Sound Mixer
Invitada a visitar a la familia de su novio, Christina descubre un secreto familiar asesino que la lleva a temer por su relación y seguridad.
Sound Mixer
Calvin Barr es un legendario veterano de guerra estadounidense que, décadas después de servir a su país durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y asesinar a Adolf Hitler, debe ahora cazar al Bigfoot, una criatura mitológica que vive en los bosques de Canadá.
Doctor 3
An obsessive food collector, determined not to desecrate his precious vittles, resorts to the alarming act of cannibalism.
Club Patron
Vince and Amy were the stereotypical high school power couple - Vince the captain of the football team, Amy the head cheerleader. Life after high school wasn't so charmed and now, eight years later, as Amy finishes law school she gives drug-dealing Vince an ultimatum - a sober life together or a drug-addled life alone.