Raymond Bussières

Raymond Bussières

Nacimiento : 1907-11-03, Ivry-la-Bataille, Eure, France

Muerte : 1982-04-29


Raymond Bussières (3 November 1907 – 29 April 1982) was a French film actor. He appeared in more than 160 films between 1933 and 1982. He was born in Ivry-la-Bataille and died in Paris. He is buried in Marchenoir. He was married to the actress Annette Poivre. Source: Article "Raymond Bussières" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Raymond Bussières


Porca vacca
Zio Nicola
Una mujer se interpone entre un actor-cantante enviado al frente durante la I Guerra Mundial y un campesino que se enriquece con el conflicto.
Mathieu Gaston peluche
Le Patron du café
Los cateados
Gaston Pourquier
La directora de un colegio privado, tras el fracaso del anterior año escolar, donde hubo un cero por ciento de titulados en el Bachiller, decide maximizar la disciplina y el control. Firmes normas de vestuario, cámaras de seguridad en las clases, detectores de humo en los lavabos para que los estudiantes no fumen, y severas técnicas de aprendizaje, pero, debido a los graves problemas de conducta de los estudiantes, todos estos intentos parecen resultar en vano...
El rey y el ruiseñor
Le chef de la police (voice)
El rey "Carlos V más Tres son Ocho y Ocho Dieciséis", domina de forma tiránica el reino de Taquicardia. Solamente un pájaro, risueño y parlanchín, que ha construido su nido encima de la torre del palacio, se atreve a plantarle cara. El rey está enamorado de una pastora encantadora que, surgiendo de una de las pinturas del palacio, se personifica cada noche para encontrarse con el deshollinador que sale, por su lado, del cuadro vecino. El rey quiere casarse con ella, pero la chica a quien ama de verdad es a su humilde enamorado. Ambos deciden escapar del rey y se esconden en la cima de la torre más alta del palacio, donde salvan a un pajarito imprudente que ha quedado atrapado en una de las trampas del tirano. El pájaro rebelde, agradecido por este acto heróico hacia una de sus crías, promete ayudarlos en su huída.
A blind, paralyzed president uses his remarkable hearing and his corrupt daughter to keep his country in line. His beautiful, clever daughter works her own agenda while striving to be the equal of men. She appoints herself Chief of Firefighters and then commits arson to ensure that her job is needed.
La Barricade du Point-du-Jour
Out of It
Marcel Duroc
The lawyer is visiting a prison to meet with a violent criminal who has been condemned to death. During the visit, things turn bad, there is a riot where prisoners escape and the criminal escapes taking a lawyer hostage.
The Paradise of Riches
Autopsie d’un complot
Los granujas
Robert, alias Pierrot, es un huérfano que, tras escapar del reformatorio a los trece años, ha sido criado como un hijo por Felicia y León, jefe de una banda que se ha quedado paralítico al ser arrojado desde un tercer piso por sus rivales. En 1945, en plena postguerra, cuando la economía es un desastre y la propia policía se reorganiza a duras penas, Pierrot reúne a un grupo de amigos para organizar una banda. (FILMAFFINITY)
Muslo o pechuga
Henri, Duchemin's driver
Louis de Funes interpreta a un prestigioso crítico gastronómico que edita la guía "Duchemin", y donde valora la calidad de los restaurantes... a los cuales acude disfrazado.
Golden Night
After his family tries to kill him and he has been pronounced dead, Michel returns from the dead and sets about getting revenge on his family members. He sends each one a voodoo doll, warning of their fate. Wandering over the streets of Paris, Michel is the haunted and hunted, as he himself hunts his villainous kin.
Drácula, Padre e Hijo
vieil homme à l'A.N.P.E
Drácula y su hijo Ferdinand se mudan a la gran ciudad. El padre sobrevive como vampiro que es; en cambio, su hijo se enamora y decide que no quiere ser vampiro nunca más.
Trop c'est trop
Monsieur Taxi
Serious as Pleasure
Le pêcheur (Buster Keaton)
"In Serieux comme le plaisir, two men and a woman live quite happily together in a romantic liaison. The woman is probably wealthy anyway, so the trio doesn't worry much about money. One day they decide to take a trip in their beat-up car, managing the whole affair in their own special, insouciant manner. They are followed by a suspicious policeman who thinks there's something fishy about this group..."
Clad in a featureless red mask, The Man Without A Face is involved in a single-minded pursuit of the fabled treasure of the Knights Templar in this tribute to the pulp adventure stories of Louis Feuillade.
Le roman de Renart
Clever, cunning and smooth-talking, Reynard the Fox does not lack imagination when it comes to filling his stomach. A masterful puppetry adaptation of the literary cycle of medieval allegorical fables.
Gross Paris
Jules' father
Bernard, a journalist, and his friend Jules, a butcher by trade, are both passionate about horse racing.
Joe y Margherito
Don Sulpicone
Dos rudos aventureros aceptan el trabajo de escoltar en barco a un hombre de negocios amenazado por la mafia, para llevarle sano y salvo a casa.
La otra cara del Padrino
Don Gennaro Magliulo
En Nueva York, el padrino don Vito Monreale conoce por casualidad a un cantante italoestadounidense. Los dos se parecen como dos gotas de agua. Don Vito decide aprovechar esta circunstancia,...
The Man Who Quit Smoking
The Plot focuses on Dante Alighieri, a young man who loves smoking. When his father dies Dante inherits $17 million on one special condition: He must give up smoking in 14 days and then stay smoke-free for an entire year. If he fails, his uncle inherits the $17 million instead. Dante has a living hell while trying to quit, and hires a private detective agency called Little Secret Service who he gives free hands to stop him from smoking, While his uncle, who has taken up smoking himself, also does everything he can to make Dante smoke again.
El oeste te va estrecho, forastero!! (El regreso de Aleluya)
Sam - Pawnbroker
El general Ramírez, de la Revolución Mexicana, organiza sus fuerzas para atacar al general Miranda. Ramírez da cuenta de que los indios serían de gran valor como aliados, por lo que decide tomar posesión de una estatuilla de un dios azteca, para asegurarse el apoyo de los indígenas. Sin embargo, la imagen ha sido robada por unos ladrones, y entonces se ofrece a recuperarla, encargándole la misión a Aleluya.
Cuando el cuerno asoma
Entre aventuras eróticas vagamente basadas en relatos de El Decamerón, el desdichado Calandrino es objeto de las crueles burlas de Bruno y Buffalmacco.
Buen golpe, muchachos
Leonardo Rossi
Ugo La Strizza es un inspector de hacienda intransigente. Cuatro personajes diferentes se presentan ante él, sin haber pagado sus impuestos. Deciden robar la caja fuerte de hacienda...
Cuatro pistoleros de Santa Trinidad
Dr. Gordon
Una banda de ladrones tratan de adueñarse de una mina de oro y persiguen a la hija del minero, que ha conseguido escapar después de que los bandidos asesinaran a su madre y hermano, para apoderarse de los documentos de propiedad. En su huida encuentra a un periodista y un sheriff que le ayudaran.
Mujer de consumo
The newspaper vendor
Una joven triunfa como modelo, pero descubre el vacío de su vida después del éxito.
François Holin, apodado Ho, es un antiguo piloto de carreras, conductor de una banda de malhechores que no lo respetan demasiado y lo consideran un inútil. Un día se le presenta la ocasión de dirigir una operación, pero los otros se niegan. Ho tendrá que hacerlo solo.
Les Compagnons de Baal
A mysterious history, esoteric formulas pronounced by entreated seeking to dominate the world.
The Curse of Belphegor
At the Opera of Toulon, the cast and crew hoping to put on a Satanism / human sacrifice-themed ballet entitled “La malédiction de Belphégor” soon find their numbers dwindling.
Mucho para vivir... poco para morir
Train conductor
Durante un desfile de moda se lleva a cabo un robo de joyas, dos de las modelos son sospechosas.
Encuentro en París
François (1er gangster)
Un productor de Hollywood encarga al escritor Richard Benson (William Holden) el guión de su última película. Benson se instala en un apartamento de París, pero, en vez de escribir, se dedica a la buena vida. Cuando se da cuenta de que sólo le quedan dos días para acabar el trabajo, contrata a Gabrielle (Audrey Hepburn) como secretaria para poder cumplir el encargo.
How to Make a French Dish
The page boy from 'Loulou'
In this romantic drama, a middle-aged gambler tells a casino croupier her life story. The story is told in flashback and chronicles the woman's romantic exploits with men. Though she was involved with many men, only one really touched her heart. He was a bartender who was tragically shot and killed during an attempted robbery. She later marries and has a daughter. Unfortunately she alienates herself from her daughter when she has an affair with her daughter's fiance. Her remorse is short lived. The film jumps back to the present with the woman leaving the casino on the arm of a handsome millionaire.
Las cuatro verdades
Le voleur (segment "Les deux pigeons")
Cuatro historias, basadas en cuatro fábulas de Lafontaine, muestran a una mujer que intenta recuperar a su marido; a un infeliz que quiere suicidarse; a un hombre celoso que llega a asociarse con su rival, y a una pareja que se queda encerrada en un apartamento.
Copacabana Palace
Raymond Broussarc
Tres simpáticos compinches se encuentran en Copacabana para pasar el carnaval. Tres hermosas azafatas desean divertirse, pero sus anfitriones cariocas están casados...
Musketeers of the Sea
Colonnello Ortona
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
A caballo de un Tigre
Le Sorcio
Giacinto Rossi es un infeliz condenado a tres años de prisión por simular un robo. Cuando sólo le quedan 10 meses para salir y volver con su mujer e hijos, sus tres compañeros de celda lo incluyen a la fuerza en sus planes de fuga. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Wonders of Aladdin
Esforzada adaptación de la historia de Aladino, un chico pobre que encuentra una lámpara con un genio en su interior. Éste le concede tres deseos, a cambio de que después le deje en libertad.
The Admiral
Fanny (Leslie Caron), una atractiva muchacha, es abandonada por Marius, un joven marinero deseoso de conocer mundo que ignora que ella está embarazada. La chica, empujada por las circunstancias, acaba casándose con un hombre cuarenta años mayor que ella. Algunos Años después, Marius regresa. Se basa en la obra homónima de Broadway, que, a su vez, se inspira en la última parte de una trilogía de Marcel Pagnol. Obtuvo 5 nominaciones a los Oscar, incluyendo mejor película, aunque no se llevó ningún premio.
Che femmina!! E... che dollari!
Fred, un détective privé
Dos investigadores estadounidenses llegan a Italia con el mismo objetivo: localizar a la chica italiana que ha heredado una fortuna y llevarla al otro lado del océano. Ambos se harán duramente la competencia, con la ayuda de una misteriosa zíngara.
Port of Point-du-Jour
Émile Dupont
Emile is a steelworker in a car factory ;a confirmed bachelor going on fifty, he leads a peaceful life .One night, he is woken up by a burst of machine gun fire. The cafe in the corner of the street has been burglarized.A distraught young girl rushes into his apartment building and hides in his room .When the police make a search, he makes her out to be his lover for the night.Madeleine tells her about her sad past : she has severed all links with her parents ,she's an unwed mother and in the underworld's clutches. Emile sends his protegee to old mommy Dupont's place ,in the suburbs of Paris.
Taxi, Trailer and Bullfight
A chaotic family go on holiday to Spain and get mixed up with a gang of diamond thieves
Le tombeur
Yes, Doudou (or, more respectfully, Edouard Doucin) is both heir to a big sugar refinery and its managing director but he is also an incorrigibly bashful bachelor, which just exasperates his aunt Agatha. Summoned to marry as soon as possible, Doudou is fortunate enough to meet Babette , an elegant young lady who wishes to introduce him to her parents. When he comes to visit them, he mistakes the floor out of nervousness. In fact,he finds himself at the Lautiers' not the Olivaros'. Now, chance has it that this couple of shopkeepers also have a marriageable daughter. And as Poupette is romantic, passionate and adorable, Doudou can't find the nerve to disappoint her. As a result the young man gets engaged...twice ! How the devil will he cope ?
Un certain Monsieur Jo
Jo Guardini, now the peaceful owner of a charming inn by the banks of the River Marne, once was a dreaded gangster. The respectful citizen does not want to have anything to do with the underworld any more. Unfortunately, two of his former accomplices kidnap a little girl and decide to hide her in his hotel. What will Jo do : side with the law in the person of inspector Loriot or have a relapse in crime?
Sans famille
The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...
Un jour comme les autres
Puerta de las lilas
Alphonse, the bistro, Maria's father
Juju, un borracho patán que siente la necesidad de ser importante para alguien, y su amigo El Artista son forzados a punta de pistola a alojar a un fugitivo, Pierre Barbier, en la casa destartalada de Juju. La necesidad de ser necesitado es tal en Juju que deja de beber y cuida de Pierre. Pero un día Juju descubre que Pierre ha estado haciendo el amor con su chica María....
Vacances explosives
Max le Fortiche
Arlette thinks she has made a wonderful gift to her daughter Sylvie, who has just married François Morel, a young journalist. And, to tell the truth, not everybody receives a posh little bar like the Royal Montmartre as a gift. The trouble is that Monsieur Jo, the former owner of the joint is also the boss of a gang of drug traffickers. And that he has managed to persuade the pair of naive lovebirds to drop a painting to a friend on their way to their honeymoon place. Now the picture is stuffed with drugs! The honeymoon trip promises to be eventful...
L'Ami de la famille
Paul Lemonnier
Sunday Buddies
Casti and Trébois, two friends who are workers at the same factory, have developed a common passion for flying. They dream of starting an aviation club. In the meantime they spend all their Sundays restoring an old plane under the supervision of Raf, a former RAF pilot...
El Caíd
El protagonista es un célebre gánster barcelonés decidido a no delinquir más después de haber cumplido su última condena, con lo que defrauda las ambiciones de su hijo, dispuesto a vivir a costa del prestigio que su padre gozaba en el mundo del hampa.
Une gosse 'sensass'
Pierre Leroy has a garage that he manages with the help of a couple of friends, Raymond and Annette. But the bills pile up and Leroy is on the brink of bankruptcy.
Vintage Car
Marcel Frontenac
Mon curé chez les pauvres
La goupille
Rencontre à Paris
Esta pícara colegiala
Una adolescente Brigitte Bardot es la no tan inocente hija de un conocido jefe criminal en esta condimentada comedia francesa, con una variedad de números musicales. Cuando es forzada a esconderse, su naturaleza indomable se convierte en una pesadilla para su guardián, un cantante de club nocturno enamorado de sus encantos.
Tant qu'il y aura des femmes
A man of of principle leads a double life: one for his mistress and one he takes home to his wife.
La Ficelle
Chéri-Bibi is an ex-convict who undergoes plastic surgery in order to resemble his rival for the hand of Cecily. Once he emerges from the bandages, Cheri-Bibi is plunged into a series of melodramatic misadventures.
A seminary student (Steve Forrest) helps a nightclub singer (Anne Baxter) sought by Paris police for killing her married lover.
le plombier
A small-town policeman is informed that "naked women" are dancing in a revue at a local variety theater. Being the guardian of public morals that he is, he decides to stroll on down there and check it out for himself.
Les corsaires du bois de Boulogne
Hector Colomb
Tres cantantes callejeros sin éxito deciden, para atraer la atención, convertirse en náufragos. A bordo de una balsa, zarpan de Saint-Tropez y naufragan en la playa vecina. Vuelven a París en olor de multitudes...
It's Parisian life
Anatole Leduc
La encantadora enemiga
Albertini, empresario del queso, tiene un gran miedo a los comunistas. Sospechando que un tímido empleado suyo es el jefe de una célula, lo colma de atenciones e invitándolo a su casa, éste se enamora de su hija.
My Brother from Senegal
Jules Pinson / César Pinson
Jules Pinson, photographer in a small provincial village is in love with Annette, the daughter of the grocer. She 's dreaming only heros of adventure movies, so Jules invents a twin brother, Caesar, hunter of lions in Senegal ...
Le Chasseur de chez Maxim's
Julien Pauphilat is the doorman at the famous restaurant, Maxim's and is also the confidant of many of his customers. As a consequence, in this post, he has managed to make a comfortable living and even acquire a country mansion. Retirement beckons and he is going to be able to enjoy the quiet life at last. The wedding of his daughter, Genevieve with Andre du Velin, a well born playboy is going to endanger this dream, for Genevieve is ignorant of her father's job. However, her fiance doesn't see any problem with this.
The leading coach the company of Jean Nohain make a program fails in a small village. The people immobilize the troops to force him to do the show there.
La tournée des grands ducs
Louis, le garçon de café
The Lottery of Happiness
The husband
Mr Lucas, a grocer, wants to attract the clientele; he imagines a lottery; every week, you can win a bike. It's a big success.
Mujeres soñadas
Un modesto profesor de piano opta por evadirse a través de sus sueños de la triste realidad que lo rodea. En primer lugar se traslada al reinado de Luis XIII. En cada una de las épocas que visita obtendrá el amor de una mujer.
La danseuse nue
Colette gives up her studies to become a cabaret dancer. She breaks with her fiance who does not approve of her choice.
My Priest Among the Rich
La Goupille
Discharged, catholic priest Pellegrin is back to his cure of Sableuse .But the castle has been sold to Nouveaux Riches,the Cousinet ,whereas the former owners ,Monsieur De Sableuse and his son,have settled in the outhouse.
Si ça vous chante
A fashionable singer makes a stopover in the harbor of Cannes, while a radio journalist investigates the fauna of the festival.
Le costaud des Batignolles
Jules, small and weak, dreams of becoming a formidable athlete. He strives every morning to practice physical culture exercises and takes comforting tablets, without success. But he meets Nénette, a woman who, when he kisses her, suddenly endows him with prodigious strength.
París, bajos fondos
París, 1900. Marie, una bella prostituta, es la amante de uno de los hombres de la banda de Felix; pero, sorprendentemente, acabará encontrando el verdadero amor en un sencillo carpintero. Su amante, celoso, lo provoca, y ambos se enzarzan en una terrible pelea.
Ein Lächeln im Sturm
Nights of Paris
Lulu, the fakir
Bert and George Bernard, two American comedians, are asked by a solicitor to trace a rich heiress whose initials are tattooed on one of her thighs. All they know about her is that she is a chorus girl. This fact particularly suits Bert who is a fan of shows with light-footed and lightly dressed girls. Combining business with pleasure, the two men wind up finding the rare bird.
Jules Latouche
A merchant, without audacity with women, is dragged by a friend into the worst marital complications. His setbacks will ultimately pay him off.
Le passage de Vénus
Yesterday night, Lazare Chantoiseau painted the town red. This morning he wakes up with a very unsettling idea in mind: he is sure to have stolen and raped a strange woman in the Luxembourg Gardens, so he decides to give himself up. On that occasion he gets to know his victim, Hortense, as well as her husband, an astronomer. Lazare realizes he is innocent, which does not prevent from becoming... Hortense's lover!
A Tale of Five Cities
Jeannine's brother
An Englishman has been working in the US so long he now speaks with an American accent. He is drafted into the British Army during WWII but is injured and loses his memory. Because he talks like an American, the doctors repatriate him to the States where he is housed with a New York family. After the war they all travel throughout Europe, searching for the women he still remembers in the hope of restoring his lost memory
A Smile in the Storm
In the Canadian Far North, a couple is looking for a gold mine. They meet a sergeant and his friend. But the man is killed during a fight with an adventurer.
Just Me
Maurice Vallier, apodado "Ma Pomme" es un hombre alegro muy consciente de que el dinero no da la felicidad y de todas las cosas quiere la libertad
Justicia cumplida
Félix Noblet, le 5e juré
Elsa Lundestein, criada de Maurice Vaudreamont, le ayuda en todas sus investigaciones, ya que éste está afectado por un cáncer. Sin embargo Maurice consigue que Elsa le prometa que acabará con su vida en caso de que sus investigaciones no obtengan resultados. El problema es cuando el suceso es visto ante un jurado.
Les nouveaux maîtres
Durand, a big industrialist, works with an international adventurer, Mr. Ernest, who covets Mrs. Durand and threatens to bankrupt her husband if she does not consent. She calls him a jerk. Mr. Ernest sets out to ruin the Durands, and leaves in the castle that they must sell their couple of servants, Victor and Marie, who become the new masters, at the same time as they serve as a screen for Ernest for his dubious business.
Le plombier
In this sketch comedy compared to the American film Hellzapoppin, a spectacle is put on to celebrate the wedding of a nobleman, but the results are disastrous.
Drame au Vel'd'Hiv'
At the Vélodrome d'Hiver, at the height of the sports competitions, the director of the house is found murdered. We also stole the recipe for the show. A swarm of private detectives, second-hand sleuths, embark on the most diverse tracks. Arrests pile up and the chase continues amid the non-stop games. The culprit will however be caught, red-handed, by a young inspector wearing a handsome mask.
Returning from South America, a singer is hired by an old pal who runs a detective agency to use a perch as a night club performer to be an investigator.The amateur sleuth then falls for a girl whose brother is a jewel thief.
La veuve et l'innocent
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
I Love Only You
Ronaldo, a singer with the growing reputation dedicating himself body and soul to his art, sacrificing his marriage.
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
The Tailor / The Mad Hatter (voice)
Filme que a través de escenas combinadas entre seres humanos y marionetas, revive la historia imaginada por Lewis Carroll de una niña atrapada en un mundo extraño y maravilloso por igual.
Five Red Tulips
Albert 'La Puce' Jacquin
During the Tour de France, five riders are found murdered with a red tulip near their bodies. A journalist and a police inspector lead the investigation to unmask the murderer.
In the Basque Country, two friends, José and François, live a cheerful life. The two sly foxes use their wit to boost the business of an innkeeper they have a connection with. José is in love with Angélica, the innkeeper"s daughter, while François courts petite Annette. José also happens to have a beautiful voice and one day a night club manager hears him and wants to hire him. He will have to choose between Angelica, the inn, his roots... and a singing career in Paris.
False Identity
A man who has just deposited a will with a notary is run over by a car. As his overcoat bears the name and address of Emile Blondin on a label, the police go there and discover that the dead man is not Emile Blondin. But this one is soon discovered murdered. The police then became interested in Georges Blondin, the victim's brother, whose goddaughter, Juliette, was also the notary's secretary.
Los dos huérfanos
Signor Deval
En París, en 1865, en un orfanato todo el mundo es huérfano. Las chicas, por supuesto, la Directora, el perro y los dos vigilantes, Gasparre y Battista: cada uno de ellos es un huérfano. Gasparre y Battista deciden buscar padre de un niño huérfano por lo que se puede casar. Van a un chiromancer a buscar asesoramiento y Gasparre entera es el hijo de un conde. Encontraron a sus familiares y a involucrarse en una serie de aventuras bajo su propio reisgo.
En legítima defensa
Albert (uncredited)
París, Francia, diciembre de 1946. Jenny Lamour, una ambiciosa cantante de cabaret, y Maurice, su extremadamente celoso marido pianista, se ven envueltos en la minuciosa investigación del asesinato de un turbio empresario, dirigida por Antoine, un peculiar y metódico inspector de policía.
The Crowned Fish Tavern
Captain Palmer's daughter, Maria, is neglected by her husband, the cynical Leo, who lives with the beautiful Sylvia. To defeat his son-in-law, Palmer has the idea of ​​putting Sylvia back in the presence of Pierre, her first love. Leo takes revenge by creating many difficulties for Palmer who retaliates by starting a violent fight where Leo is killed. Everything seems to point to Pierre, but...
The Unknown Singer
Julien Mortal, a singer from Portugal suffering from amnesia, made a career in France under the name of Paolo. One day, he discovers the truth about his past: a man tried to assassinate him.
Sky Battalion
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
Las puertas de la noche
Raymond Lécuyer
París, 1945. Tras la liberación de la ciudad por los Aliados, Jean Diego se encuentra con un vagabundo que le predice que se enamorará de una bella mujer, pero que las próximas horas que va a vivir serán dramáticas. La profecía se hace realidad y Jean conoce a Marlou, una joven cuyo matrimonio la hace infeliz.
Long Live Liberty
Two-sided painting of the German occupation in France: the acts of heroism of the maquis are opposed to the villainies of the profiteers and the drafts, all treated in the manner of the imagery of Épinal.
The Last Judgment
In Central Europe, resistance to the Germans in growing. But the partisan leader is denounced and killed. His daughter and the son of the traitor love each other. Condemned by his comrades, the informer commits suicide in front of the young couple.
During the Directory, a handful of royalists tried to get the Dauphin Louis XVII to escape from the Temple.
Children of Chaos
An officer, two of his comrades and a social worker want to create the "Carrefour", a place for lost children and teens to give them a chance not to fall by the wayside and spend most of their life in jail.
Ceux du rivage
In the oyster and fishing town of Arcachon, one man doesn't want his adopted son to get married to the daughter of his rival, and he suspects a dark underlying secret.
Adieu Léonard
Painter (uncredited)
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
L'escalier sans fin
An untiring lady social worker, Émilienne, has as one of her charges a stableman who was wounded by his mistress. Unfortunately, Émilienne's young sister who was helping her at work decides to go away with the stableman.
Madame et le mort
A person who had usurped the identity of a famous writer of detective stories was killed in the train. Why and by whom?
A discharged seaman winds up on an old man's farm: his children left the place for the broader horizons of the evil city; the walls are near decay ,the fields lie fallow.
El asesino vive en el 21
Jean-Baptiste Turlot, le brocanteur
En París, en el barrio de Montmartre, actúa un misterioso asesino que tiene el cinismo de dejar una tarjeta de visita sobre sus víctimas. En un mes ha asesinado ya a cuatro personas.
The Marriage of Chiffon
Odette Joyeux plays an eccentric young aristocrat called "Chiffon", who is struggling to comply with the social conventions of the community. A widow, her mother (Suzanne Dantes) would like to remarry a rich noble. Without realizing it, Chiffon is in love with her uncle, a ruined pioneer of aviation ...
The itinerant musician Lampluche, having found a musical score on the banks of a river and a full wallet, was taken to the neighboring town for the famous composer Maxence Leroy. The inhabitants of the small town only dream of music, so Lampluche is very well received. But Maxence Leroy arrives in the city.
The Chain Breaker
The peddler
Antoine Mouret, an authoritarian restaurateur, is the head of a large family where, for reasons of interest, people only marry cousins. But some have other plans, Marcus especially when he meets a passing circus girl.
Portrait of Innocence
A student from an elementary school accidentally breaks the glass roof of his school. His comrades decide to support it by working during the summer holidays in order to pay for reconstruction.
Paris Romance
Georges Gauthier is an electrician who lives with his mother and his sister Madeleine. He is the son of a womanizing singer who made his mother miserable. For all that, Georges is attracted to show business all the more as he falls in love with Jeanne, the daughter of singer Lormel. Georges is spotted by Cartier, the manager of the Folies Concert and makes his debut as a singer under the assumed name of Jean Papillon.
Coral Reefs
The adventures of a sailor from Mexico to a lagoon in the Pacific ocean, and the meeting with a lonely girl.
Lights of Paris
A celebrated singer in Paris meets a young woman and courts her by pretending to be a driving instructor.
The Free Trade Hotel
There's never a dull moment at the Hôtel du Libre Echange. Deceptions, hitches and other misunderstandings make a few people mingle whereas, for their own sake, they should not. An example among others: an expert who has come to the hotel for professional reasons had better not meet his wife, who is there to cheat on him with his best friend.
A tramp
Duparquet is the controller of Les Halles, and plays matchmaker between the young farm-girl Ciboulette and Antonin, a young spoiled aristocrat.