Yannick Choirat

Yannick Choirat

Nacimiento : 1974-08-31, Chambéry, Savoie, France


Yannick Choirat


Le principal
Sabri Lahlali, the assistant principal of a local high school, is ready to do anything to ensure that his son, who is about to take his high school diploma, has the ideal academic record. But he doesn't know how far his enterprise will take him.
Angry Annie
Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.
You Will Not Have My Hate
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love for his almost three-year-old son. And yet he seems to lose his footing in his grief.
School Society
Virginie Thévenot, a somewhat special math teacher, takes advantage of a general strike in a college to try an extraordinary experiment with a small group of students. She takes a bet: let them do what they want... A spark that will ignite the spirits of teenagers, cause a small revolution within the college, and turn their lives upside down.
The Takeover
Cédric trabaja en una empresa especializada en mecánica de precisión. Su gestión, a cargo de un fondo de inversión, es nefasta. Como otro fondo está a punto de volver a comprarla, Cédric decide hacerse cargo de la empresa y dársela a los empleados.
During the Algerian War (1954-1962), many impoverished young Algerian men, known as "Harkis", volunteered to join the French Army. Salah and Kaddour find themselves under the orders of Lieutenant Pascal. But as the conflict draws to an end, the prospect of independence looms. The outlook for Harkis seems bleak. Lieutenant Pascal confronts his superiors, insisting that every single man in his platoon must be evacuated to France.
La coartada
Un grupo de amigos se reúne en casa de Max y Lucie para celebrar su 43 cumpleaños. Cuando llegan los tres amigos invitados, descubren a Max arrodillado junto al cuerpo de su mujer asesinada. Están seguros de que la policía lo acusará. Todo apunta a él. Sus amigos, convencidos de su inocencia, deciden proporcionarle una coartada. Pero la policía investiga y las sospechas aumentan... ¿Soportarán vivir con esta mentira? ¿Con esta coartada?.
It’s summer, the heat is overwhelming and the weather is out of whack. A group of friends are enjoying their yearly holiday in their favorite little village, wedged between the sea and the mountains. As usual, they are bored and eat and drink a lot. They do not pay attention to the fire which progresses on the mountain nearby, nor to the world around them. But this year, a mysterious man arrives from the sea and shakes up their seemingly balanced existence...
A Broken Man
Vincent Sorrente
Lawyer, loving father and husband, Vincent is a fulfilled man, living the life he always dreamed of. And yet after a bad encounter, he unwittingly takes a date rape drug and wakes up with contusions on his face and blood between his legs.
Entre ses mains
Clara, a lawyer in Annecy, leads a serene but monotonous life with her husband Damien and their two children. One night, she falls under the spell of a mysterious sculptor, Stéphane. This one torrid night will have dramatic repercussions for her and her family...
Jugé sans justice
Gustavo Santini
A father is arrested for murder and a kidnap attempt three years ago. Through the police station's one-way mirror, 16-year-old Claire is sure she recognizes Gustavo as the man who tried to kidnap her and killed her father while fleeing.
4 AM
France, November 2015. After the Paris terror attacks, the state of emergency is proclaimed to facilitate the work of police forces. 4 AM. A policewoman helps colleagues to conduct a search, but soon finds out that things aren’t going the way they’re supposed to.
Margaux Hartmann
Recently widowed fifty-something Margaux looks to start chapter two. Moving in with her sister, she re-enrolls at university for pursuits she’d never realized. However, Margaux begins to experience another kind of awakening, the compulsions of which begin to take over.
Quisiera que alguien me esperara en algún lugar
Aurore decide celebrar su 70º cumpleaños en su residencia de verano junto a sus 4 hijos. Uno de ellos tomará una decisión que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
En buenas manos
Theo acaba de nacer. Después de dar a luz, su madre biológica le entrega a un programa de adopción. Los servicios de adopción deben encontrar entonces a la que se convertirá en su madre adoptiva. En el otro extremo, Alice (Élodie Bouchez) lleva casi diez años luchando por ser madre. Un grupo de profesionales trabajará para que Theo y Alice puedan reunirse.
Nos Enfants
Le viol
Maître Tubiana
21 August 1974. In Marseille, two Belgian tourists, Nicole and Malia, are savagely attacked and raped by three men. Their attackers claim that the women consented and are allowed to remain free. Though their friends and family advise them to forget the ordeal, Nicole and Malia instead decide to fight. Helped by their lawyer, Gisèle Halimi, they request that the attackers be judged at the assize court. On 8 May 1978, after a long battle, they finally obtain justice. A trial which made history as until then rape had been considered simply as a misdemeanor, whereas now it became a crime.
ESEN's financial department manager
Emilie, una de las jefas de recursos humanos de la multinacional Esen, ha sido recientemente contratada por su superior, Stéphane Froncart, por su "elegante impiedad", su habilidad para encontrar las palabras más adecuadas para conseguir que los empleados que la empresa quiere despedir, renuncien antes ellos mismos. Se rindan de cara a unas circunstancias adversas, especialmente planteadas para ello y así no ser acusados de despedir a cientos de trabajadores. Emilie, sigue el programa con total obediencia, hasta que uno de los empleados que está atrapado en él se suicida saltando desde la ventana de su oficina. A partir de ese día, Emilie no sólo tendrá que lidiar con esa tragedia, también deberá afrontar la vigilancia de la nueva inspectora de trabajo así como la voluntad de sus superiores de desviar toda la culpa del suceso hacia ella.
She Walks
Daniel Alves
An illegal Chinese immigrant and her teenage daughter are held captive in their home after a stranger breaks in.
Nine Days in Winter
Eva & Leon
Leon arrives in Eva's life one morning, on the terrace of a café. The little boy settles down, asks for hot chocolate. The young woman, 35, without children, takes her home, calls social services and learns that Leon has run away from home. Eva has to bring him back but eventually delays the deadline. She who leads an idle existence, sheltered from need, attaches herself to the little boy. Called to order by the authorities, she ignores and tells Leon that they are now on the run. Together, they go to Italy in search of the mother of the little boy ...
Papá o mamá
Florencia y Vincent Leroy siempre han hecho cualquier cosa para ser exitosos. En sus puestos de trabajo, en su matrimonio, con sus hijos… y también quieren salir vencedores en su divorcio. Su vida se transforma ahora en una pesadilla y hacen cualquier cosa para no tener la custodia de los niños.
Mi amigo Mr. Morgan
Un profesor de filosofía ya retirado y una joven parisina se conocen. Y de pronto, sus vidas cambian.
Blanche Nuit
When Arthur decided to become a policeman it was most definitely not so that he would be put on the trail of a group of ultra-left wing artists, the Black Fist Collective. No, his real motivation was so that he could trace his father, Public Enemy Number One, La Malice. But, alas, it is Chief Inspector Moulinette who sets the rules, assisted by his faithful lieutenant Gégé. Arthur has no choice but to infiltrate the troublesome Collective, by posing as an actor...
The Anonymous
A counterterrorism task force investigates the 1998 Ajaccio assassination of Claude Érignac, the prefect of Corsica. Based on true events.
La desaparición
Franck Letellier
Betty desaparece un domingo por la mañana y su desaparición es tan enigmática como misteriosa. ¿Se escapó? Betty nunca habría abandonado a sus dos hijos. ¿Fue asesinada? No hay rastro de lucha.
All Boys Like That
A teenager gets together with his girlfriend for the weekend. They decide to make love, whilst their parents are out of sight and nothing should stand in the way of their first time. Or that' the way teenage movies should go.
De óxido y hueso
De repente, Alí tiene que hacerse cargo de su hijo Sam, un niño de cinco años al que apenas conoce. Como no tiene casa, ni dinero, ni amigos, se refugia en Antibes, en casa de su hermana, que los acoge cariñosamente. Tras una pelea en una discoteca, conoce a Stéphanie, una domadora de orcas en Marineland.
As a veteran of the Latin-American guerilla wars, Pierre Goldman became a mythical figure of the French protest movement of the '60s.
La Tueuse
A Sweet Chamber Music
Helena's career as a pianist is over. One day the daughter comes to visit - with her new fiancé.
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