Roza Khairullina
Nacimiento : 1961-09-12, Norilsk, USSR (Russia)
Veta is a student of the acting department of one of the capital's universities. She does not show great promise, but she firmly believes in her dream - to become the best in her field.
A young Moscow music video maker Grisha blazes his way to fame through the dashing nineties - in the era of careless parties, bandit shooters and grievous bodily harm. His friends are the best music video makers in the country, his clients are its main stars. One dashing adventure follows another - the guys are lucky. And it seems that everything is just beginning.
New Year's Eve 2000. Young representatives of the Cossack and Tatar families got married without the blessing of their parents, violating the traditions of their families. Two families enter into a tribal battle for the right to name their newborn son, which develops into a battle - to baptize or circumcise. The desire of each family to be the first in the dispute turns into an adventure during which mysterious events and love stories take place.
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
Svetlana Valeryevna
David, a university professor, takes to social media to criticize his city’s administration. But instead of the mayor’s dodgy dealings being investigated, David is himself accused of embezzlement and placed under house arrest. Despite the overbearing surveillance, double-crossing acquaintances, and growing media interest, David remains defiant and will not apologise. With the court case drawing ever nearer, does David have any hope of winning this battle against Goliath?
The director from the” old guard " comes to the film studio to discuss the shooting of his film. A whole squad of new tolerant producers, imposed by the censored film critics, is waiting for him in the office. Their main task is to turn the film about ordinary guys and traditional values conceived by Kostya upside down. The comments mainly relate to racial and gender issues, according to the agenda... Kostya is shocked: does talent and human qualities now mean nothing for the selection of actors and the film crew? The producers continue to press Kostya, then he loses his temper in the literal and figurative sense of the word…
Found unconscious and robbed on a beach in Thailand, 70-year old Xenophon only knows his own name because it was engraved on his old Soviet watch. He’s been left with no money and no identification…and he doesn’t speak a word of Thai. But Xenophon is a resourceful man. He begins to build a new life with friends and a new business, but there’s something disturbing in his past that he can only glimpse through his shattered memory. Is he really who he seems?
A girl and a girl came to an old, cold house in a village near Moscow to visit their grandmother, who had already forgotten what it was to love, but she knows who Monatik is.
Mark is at odds with his girlfriend, with the whole world and with himself. Once, a former colleague of Mark comes to the cinema where he works, with whom he has one unpleasant secret from the past.
Igor está listo para cualquier cosa por el bien de la felicidad de Polina, y para compensar la pérdida de su hijo, la pareja se abre a un nuevo hijo. Pero en lugar de un niño ordinario de un refugio, una criatura mística que puede recrear los recuerdos se mete en su familia... Todavía no se ha encontrado una receta para siglos de sufrimiento, pero tal vez la clave de la salvación en el amor desinteresado por los demás. ... ¡Abre tu corazón! Dejála entrar ...
Kira is a teenager who is left disabled after a car accident. Her father is a boxing coach and he refuses to accept her situation. He believes that it could be overcome with a special training simulator to rehabilitate her. During this difficult period, Kira meets Andrey. With falling in love her life is changed in an unexpected way. They both face new and daunting challenges, and only the irrepressible desire to live and love can lead them to overcome the mistakes of their youth.
Mitya is a professional. He cries at funeral for money, piously believes in the importance of his mission. Mitya wants to be top in his profession, but he has a number of competitors, and there are also people who don’t understand him. Some twists in his life come rather unexpected
Three generations of the family lived all together. But then everything changed. The grandma remained alone, her granddaughter visits her less and less and her daughter doesn’t see her at all. A moth appears in the flat of the old woman and it is impossible to get rid of her. Because the moth is the loneliness.
Sasha's Grandmother
En medio de un torbellino de fiestas, privilegios y paranoia, los jóvenes de Rusia de hoy luchan por encontrar un sentido a su vida.
Basado en hechos reales y trágicos en la vida de Vitaly Kaloyev, arquitecto y hombre de familia. En 2002, su esposa e hijos mueren en una colisión en el aire junto con otras 70 personas, en su mayoría niños. Vitaly es una de las primeras personas en descubrir los cuerpos de su familia en el lugar del accidente. Se culpa a la empresa responsable de monitorear el espacio aéreo, así como al único controlador de tráfico aéreo que estaba de servicio en ese momento. Dos años más tarde, después de muchos esfuerzos obstruidos para obtener disculpas y respuestas, Vitaly vuela a Suiza para obtener justicia.
Irina Semenovna
The son-in-law with the mother-in-law, teachers from the border town, go to Finland to buy a sofa. On the way back, the son-in-law is waiting for difficulties that he had no idea about.
The main character of the movie is a young man from downtown Moscow. He got everything from his father - his money, car, university. Sasha wants to live his life differently, but doesn't know how... He dreams of being Tsoi or van Gogh. One day Sasha meets Masha, an extraordinary and complex woman. Her mother, an aged actress, is an alcoholic and trying to take her own life. Sasha decides to help the girl
Tired of the routine, the President decides to go on vacation in splendid isolation to rest in the Crimea, and at the same time freely communicate with the people. Realizing that it would be difficult to remain incognito and escape from caring colleagues, he resorted to make-up services. But his new appearance exactly coincides with the appearance of Valery from N-sk, who is hiding from the collectors on a voucher for his mother in the Crimean sanatorium ...
Urne, shaman
Based on a real case in Siberia, a woman lost in the taiga is forced to wander with several families engaged in hunting.
Passenger, her sister
Inspirada en el relato de Dostoyevski de 1876, 'La sumisa'. Una mujer viaja a una cárcel en una región remota para averiguar qué le ha pasado a su marido después de que un envío para él fuera devuelto sin explicación.
A young man living in a big city visits the countryside and meets a girl living in the forest...
Chief nurse
The story of Tanya, who is suddenly hit by a feeling that her existence is hopelessly devoid of meaning, is set in St. Petersburg. The city landscape provides the backdrop for Tanya's ups and downs as she takes drastic action, gets into scrapes and grows up as a result of the trials - both deliberate and accidental - that she faces.
Amuli Edelmann interpreta a Viktor Kärppä, ex agente especial de Rusia atormentado por su pasado. Se instala en Finlandia, el país de sus antepasados, y trata de ganarse la vida tanto como un investigador privado y facilitador de negocios para los inmigrantes rusos, pero se encuentra permanentemente asociado con el crimen organizado. Kärppa no es un asesino, aunque se parece a uno. ¿Puede un hombre cambiar su identidad, o arrojar su lealtad, simplemente mediante el cruce de una frontera?
A gunshot suddenly breaks the silence of the school hallways. A desperate history teacher holds her whole class hostage. But very soon the situation will change, and the teacher herself will become a hostage.
Managing position at Nastenka Cleaning Service, whose employees are migrant girls from Asia, comes at the Muscovite Kirillov out of the blue. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov is planning to leave for Norway and expecting his bride, a typical European with a rather rigid interpretation of freedom and tolerance, to come visit. The idea that she will learn about the exploitation of "women of the East" terrifies him and makes him prevaricate in order to hide his "harem"...
It is a story about the Soviet worker Pyotr and the German engineer Hans, who came to the USSR before the war on a business trip. At a Soviet plant the German team works in cooperation with Russian specialists. Once Hans makes a mistake which causes the explosion of the furnace and human losses. Hans finds himself at the mercy of Pyotr, the only witness to his actions near the furnace. Pyotr also depends on Hans, because Pyotr’s very presence near the furnace entails accusation of subversive actions and a death sentence. Mutual suspicion gives way to silent sympathy and later friendship. They even look like each other, both have small children. Pyotr secretly leaves the town with his family but Hans feels loss rather that relief at the disappearance of the embarrassing witness.
Orphaned by the brutal Soviet collectivization campaign of the 1930s, a young Kazakh boy takes to the mountains and lives amongst a pack of wolves.
Anna has a sweetheart and a beloved mother. An insane attachment to the mother, who doesn't want to let her daughter go, prevents her from a relationship whit the man, and gives her no chance to lead an independent life.
As the mass deportations of the Chechen and Ingush peoples begin in 1944, young Daud and Seda escape to the mountains. When they get back to their native village, however, they witness a horrifying war crime.
WWII mini-series
Tamara Moskvina
Five real-life stories of Olympic athletes of Russia. Five stories which intertwined love, betrayal, friendship. Each of these victories worth hard work, respect and belief in yourself, in your family and to your country.
Es la palabra "horda" la que significó, para muchos países y naciones, redadas sangrientas y estar bajo una contribución humillante durante siglos, un mundo extraño y aterrador con sus propias reglas y costumbres. Ser o no ser para Rus (Ruthenia), ese es el precio de la misión de un solo hombre, ya que se está yendo a este mundo para lograr una hazaña. La película cuenta la historia de cómo san Alexio, el metropolitano de Moscú y el trabajador de las maravillas de toda Rusia, curó a la reina tártara Taidula, la madre de Jani-Beg, de la ceguera, en 1357.
This story unites the destinies of the landowners and their servants, and is considered to be one of the most complete portraits of the Russian life in the late XIX century. It takes place in Dry Valley, a village owned by the noble family of Khrushevs. The story tells about Natalia, a young and naive girl who serves in their country house. We see and experience her love, dedication to her masters, mysticism, exile, betrayal and faith, while the Dry Valley is falling to pieces, slowly but inevitably, as well as the lives of its inhabitants.