Tôru Shinagawa

Tôru Shinagawa

Nacimiento : 1935-12-14, Asahikawa, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan


Tôru Shinagawa


Fullmetal Alchemist: La alquimia final
King Xerxes
El largo y tortuoso viaje de los hermanos Elric llega a su épico final, en el que deben enfrentar una amenaza de otro mundo que afecta a todo el país.
Ring Wandering
Kota Kawauchi (old age)
In central Tokyo, a young man, Sosuke, aspires to be a manga artist. His current work is about a battle between a hunter and a Japanese wolf. He can’t draw the extinct wolf well and struggles to develop the story. One winter’s day, Sosuke finds an animal’s skull while digging foundations at a construction site and takes it home. Is it a Japanese wolf’s skull?
The movie tells the story of a daughter trying to find her father who went missing shortly after explaining that he happened to see a wanted serial killer marked with a 3 million yen bounty.
Kodomo wa Wakatte Agenai
Moji's grandfather
Una historia de autodescubrimiento enmascarada como un romance adolescente, un drama familiar, una historia de misterio y un thriller. Sakuta Minami profesa abiertamente sus pasiones: el anime de “Matsumoto Leiji”, su familia y la natación; pero las preguntas sin respuesta que rodean la separación de sus padres la han molestado toda su vida. Moji Shouhei, un otaku con un talento prodigioso para la caligrafía, tiene en sus manos la llave hacia el techo de la escuela así como las respuestas sobre el misterio que ha aquejado a Sakuta.
A Woman Who Acts
Akira is an old man with little time left to live due to illness. He has a young and beautiful wife, Yoshiko, who tries to take him outside to enjoy his last days. She looks delighted as Akira gets weaker and weaker. What are her true intentions?
Tokyo Miracle City: Gourmet Capital - Keeping Alive the Spirit of Tsukiji
In the series Tokyo Miracle City, we unravel the secrets behind some of the capital's most intriguing wonders. In part one, we delve into Tokyo's famed and tantalizing food culture, exploring the role the iconic Tsukiji fish market played in Japan's culinary history. Actor Sato Takeru takes us on a journey back in time as we learn about the lives of the skilled specialists at the heart of the market and discover their unique contribution in the journey of seafood from ocean to table.
Broken Heart of the 56th Year
Apprentice chef Saori Nakagawa suddenly travels to Tokyo in 1964 to meet Ryuichi Kikuchi, a cook. From Kikuchi who devotes himself to cooking, Saori learns what is really important. The love of two people over 56 years.
Labyrinth Of Cinema
Musashi Miyamoto
The only movie theater on the Onomichi seafront is about to close its doors. Its last night of screenings will be an all-night marathon of Japanese war films. When lightning strikes the theater, three young men in the audience find themselves thrown back in time into the world inside the screen.
The Promised Land
A girl is kidnapped and the perpetrator roams freely. When a similar case occurs along the same road and in similar circumstances a suspect is identified leading to the accused running away and going into hiding.
Una joven que busca empleo acaba encontrando algo de camarera en un restaurante. Lo que no se espera es que este trabajo tenga complicaciones.
Come On Irene
Genzo Shishido
Iwao Shishido has found a wife. After paying three million yen for a bridal tour to the Philippines, he comes home with Irene, who is promptly confronted by Tsuru—Iwao’s freshly widowed mother, who’s infuriated her loser son has married a woman she’s never met.
When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends to be Dead
When salary man Jun gets home, he finds his wife bleeding from her mouth and lying on the floor. He is shocked by the scene, but it turns out the blood is just ketchup and she is pretending to be dead. Without telling him why, she pretends to be dead everyday. Jun is dumbfounded by his wife's behavior, but he begins to feel uneasy with her.
Old Man at Festival
Spring, 1941. Sixteen-year-old Toshihiko attends school in the coastal town of Karatsu, where his aunt cares for his ailing cousin. Immersed in the seaside's nature and culture, Toshihiko soon befriends the town's other extraordinary adolescents as they all contend with the war's gravitational pull.
El tercer asesinato
El conocido abogado Shigemori defiende a Misumi, acusado de robo con homicidio, que ya cumplió pena de cárcel por otro asesinato hace treinta años. Las posibilidades de que Shigemori gane el caso son escasas, ya que su cliente reconoce ser culpable, aunque esto probablemente signifique la pena de muerte. Pero a medida que desentraña el caso y escucha los testimonios del propio Misumi y de su familia, Shigemori empieza a dudar de la culpabilidad de su cliente.
Tatara Samurai
Emon Yutaka
In 16th century Japan, a young man has to choose between becoming a master steel maker like his father and grandfather before him, or becoming a samurai so that he can help protect his village from attacks by the various clans which want the high-quality steel made there.
La madre de Tomo, una niña de once años, deja su hogar por un tiempo indefinido. Tomo, acostumbrada a los abandonos temporales de su madre, acude a casa de su tío Makio. Allí descubre que vive con Rinko, su actual novia, que es una mujer transexual. Rinko trabaja como enfermera cuidadora y, entre otros pacientes, cuida de la madre de Makio y abuela de Tomo, que sufre de demencia. La situación confunde a Tomo pero, pese a ello, los tres empiezan una vida doméstica juntos.
The Ice Ruts
타키카와 노부오
Mayu Daimon is a woman who does not remember her mother's face, and her father is the only person she has blood relationship in this world, but he is going to die soon. Mayu has just started a new life as a detective at the Criminal Investigation Division which deals mainly with murder cases soon, and has to handle with two corpses of old men continuously. One corpse found frozen buried in the snow and the freezing sea. Soon with a detailed investigation she finds out a connection between the two cases which seemed to be completely different at first glance. It was just the breach to open a history of an incident which had origin back to the 1960s in Aomori Prefecture. Growing more and more as a detective, Mayu has to unravel the mystery of a case which goes beyond time and space and which ends in Hokkaido with a result that no one expected.
Detective Mitarai's Casebook: The Clockwork Current
Takamitsu Kutsuna
Private Detective Kiyoshi Mitarai and Miyuki Ogawa arrive in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture. They are interested in a case which involves discovered bodies. The bodies were found drifting in the Seto Inland Sea, where the currents repeat every 6 hours.
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen
Ryuzo and his 7 former henchmen are all retired yakuza, but they now live as regular old men. One day, Ryuzo becomes the victim of a phishing fraud. He calls his 7 men together to reform their society.
El mundo de Kanako
Cuando Kanako, hija pródiga y alumna intachable, desaparece, su madre no duda en llamar a su exmarido, un policía poco ortodoxo. A medida que la investigación avanza, la imagen idealizada de Kanako se va resquebrajando, dejando entrever que, bajo la excelencia, la chica esconde otra vida, más oscura y secreta.
Seven Weeks
Relatives gather from afar in wintery Ashibetsu upon the death of patriarch Mitsuo. A mysterious woman named Nobuko suddenly shows up. Her appearance gradually exposes wartime secrets and Mitsuo's unknown past.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2012 Autumn Special
The Dangerous Slope
At a companywide meeting, Bunsaku Akiba sees Toshie, an old girlfriend who is now the secretary and lover of Nishijima, the chairman who has control over the entire group. Although Akiba is married, the love affair between him and Toshie flares up again. Akiba uses Toshie to approach the chairman, but as Toshie gets more possessive of him, Akiba starts to have murderous thoughts.
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
In 2011, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a Japanese village that underwent destruction during both World War II and the 2004 Chūetsu earthquakes, and is now notable for the fireworks it launches annually in memory of the victims of war. She is there for two reasons: firstly, to learn about the experiences of Nagaoka's inhabitants, and secondly, to watch a stage play written by an enigmatic student of her ex-boyfriend, which depicts the bombing of the city during WWII.
Soup Opera
bus dispatcher
Sakai plays Rui, a 35-year-old single woman forced to live alone after the aunt who raised her suddenly decides to get married and move out. Through an unexpected set of circumstances, she winds up becoming roommates with an aging ladies’ man named Tony and a timid younger man named Kosuke.
Silver Rain
Whistling after Dark
Kuroshi Mayama, age 14, lives alone with his mother Namiko. Though he was just under the age of one when he came to this town with his mom, he remembers everything from that day: Gettings on the bus in his mom's arms, an old woman who spoke some words to him, and the encounter with a poet... One night, with Kuroshi's birthday approaching, Father shows up unexpectedly. He insists that he and Kuroshi's mother had made an arrangement – that Kuroshi was to live with his mother until his 15th birthday and then live with his father. As Kuroshi's world gets turned upside down, his family, the people around him and even himself start to change.
The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio
Set in the early 1990's, after The Persian Gulf War began, a 30 year old man passes himself off as Captain Kuhio a pilot for an American Special Unit. He also boasts that he is the offspring of Kamehameha I and a distant relative of Queen Elizabeth of England. In actuality, the man is a marriage swindler looking for his next big score.
I’m a Cat Stalker
Cat God
Haru works at a part-time job for a bookstore. Her dream is to become an illustrator and she also loves cats. One day, after a cat named Chibutomu disappears from the bookstore Haru canvasses the neighbourhood in search of Chibutomu.
Minister Yasuo Mochizuki
A live-action adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s mature manga masterpiece MW (pronounced “moo,” like a cow), created to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Tezuka. When a top secret chemical compound called MW infects an island near Okinawa, the military is sent in to kill all the victims and cover up the incident. A survivor named Michio Yuki (Hiroshi Tamaki) grows up to become a highly-successful banker, but he is slowly being driven mad by the effects of MW. After committing a series of ruthless crimes to get revenge against the people responsible for the cover-up, he decides that the only way to truly get revenge is to unleash MW on the world and exterminate the entire human race. Takayuki Yamada stars as Father Garai, a priest desperately trying to save Michios soul—and possibly his own in the process—but not necessarily doing much to stop the crime spree.
The Slit-Mouthed Woman 0: The Beginning
The Slit-Mouthed Woman 0: The Beginning
El Clon vuelve a Casa
Kohei Takahara, un astronauta que muere en cumplimiento del deber, resucita legalmente como un clon: sin embargo, contrariamente a las expectativas de los científicos, vuelve a los recuerdos de su infancia cuando su hermano gemelo se ahogó y sacrificó su vida por Kohei. El clon de Kohei descubre el cuerpo de su antiguo yo creyendo erróneamente que es su gemelo fallecido. Reviviendo su trágico pasado, se pone en camino llevando su cadáver a la hermosa ciudad natal donde vivía con su madre ahora muerta.
The Brutal Hopelessness of Love
Famous movie actress Nami is being interviewed by a magazine reporter about her new film in which the plot resembles her real life. Her actor husband Yosuke has an affair with a young actress Junko whereas in the movie, Nami acts as an actress whose husband has an extramarital relationship with a young girl, with Yosuke as the husband and Junko as the new girl friend. In the course of the interview, Nami falls into deep thoughts and flashbacks about her lascivious encounters with strangers in a night train, in the movie as in the reality. Despite whether her intention is to revenge her husband or to satisfy her own desires, Nami demonstrates bewitching charm in a series of intercourse with different men, positions and locations. Director Takashi Ishii attempts to explore female sexual psychology through perfect blends of aesthetic nudity and violence.
Eight school friends innocently join together to play a game that, if played well, promised to make their greatest dreams come true. But, they soon discover that mistakes may cost them more than even their dreams could tell.
The Vanished
A young reporter is covering the mysterious case of a child found dead with missing internal organs.
Until the Lights Come Back
A Christmas Eve power outage provides a collection of troubled Tokyo denizens the opportunity to come clean on the misdeeds of their past.
Flower and Snake II
Shizuko está casada con un crítico de arte que está dispuesto a expandir su experiencia artística a expensas de su hermosa mujer, que es una vez más vendida a la servidumbre para la más extrema y degradante forma de arte.
The Sun
Biographical film depicting Japanese Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) during the final days of World War II. The film is the third drama in director Aleksandr Sokurov's trilogy, which included Taurus about the Soviet Union's Vladimir Lenin and Moloch about Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler.
Koichi's grandfather
Two children, each abandoned by their families, come together in the wake of the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo. Based on the true events of the deadly gas attacks perpetrated by members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult on the Tokyo subway system.
Lupin the Third: Swallowtail Tattoo
Dolcross (voice)
Fujiko and Lupin are kidnapped by Malkovich, a notorious criminal escaped from Alcatraz who forces Lupin to steal the "Bull's Eye," a precious stone.
Dark Water
Kindergarten Principal
El fantasma de una escolar acecha a una mujer divorciada y a su joven hija tras mudarse a un viejo edificio.