Yevgeni Petrov

Yevgeni Petrov

Nacimiento : 1903-11-30, Odessa, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1942-07-02


Yevgeni Petrov


Bender: El Comienzo
Imperio ruso, 1919. Por un giro del destino, el joven idealista Osip Zadunaisky conoce a un infame estafador y autoproclamado súbdito turco, Ibrahim Bender. Un hombre de pensamiento puro y educación aristocrática, Osip nunca se habría asociado con un estafador astuto y sin escrúpulos, pero Bender presenta una oferta que Osip no puede rechazar. Una preciosa reliquia real, un cetro dorado con incrustaciones de diamantes, está escondido en algún lugar de la ciudad; Bender necesita un compañero en su misión para encontrarlo y le ofrece a Osip una parte de las ganancias de la venta del tesoro. Y así comienza su aventura conjunta, forjada con giros y vueltas cómicos y peligrosos, donde tienen que burlar y superar en astucia a los oficiales de la Guardia Blanca, así como a la mafia local, que también tienen los ojos puestos en el cetro.
In Memory Of
To ensure that the viewer guessed in the name of Ilfipetrov that Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov were separate, the authors collected an impressive evidence base: live testimonies were obtained in Moscow, Odessa, Yaroslavl, Paris, New York; in the exact repetition of the route of "One-storied America", in miraculously preserved family archives.
Twelve Chairs
The film TWELVE CHAIRS linked in a spectacular way the dramaturgy of a treasure hunt and chase with a dense imagery of people and places. It tells both of yesterday and today, the reality of the people in the CIS countries and the universal humanity of our own actions. Large social utopia thus mixes with the individual hope of personal happiness, be it through money or in love.
Idiot Dreams
The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! New time requires a new image of the Turkish national Ostap Bender. He still selflessly loves money. As in the days of the NEP, his big blue dream remains white pants and distant Rio de Janeiro. His methods of achieving the goal are still the same - honest taking money from citizens.
Светлая личность
Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tram
The film tells about the life of the Soviet country in the 30s of the twentieth century, based on the feuilletons and notebooks of famous writers Ilya Ilf and Eugene Petrov…
12 Chairs
A former aristocrat Ippolit Vorobyaninov leads a miserable life in Soviet Russia. His mother-in-law reveals a secret to him - she hid family diamonds in one of the twelve chairs they once had. Vorobyaninov in cooperation with a young con artist Ostap Bender start a long search for the diamonds.
El misterio de las doce sillas
Ambientada en Rusia en 1927, el antes aristócrata Ippolit, bajo el nuevo régimen soviético, no es más que un empleado administrativo ruso. Al descubrir que su moribunda suegra escondió las valiosísimas joyas de la familia en una de las doce sillas de un juego de comedor, se lanza a atravesar Rusia para dar con ellas. En su aventura lo acompañan un oportunista, un cura y su antiguo criado, todos a la caza de la silla.
¿Cuál de las trece?
Mario Beretti, un hombre despreocupado, recibe como herencia 13 sillas antiguas. Decide venderlas para sacar algún dinero rápido, pero después se entera de que una de las sillas tenía escondidos unos documentos valorados en una fortuna. Mario intentará recuperar las sillas, pero no será fácil.
Přehlídce velím já!
The Golden Calf
A crook named Ostap Bender, who survived a murder attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov in "12 Chairs," now schemes to extort 1 million from an underground millionaire.
12 chairs
Las doce sillas
Un aristócrata venido a menos con el triunfo revolucionario y su ex chofer buscan desesperadamente una silla donde están escondidos los brillantes de la familia. En abierta competencia con el cura del pueblo, enterado del secreto, los personajes atraviesan las más imprevistas situaciones ya que el juego de doce sillas ha sido subastado por el Ministerio de Recuperación de Valores y se encuentran en distintas manos
Как создавался Робинзон
Treze Cadeiras
13 chairs
Filip Palm works as a clerk. His hobby is creating inventions of different sorts. He has just received a big inheritance and has fallen in love with Gun Svärdsjö.
It's in the Bag!
The ringmaster of a flea circus inherits a fortune...if he can find which chair it's hidden in.
Air Taxi
A musical romantic comedy set in Soviet Union during the first years of WWII.
Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry
Anton Ivanovich Voronov is a highly respected professor at the Moscow Conservatoire, who places the music of Bach above everything else and regards it as the ultimate yardstick by which other musical accomplishments must be measured. His daughter, Serafima, is an aspiring singer with great potential, and her father’s anger is aroused when she begins singing in the operetta composed by Aleksei Mukhin, thus abandoning what he considers the higher calling of opera. Mukhin’s work, however, demands a high level of ability from his soloist, and Anton Ivanovich is persuaded of the legitimacy of operetta as a musical genre when, in a dream, he is visited by Johann Sebastian Bach himself, who tells him that ‘people need all kinds of music’.
Musical Story
Talented cabbie with aspirations as a singer spends afterhours practicing with an amateur opera company, ignoring his sweetheart, the femme cab dispatcher.
Sometimes in summer
The Twelve Chairs
The first movie adaptation of the Russian novel "The Twelve Chairs" by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeniy Petrov. The basic idea from this movie, in which a barber and an antique salesman were searching for money hidden in one of of twelve chairs, was later reused for other official and unofficial adaptions of the book