Pedro Serrão


She Said, He Said
Director of Photography
Rosa (Duda Matte) is dedicated to study, Leo (Marcus Bessa) is a good soccer player. She is always on time, he is always late. She hates Julia (Maisa), the most popular girl in high school, he kind of likes her. They are both new students at school and, besides having to learn how to deal with new friends and family problems, they find out that they have much more in common than they thought. Based on the successful book by Thalita Rebouças, they will find that growing up may seem complicated but deep down it's a great adventure.
Los Rompefiestas
Additional Photography
A dos días del Año Nuevo, el enamorado Beto va a Rio de Janeiro tratar de reconquistar Laura y, despreciado, intenta el suicidio. El embustero Marco Polo es quien lo salva de la muerte y, delante de la posibilidad de ganar algún dinero, promete ayudar a su nuevo y excéntrico amigo en la reconciliación con su amada. ¡El farsante, sin embargo, se encanta por Laura y, hum..., irrumpe la relación ajena!
First Assistant Camera
Priscilla is 16 and if you think a normal girl too, especially when repairs to your friends. When her mother goes to work and she stays alone at home, he decides he'll get in your square attitude and will fund that idea. Among the many changes it wants to promote in your life, virginity seems to be a priority, but it will be the right time is now? Although it decided to invest in more chicken from the class to live their first sexual experience, a group work at school and a trip with friends, can forever change your expectations because she discovers that not everything is exactly as said and the truth can be quite different from reality.
Os Normais 2
Director of Photography
After thirteen years of engagement, the boring sex life of Rui and Vani is limited to one intercourse every other week. They decide to seek excitement with a threesome and they decide to invite Vani's cousin Silvinha to participate late night, but an accident interrupts their game. Rui and Vani unsuccessfully spend the night searching for for companion of a bisexual woman.
Maré, Our Love Story
First Assistant Camera
Free adaptation of Romeo and Juliet translated to the harsh life in Favela da Maré, one of largest and most violent slums in Rio de Janeiro. Living in a slum divided between two rival gangs of drug traffickers, Analídia is the daughter of one of the gangs' leaders and Jonathan is a childhood friend of the other gang leader. Both study in a dance group situated exactly in the middle of the two territories, looking for solace in art.
Casseta & Planeta: Seus Problemas Acabaram!!!
First Assistant Director
Circular Capital
Second Assistant Camera
In the streets of Rio de Janeiro, survival is the name of the game where the protagonist is an imported 'hot' car. People, from all social levels, will do anything in order to possess it, if only for a few minutes.
Apolônio Brasil, Campeão da Alegria
First Assistant Camera
Apolônio Brasil was a pianist at a famous nightclub in Rio de Janeiro, from the 1950s until his untimely death. Quite a character, Apolônio was loved by women and idolized by his audience and friends. His contagious joy attracts the attention of American scientist Dr. Boris Lewitsky, who comes to Brazil in order to interview Apolônio's close friends and make them a most unusual offer concerning the remains of the late musician.