Nick Ryan


Dispensary of Death
Visual Effects
Kevin is having a bad day. He’s been bitten by one of those strange, shuffling creatures that suddenly seem to be everywhere. Perhaps the friendly people at his local pharmacy can help?
Corporate Monster
After being phased out of his job, a dangerously unstable man’s life spirals out of control when the prescription pills he takes start to have a side effect: they allow him to see the parasitic beings that have long been puppeteering our world from the shadows.
I am not a serial killer
John Wayne Cleaver es un adolescente obsesionado con los asesinos en serie que, pese a sus tendencias sociópatas, hace todo lo posible para no convertirse en uno de ellos. Cuando el frío pueblo del Midwest americano donde vive se ve acechado por una ola de sangrientas muertes, John decide perseguir al culpable, bajo la amenaza de descubrir que él es mucho peor que su enemigo.
The Summit
The Summit is a 2012 documentary film about the 2008 K2 disaster directed by Nick Ryan. It combines documentary footage with dramatized recreations of the events of the 2008 K2 disaster. On the way to and from the summit, eleven climbers died during a short time span creating one of the worst catastophes in climbing history. Much of the documentary footage was captured by Swedish mountaineer Fredrik Sträng. Sträng was planning to do a Documentary which was aborted due to the fact that he did not reach the summit. The footage was still valuable to help solving what really did happen since all the climbers had different stories about what happened.
The Summit
The Summit is a 2012 documentary film about the 2008 K2 disaster directed by Nick Ryan. It combines documentary footage with dramatized recreations of the events of the 2008 K2 disaster. On the way to and from the summit, eleven climbers died during a short time span creating one of the worst catastophes in climbing history. Much of the documentary footage was captured by Swedish mountaineer Fredrik Sträng. Sträng was planning to do a Documentary which was aborted due to the fact that he did not reach the summit. The footage was still valuable to help solving what really did happen since all the climbers had different stories about what happened.
The German
November 1940, during the greatest conflict man has ever known, an epic duel unfolds between two ace pilots, each willing to take the match to it's ultimate conclusion. Unknown to the pilots is a fate neither has considered.
The German
November 1940, during the greatest conflict man has ever known, an epic duel unfolds between two ace pilots, each willing to take the match to it's ultimate conclusion. Unknown to the pilots is a fate neither has considered.
The German
November 1940, during the greatest conflict man has ever known, an epic duel unfolds between two ace pilots, each willing to take the match to it's ultimate conclusion. Unknown to the pilots is a fate neither has considered.
The Silent City
La historia gira en torno a 3 soldados que se encuentran en las afueras de una ciudad devastada por la guerra. Están patrullando un área cuando una bomba se dispara accidentalmente y tienen que esperar por ayuda.