Louis Berger


Sesame Street: Three Bears and a New Baby
Everyone knows the story of The Three Bears, so what happens when Mama, Papa, and Baby Bear are expecting a new cub in the family? They become four!
Sesame Street: Elmo Visits the Firehouse
Elmo learns fire safety from Firefighter Bill. This all comes about because he was scared after being in a fire at Mr. Hooper's Store on Sesame Street. Elmo visits Engine Company 58 Ladder Company 26 of the FDNY where he gets to see the firetruck, try on a helmet, and learn about firefighters.
Director of Photography
La joven esposa de un viejo marinero está harta de su monótona vida en la barcaza “L'Atalante”. Después de dejarse llevar por la artificiosa vida de la ciudad, dejando a su marido sumido en la desesperación, regresa con él amargamente decepcionada.