Kim Jae-hwa

Kim Jae-hwa

Nacimiento : 1980-09-01, Seoul, South Korea


Kim Jae-hwa is a South Korean actress.


Kim Jae-hwa
Kim Jae-hwa


Miss Fortune
Ji-hye is a once-successful and beautiful swindler, who recently begins failing with her cons and dreams of changing her small-job life. Before her retirement, she decides to take on one last job which could change her whole life: seducing the son of a wealthy art broker family to steal the golden treasure hidden in their se- cret mansion. With the help of her daughter Ju-young, she succeeds in earning the trust of the family but it turns out to be a never ending battle. Can Ji-hye and Ju-young find the legendary treasure and start a new life?
Sang-yeon is a confident and talented political reporter who must achieve everything as planned. After a long wait, she gives birth to twins, but when her second child is diagnosed with a developmental disability, her life changes completely.
Set in the 1970s, two women are involved with a smuggling operation in a small peaceful village by the sea.
Extreme Festival
Boksoon debe morir
Cheol-woo's Mother
En el trabajo es una famosa asesina. En casa es una madre soltera. Para ella, matar está chupado... pero criar a su hija adolescente no tanto.
Honest Candidate 2
Rim Seon-hee
As a politician, Joo Sang-Sook (Ra Mi-Ran) attempted to run for the fourth time as a member of the nationally assembly. After visiting her grandmother, Joo Sang-Sook was unable to tell a lie. Now, Joo Sang-Sook attempts to return to the political world.
Missing Yoon
Baek Du-ri
Attention seeker YouTuber Jang Hada is trying to get popular again. One day, legendary singer Yoon Sinae disappears. So, Hada uses her mother, an imitation singer Yeon Sinae, as a live broadcasting material and gets enthusiastic responses from subscribers. Meanwhile, Yeon Sinae, who is despairing after losing the dream stage, decides to leave in search of Yoon Sinae with fellow imitation singer Woon Sinae. And Hada secretly set up a live broadcast.
Replacement Driver VLOG
Soñando con cambiar el mundo, Seo Chang-dae participa en la campaña política de Kim Woon-bum. Para resistir al actual partido gobernante dictatorial, Seo adopta una campaña de propaganda muy agresiva y convierte a Kim en el candidato más fuerte del partido de oposición. Cuando un ambicioso Seo cree que los medios injustificados son necesarios para la política, Kim cree firmemente que no se trata de una política real. Mientras su conflicto se profundiza, el partido gobernante contacta secretamente a Seo para ganar las próximas elecciones presidenciales.
Ssanahee Sunjung
"Do you know the world of Ssanahee Sunjung?" After leaving the city for Magari, Mr. Yoo, a poet stays at Won-bo's house, whose dream is to become a fairytale writer. From the first day he came, he said, "When I see Mr. Yoo, my heart grows". He said that he knew the world of innocence and that he knew the world of children. Won-bo's dream is to become a fairytale writer who inspires passion in children's hearts. Won-bo, who only talks about strange things, and Mr. Yoo, who live under the same roof, adjust to both of their lives, and regain their ' innocence and 'children's heart'!
Nothing Serious
Editor in chief
Woo-ri, de 32 años, y Ja-young, de 28, a los que no les gusta estar solos pero tienen una especial ansiedad a la hora de salir, se conocen a través de una aplicación.
Another Self
Nothing seems to work out for Cha Jicheon. One day, he goes to a convenient store in a drunken state, and purchases a ‘buy one get one free’ deal. The next morning, there’s a naked man in his room who looks just like him. Jicheon leaves his alter ego at home, and takes his girlfriend on their first holiday together. Now, Jicheon’s family spends a night with his alter ego… “I wish there were another me.”
El ciudadano promedio Dong-won y su familia se mudan a una casa comprada después de años de arduo trabajo. Lleno de felicidad, invita a sus compañeros a una fiesta de inauguración, pero la fuerte lluvia de la noche anterior crea un gigantesco sumidero y en un minuto se traga toda la casa y las personas que están dentro. A cientos de metros del agujero, Dong-won, su vecino Man-su y los desafortunados invitados deben encontrar la salida. La lluvia comienza a caer, llenando el sumidero de agua y se les acaba el tiempo.
Huida de Mogadiscio
Cho Su-jin
En 1991, Mogadiscio, capital y ciudad más poblada de Somalia, estaba pasando por una guerra civil. El personal y las familias de la embajada de Corea del Sur, aislados sin poder comunicarse, aguantaron como pudieron. Una noche, el personal de la embajada de Corea del Norte llamó a la puerta pidiendo ayuda. El objetivo de ambas embajadas era huir de la ciudad
Joo Sung wants to be a fabulous action movie star like Jakie Chan, even though he is just an ordinary college student. One day Joosung meets a nerd, Chanyeol in the filmmaking class and they decide to making a film as a project. They found a threatening letter to prof Cha by chance during their project. "I know you are involved in the admission fraud. To keep this fact out of the press, put a bag of 30 million won in cash in the trash bin at the university waste disposal until tomorrow…" After reading this letter, Joosung decide to use this letter story to making his film. And all things getting massed up because of his plan.
Ghost Friend
Soyeon goes to visit the house of her friend Jihe, who has just passed away. In her room, she will discover a stash of dildos. She will have to hide them from Jihe’s family, but all sorts of struggles will come her way.
Historias que no te atreves a contar
High School Girl's Mother
Un reportero recopila historias de un supuesto complejo de apartamentos embrujado.
Zombie Crush in Heyri
Hwacheon asks to bury her husband’s dead body who did suicide, in Seoam´s backyard.
Farewell Trip
Juyeon has to go her father's 60th birthday party in Chuncheon with her awkward aunt Seyoung. Their trip is marred by a burst of pent-up emotions.
Madam Jeong
Un hombre haría cualquier cosa por dinero haciéndose amigo de un niño que luego es tomado como rehén.
Hye-soo came to neutralize the cat with her boyfriend. She is also thinking of ending up with annoying boyfriend.
Second Life
Ms. Kim
Seon-hee is a high school girl who used to tell lies to get her friends’ attention. She leaves Seoul guilt-ridden when her friend Jung-mee kills herself because of Seon-hee’s lies. In the countryside where no one knows her, Seon-hee begins a new life as ‘Seul-ki’.
In this political thriller, a politician finds his wife in the garage. She is cleaning her son's bloodstained car, which has just run over a person.
The First Issue
Door Lock
Assistant Manager Park
Kyung Min vive sola en un apartamento tipo estudio. Un día, encuentra evidencia de que alguien irrumpió en su apartamento. Un caso de asesinato tiene lugar en su departamento.
Miso lives from day to day by housekeeping. Cigarettes and whiskey are the two things that get her through the day. As cigarette prices and rent start to rise, Miso decides to give up her house for cigarettes and whiskey, leading her to couch surf with old friends while reconsidering her place in life.
Love Guide for Dumpees
About a man and a woman who make a 'one-night' coupon book after they both get dumped.
Summer Snow
La historia contiene las confesiones de parejas que no pueden expresar sus sentimientos debido a su cercanía.
Salut d'Amour
Madame Wang
Sung-chil es un gruñón anciano de setenta años que vive solo y que trabaja a tiempo parcial en el supermercado local. Jang-soon es el propietario del negocio, y también el presidente del comité para la reurbanización del pueblo, que ha estado intentando en vano lograr la firma de Sung-chil para comenzar un proyecto. Sin embargo, éste se niega a cambiar su estilo de vida. Entonces conoce a su nueva vecina, Geum-nim, una anciana luchadura aunque amable, que dirige una floristería próxima. A pesar de su edad, Sung-chil no tiene experiencia en cortejar a las mujeres, con lo que el resto del pueblo le anima y ayuda, pero la hija de Geum-nim no aprueba la relación.
Shoot Me in the Heart
Princess Buckingham
Ambientada en un hospital psiquiátrico. Soo Myung sufre esquizofrenia debido a la culpa que sufre por el suicidio de su madre. Conoce a Seung Min en el hospital psiquiátrico, quien ha sido hospitalizado a la fuerza debido a la lucha por la herencia de su familia. Soñando con salir del hospital, Seung Min intenta escapar constantemente. Soo Myung comienza a seguir a Seung Min
Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
Set in a village right after the Korean War, poor but good-hearted Heo Sam-gwan sets out to win the most beautiful girl in the village, Heo Ok-ran, by selling his blood to earn money. Years later, the two are happily married with three children, but their family undergoes a crisis when Sam-gwan's eldest son doesn't resemble him and rumors spread about the boy's paternity.
How to Steal a Dog
Un padre de familia va a la quiebra, y queda sin un lugar para vivir. Un día, su pequeña hija ve un folleto que ofrece una recompensa de $500 por un perro perdido. Finalmente se dispone a "pedir prestados" perros de familias ricas para obtener el dinero de la recompensa y ayudar a su padre.
Set Me Free
Yeong-jae's Mother
The seventeen year old 'Yeong-jae' was safely sent away to the group home 'Isaac's house'. He is old enough to leave now, but doesn't want to go back home to his irresponsible father.
In a small North Korean village near the border of China, there are believers who get together in an underground church, away from the eyes of the persecuting government. When the missionary from China, their only support route, is cut off, things begin to get very tense. Chulho, who had been arrested along with his wife, returns. After losing his wife in the interrogations, Chulho had been released and unseen for 2 years before coming back to his home, claiming that he had been commanded by God to lead the believers across the border and into South Korea. The brothers wonder if Chulho is trustworthy, and whether it is the right thing to do to leave their homeland.
Fasten Your Seatbelt
Flight attendant Kim Hwal-ran
La estrella Hallyu, Ma Joon Kyu, aborda un avión que lo llevará de Tokio a Seúl, pero el avión pronto es arrastrado en un tifón y se enfrentará a peligros.
A thriller about the passengers with different objectives on board a cruiser headed for China, being chased over and over again and unexpected happening of things.
As One
Basada en una historia real, en la que dos jugadoras de ping-pong, una de Corea del Norte y otra de Corea del Sur, compitieron juntas en el campeonato mundial de 1991, en Japón.
Love Call
Tele-counsellor Hannah, who cannot say anything that is not in her mind and must always speak it, is visiting a school counselling office due to a counselling call of a female high school students and meeting Min Woo, who is a nosy teacher. Although cyclical Hannah has no passion for counselling, Min Woo tries to make Hannah start counselling by stubbornly interfering Hannah. Troubles are made between two people and...
Love Fiction
A writer looking for inspiration finds a perfect muse in a girl. After much work, he makes her his girlfriend. But then he starts to get tired of her.
Cuenta Regresiva
El cobrador de deudas Tae Gun-Ho, que perdió a su hijo de cinco años, descubre que tiene cáncer de hígado. La única manera de sobrevivir es conseguir un trasplante en los próximos 10 días, busca entre las personas a las que donó los órganos de su hijo ya que pueden ser compatibles, la única disponible es una mujer llamada Cha Ha-Yeon. Cha resulta ser una estafadora seductora que está cumpliendo condena, Tae decide conocerla en persona con la esperanza de salvar su propia vida. Cha se compromete a donar parte de su hígado si Tae Gun-Ho le sigue la pista a Cho Myeong-Seok que la envió a la cárcel.
Bike Enthusiast
A biker is forced to deliver a ticking time bomb by a mysterious caller who has put an explosive helmet on his ex-girlfriend.
The Yellow Sea
Do-man Hotel Staff
Frontera entre Rusia, China y Corea del Norte. Acosado por las deudas, casi en la miseria, un hombre acepta un contrato para asesinar a alguien. Es su último recurso para cubrir las necesidades de su familia. Conoce pocas cosas sobre su víctima, pero nunca hubiera imaginado que acabaría siendo engullido por un engranaje criminal.
Kwon Dal-nyeo
Ok-Moon fue profesora de música en una universidad, pero ahora está en el corredor de la muerte por cometer un crimen causado por el abuso de su esposo y suegra. En la cárcel conoce a una joven llamada Jeong-Hye, que mató a su marido a causa del abuso físico en contra de ella. En el momento de su detención, Jeong-Hye estaba embarazada y el bebé nació finalmente en la cárcel. Ahora, 18 meses después, el bebé de Jeong-Hye debe ser dado en adopción. Para pasar un día con su bebé fuera de la prisión, Jeong-Hye forma el coro musical de la cárcel. Ok-Moon se convierte en la conductora de este coro. Las reclusas y los funcionarios de la prisión, pronto se ven conmovidos por la música producida por este grupo.