O zigolo tis Athinas
A zigolo falls victim to a well-intentioned plan that aims to incriminate him for killing a foreign agent.
Κορόιδο Ρωμιέ
The Hemline
At a luxurious hotel various women spend their summer holidays trying, each one in her own way, to find the love of their life or solve the problems of a love affair. Through various misunderstandings and amusing incidents, the women find what they are looking for, with the help of luck and their female instinct.
The Hemline
At a luxurious hotel various women spend their summer holidays trying, each one in her own way, to find the love of their life or solve the problems of a love affair. Through various misunderstandings and amusing incidents, the women find what they are looking for, with the help of luck and their female instinct.
Καθένας Με Την Τρέλλα Του...
Three stories everyday madness. A retired headmaster angers me when I see the marks of his granddaughter and soon discovers that most education is dominated by bribing. A civil servant who lives a boring life with his wife and his mother in law, and a woman who has been trying for years to get its land in the city plan!
Καθένας Με Την Τρέλλα Του...
Three stories everyday madness. A retired headmaster angers me when I see the marks of his granddaughter and soon discovers that most education is dominated by bribing. A civil servant who lives a boring life with his wife and his mother in law, and a woman who has been trying for years to get its land in the city plan!
Γεύση από Ελλάδα
Anthology film with a number of sketches that satirize modern Greece.
Γεύση από Ελλάδα
Anthology film with a number of sketches that satirize modern Greece.
Τα Παιδιά της Πιάτσας
Babis (Nikos Rizos), after his release, finds it difficult to balance between the groups with the guys and jobber of Piraeus, and the strict surveillance of the police, who closed the once in prison. He will try to sell the alleged Byzantine icons that makes a fellow prisoner, but will be arrested. It will be released as there were images of value, and will be informed that the mother of the same (Mary Metaxa) alerted the police to remove him from the unlawful activity.
Ο Παλαβός Κόσμος του Θανάση
Seven short stories of everyday madness starring Thanasis Vengos.
Μονά... Ζυγά Δικά Μου...
When she learns that her fiancé has played their wedding rings in gambling, Despina leaves him. He will buy the wedding rings again and visit her to rebuild them, but he will find four men in her house and he will be distracted. Despina will get involved in many misunderstandings until she can find her again with her beloved.
The Bald Student
Thanasis, a family breadwinner who has been working for 17 years at the Ministry of Measure and Station without any promotion, is trying to cover his expenses by doing a second job. When he learns that he can not be promoted because he does not own a high school diploma, he decides to go back to school.
Οκέυ, φίλε
Ο Τσαρλατάνος
The Man Who Ran a Lot
Thanasis Zevedaios (Thanasis Vengos) has a shop with watches and running but not enough! Time and the clocks have become obsessed after running nonstop in an effort to nourish their relatives. The 'philosopher' brother dies and leaves another four mouths under his protection. The day is divided between the shop, his sister and his niece to marry, and his beloved, who works in a supermarket, while the economic situation and their obligations do not allow them to marry.
Μπουμ Ταρατατζούμ
Two itinerant actress, the Vlakometros and Poniridis, arrive at Adira, a city of ancient Greece groaning under the despotic rule of the tyrant Hippias, to give a performance. Because Vlakometros is identical to Hippias, the dissident intellectuals will try to use it to overthrow the tyrant. A series of incredible comedic misunderstandings and unexpected will follow in this brilliant political satire, which had experienced serious problems with censorship when the Junta was.
Ο Άνθρωπος που Έσπαγε Πλάκα
Lambros Konstantaras performs a wealthy gossip that has never worked, and all he has to do is make fun and jokes to others. But when he suddenly finds himself in the street, he realizes that life is not just fun and is forced to look for a job. In the end, it turns out he had not lost his fortune as it was an idea his father had invented shortly before he died to be
Carefree... Nut
In this color comedy Thanasis trying for years to leave illegally for America to make his life because due to financial can not pay fares, but always something was wrong and left behind. His friend, Nikiforos, advises him to stay in Greece, to work and to look to find the namesake of Thanasis, who helps around the world.
The Dawn Of Victory
In 1943, a commando team wants to try to destroy the largest airport of the Germans in Crete. The leader of the commando, Nikitas is Cretan, but Lefteris, who is the leader of the resistance group, refuses to help him. Eventually the mission succeeds, but Nikitas is captured. Then the resistance fighters attack in prison and release the prisoners who were to be executed.
Διακοπές στο Βιετνάμ
Returning from a 3 year captivity in Vietnam, a kind chemist finds his wife married to his boss who has become rich due to his invention.
King of Liars
Achilleas, who works together with his friend Paminos at Prokopis’ gas station, tries, via correspondence, to find a rich woman from abroad to marry and, in this way, hit the jackpot.
O agathiáris kai i atsída
The Four Aces
An adaptation of "Romeo and Juliette" where the children of two rival shopkeepers fall in love and try to reconcile their fathers.
The Three Liars
Liza (Maro Kontou), a famous movie actress, is obliged to marry the man her three uncles choose for her (all played by Nikos Stavridis) so that she can inherit a huge fortune. The young woman promises a film extra (Giorgos Pantzas) her hand in marriage if he manages to convince her uncles that he’s the one they should choose for her. The extra gives his best performance and convinces each of the uncles in turn of his worth as a groom.
The Brave Bunch
Two friends, a military and a journalist, after the collapse of the Albanian front, go to Macedonia to organize resistance against the Bulgarians.
Η ταξιτζού
Η Τύχη μου Τρελλάθηκε
An employee can not marry the girl, because of financial problems and stalked by her brother. So decide, together with the son of his boss, facing the same problems, to get each other's position.
The Teacher was One Hell of a Man
The teacher of a primary school in a mountainous village, arrives in Athens to force a rich businessman to keep his promise and to build a new school in the village.
Κάθε Κατεργάρης Στον Πάγκο Του
The Bluffer
John Halaris is neat antiques and incurable bluffer. After a successful bluff to three friends in Hydra, he returns to Athens. The carefree single life will change completely when they visit a young girl pretending to be his daughter. At first he thinks it is a bluff, but quickly convinced that Gianna is indeed daughter, by his first and only love of his life, Miranda ...
Ένας Άφραγκος Ωνάσης
A poor accountant, but with the enigmatic name Agisilaos Onassis (Kostas Voutsas), who dreams of a great life, suddenly learns that he only has a month left to live. He abandons everything and, with the savings he has on his side, is leaving on an island to spend this last month of his life as rich.
The Baldheaded Agent and the Land of Destruction Mission
Undercover cop takes to find and restore a rich girl who ran away from home
Ο Θαυματοποιός
Ξύπνα καημένε Περικλή
Κακός, Ψυχρός και Ανάποδος
Ποιός Θανάσης!
A kindhearted owner of a shop falls in love with the girl he hires and, eventually, he finds out who tricks him and who really loves him.
Ξύπνα Κορόιδο...
The Tasia chasing the impostor Lepoura Vangelis arrives with hitchhiking in Athens. Gaining confidence wholesaler Kyriacou Bolore and taken to his house as a maid. The daughter of Kiriakos, Lia, presents the writer Phaedon Tramountana and asks him to finance the scenario. His son Lakis, wants to succeed in the profession of wholesaler and prefers to deal with the rock band. His sister Ismene has in mind only the deck.
An Unbelievable Sucker
Thanasis and he will become barber, continuing the tradition of Chatzipapageorgakopoulokonstantinogiannopoulon in traditional shop in the neighborhood, without knowing that the court of the occupation, the German commander, Von Tzifren, has hidden a treasure. Thanasis is in love with Lisa's daughter Charoupoglou, rich neighborhood that made money held. Germany Von Tzifren is released ...
The Man Who Returned from the Plates
A Greek-American started from low washing dishes, became a landlord dozens restaurants in America. One day, he decides to return to Greece to marry, but things will be confused when they get into the wrong house ...
Ο Άνθρωπος Της Καρπαζιάς
Anestis is a nice guy but he doesn't have the courage to react when others bother him. When one of his close friends brings him some "magic" pills that give Anestis the superpowers of his dreams, everything is going to change...
Ο Πεθερόπληκτος
Xristos is married to the rich Rena. In fact the rich is his mother-in-law, who has big business abroad. In Greece the mother-in-law gives the hotel's managment to Xristos but also loads to him all the work. Desperate, he decides to slam the yoke and kill her ...
Ο Τσαχπίνης
Although a gas station employee, a young man has a great idea about himself and chases brides with a great dowry, ignoring his neighbor who loves him.
Ο Παλιάτσος
O boufos
An engineer is working hard without any substantial effect and he is not taking seriously the persistent remarks of his wife on this. When a businessman, on the one hand, and his company's executives, on the other hand, will try to lure him to serve their conflicting interests in the construction of a new road, the engineer reacts.
Η Αγάπη Μας
An usherette in a theatre, where a distinguished and popular actor performs, gets her big break when the leading actress has an accident. The director decides to take advantage of the heretofore unexploited talent of the girl and asks her to replace the leading actress. This unexpected opportunity transforms her from a humble usherette into a shining star. Later on, she wins the heart of the leading actor with whom she was secretly in love. However, her sudden rise to theatrical-musical stardom creates complications in their love affair, as her companion sinks into disappointment and drowns himself in drink, abandoning his career. Nevertheless, the usherette/leading actress doesn't give up; She looks for him, finds him and supports him, psychologically and morally, until he makes a comeback to the stage and their love nest.
Ο Πιο Καλός ο Μαθητής
Οι Μνηστήρες της Πηνελόπης
The Giant of Kypseli
Nikos is a short hairpin chandler, which has very high opinion of himself. Flirts shamelessly with the towering diva region, Clara, which has also been put on the eye and the irresistible charmer in the same area, Alekos, but she plays with both. The giggly maid mother of Clara, the Zambetas, is madly in love with Nick, but he snubbed the fanfare. One night the bouzouki, the Zambetas meets George Zambetas, who immediately recognized her talent and showcases a star of popular music, thereby becoming sought after bride
Κολωνάκι Διαγωγή Μηδέν
When an open-hearted folk man, a butcher of the profession, buys an apartment to stay with his family in a block of flats in a lush neighborhood, the tenants are colluding in order to get him away. The only defenders are the concierge and a general who will think of a clever way to correct the situation.
Νυμφίος ανύμφευτος
Ο Κόσμος Τρελλάθηκε...
The beautiful Katy, employee Patroklos fashion firm is engaged to lawyer Lycurgus Karanikolarea, but he flirts shamelessly with other women, despite their faith and loyalty vows she has made. To get the blood back and give him a firm lesson begins flirting with five men at the same time: the partner of Lycurgus, Dionysis, his Patroclus accountant Pythagoras, a giegie left over from her own apartment, Reno called dynamite, the cantor cousin of Patroclus, James, and the director of a school wrestlers, Hercules Karamasista.
Ο Ανακατωσούρας
Thomas Karatoulpanis (Dinos Iliopoulos) is a naive employee at a car show in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair. Because of his modest personality he is constantly criticised by his mother-in-law, his uncle and his boss. The only one who supports him is his wife. But the appearance of a doppelganger who buys extravagant gifts in his name causes a ruckus. Thomas is an amateur singer and participates in the Thessaloniki Song Festival winning the first prize. This is when everyone realises that there are two people who look alike.
Ο Ανακατωσούρας
Himself / Cameo (uncredited)
Thomas Karatoulpanis (Dinos Iliopoulos) is a naive employee at a car show in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair. Because of his modest personality he is constantly criticised by his mother-in-law, his uncle and his boss. The only one who supports him is his wife. But the appearance of a doppelganger who buys extravagant gifts in his name causes a ruckus. Thomas is an amateur singer and participates in the Thessaloniki Song Festival winning the first prize. This is when everyone realises that there are two people who look alike.
Na zi kaneis i na mi zi?
After his business' bankrupcy, Giorgos Alexiou decides to commit suicide. Rosa, his cousin's wife who stand to benefit form his death, hires a private detective to keep an eye on him in case he changes his mind. Minas, Giorgos' employee, becomes Giorgos' guardian angel preventing the suicide at the last minute.
Na zi kaneis i na mi zi?
After his business' bankrupcy, Giorgos Alexiou decides to commit suicide. Rosa, his cousin's wife who stand to benefit form his death, hires a private detective to keep an eye on him in case he changes his mind. Minas, Giorgos' employee, becomes Giorgos' guardian angel preventing the suicide at the last minute.
A Man for All Jobs...
A cynical young man, Giorgos, who believes that in this life you need to steer clear of principles and attachments, clashes with his father, captain Manolis and abandons the management of the family’s shipyard. Determined to build his life again, he gets a job as a waiter in a large hotel and believes that he can also get rich by taking advantage of the sorrows and the loneliness of the wealthy.
Fifis the Unbeatable
A tough sailor, Fotis, returns to Greece to marry his beloved and to settle certain inheritance issues with his twin brother Fifis, who is an effeminate artist. Their striking resemblance will upset the lives of both of them equally.
Fifis the Unbeatable
A tough sailor, Fotis, returns to Greece to marry his beloved and to settle certain inheritance issues with his twin brother Fifis, who is an effeminate artist. Their striking resemblance will upset the lives of both of them equally.
The message of the return of Captain Nikoli sfakianes Andros, after four years of absence, will bring great inconvenience to his house. His wife Chrisoula will scrape together the three daughters of the party on the beaches and transform them appropriately, knowing how severe is the captain. The change is so successful that Captain Nikolas disappointed by their appearance ...
The message of the return of Captain Nikoli sfakianes Andros, after four years of absence, will bring great inconvenience to his house. His wife Chrisoula will scrape together the three daughters of the party on the beaches and transform them appropriately, knowing how severe is the captain. The change is so successful that Captain Nikolas disappointed by their appearance ...
Yie mou... Yie mou...
A widow wants to remarry, but as often as he tries to flirt with younger women he faces the rivalry of his own son.
Μπετόβεν και Μπουζούκι
Το πρόσωπο της ημέρας
Grigoris (Kostas Voutsas), a shopkeeper from Katerini, wins the first prize at a radio station that covers his expenses for a week in Athens. Arriving in the capital, the members of two gangs think it is Polydoros, the man who was to carry a stolen ancient statue to sell it to a rich collector. Grigoris, by chance, acquires the statue, and the captain (Kostas Kazakos) of a gang, with the help of a charming woman (Eleni Prokopiou), tries to trap him. Eventually, Grigoris will be hunted by both the gangs and the police ...
And All 14 Were Wonderful!
Four cousins inherit a rich uncle. In order to do this, however, they must first fulfill the terms that each uncle has laid down in his covenant.
And All 14 Were Wonderful!
Four cousins inherit a rich uncle. In order to do this, however, they must first fulfill the terms that each uncle has laid down in his covenant.
Descended from Heaven
The late Pericles gets permission from God to return to earth and help his family, who has gone astray after his death. Invisible to all but present everywhere, he is able to eavesdrop on what's going on: his youngest daughter lives it up with some Teddy boys, his eldest do not intend to marry her fiancé, his son has become a crook, and his wife a gambler.
Descended from Heaven
The late Pericles gets permission from God to return to earth and help his family, who has gone astray after his death. Invisible to all but present everywhere, he is able to eavesdrop on what's going on: his youngest daughter lives it up with some Teddy boys, his eldest do not intend to marry her fiancé, his son has become a crook, and his wife a gambler.
Πράκτορες 005 Εναντίον Χρυσοπόδαρου
Another One for the Million
The honest and meticulous cashier, Savvas, works in a business and is often pressured by his wife’s siblings to embezzle money from his job and lend it to them. When his manager, leaving on a trip, entrusts him with a million drachmas without a receipt, Savvas succumbs to the pressure and gives some of the money to his brother-in-law. In the end, however, an unexpected development awaits Savvas, since his manager is killed in an airplane crash and he has to decide what to do with the money.
Κόσμος και Κοσμάκης
Μικροί και μεγάλοι εν δράσει...
Μικροί και μεγάλοι εν δράσει...
Τρίτη και 13
Τρίτη και 13
Αυτό το κάτι άλλο!
An unorganized and spoiled guy, Telis Partalis, who is only cut off for his amusement, is squandering all of his father's possessions in feasts and cartogangers. His sister, Ellie, a tasty girl and a serious lawyer, as well as Julie's rich aunt, do their utmost to avert this situation but telis is not at all aware of his own misery. His aunt is forcing him to get engaged to the wealthy Nana, who in turn is a fanatic of the spree and has the ability to bail him out of debt. They once realize that Telis has fallen to the clutches of the deft who, led by the impostor Stelios, want to take away even the factory he has inherited. Then they all buckle together, even his sister and Nana, so they take down the bad guys. The factory survives, the hero's mind is somewhat "coagulates" and the love that arises between dues and nanas seals the happy ending.
10 Days in Paris
Two men intend to make a "secret" trip to Paris alone and live it up in order to escape the stranglehold of their wives.
Ο Γαμπρός Μου, Ο Δικηγόρος!
A barber wants to marry his daughter to a scientist. He believes that he has found the proper candidate in the face of a trainee lawyer.
Eftyhos... trellathika!
Charilaos Maraziotis owns a store and owes so much money both to his lenders and to the state, that he is in danger of going to jail. He decides to pretend to be a psychopath and is sent to an asylum. His lenders, upon hearing the news about his mental health, change their attitude towards him and release him from his debts.
Φτωχαδάκια και Λεφτάδες
Έξω οι Κλέφτες!
When the general manager who possesses 70% of the shares of a steelworks learns that he is sick and has to go abroad to be cured, he hands his shares to Timoleon Adamantas (Orestis Makris), his brother, a teacher, with whom he hasn’t spoken for almost 30 years. Timoleon, being an honest and goodhearted man, aided by his brother’s secretary, Margarita (Martha Karagianni), with whom his son Andreas is in love, finds out a number of great administrative irregularities. Immediately, he throws out his brother’s number one assistant, Kleftodimos (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) and Margarita as well and puts everything in order.
The Clever Bird
A poor but hardworking and proud young woman falls in love with her boss and manages to save him from many problems troubling his business.
Snow White and the 7 Old Boys
Alexia is a young woman who comes from the countryside and is in love with a rich man, Paris, who is studying abroad. Her stepmother treats her cruelly and forces her to escape from home. Alexia finds herself in an isolated area by chance, where she is discovered by seven brothers who live together in a nearby house. The seven bachelors put her up and treat her like a member of their own family.
Snow White and the 7 Old Boys
Alexia is a young woman who comes from the countryside and is in love with a rich man, Paris, who is studying abroad. Her stepmother treats her cruelly and forces her to escape from home. Alexia finds herself in an isolated area by chance, where she is discovered by seven brothers who live together in a nearby house. The seven bachelors put her up and treat her like a member of their own family.
Λαός και Κολωνάκι
A milkman has his shop at the affluent Athenian neighborhood of Kolonaki and is in love with an aristocratic girl.
Νταντά με το Ζόρι
Original Music Composer
The Father Is Training
A widowed taverna owner tries to improve himself in order to please the aristocratic family of his son's wife. He manages to change things and ends up training everyone else instead.
The Father Is Training
A widowed taverna owner tries to improve himself in order to please the aristocratic family of his son's wife. He manages to change things and ends up training everyone else instead.