Felicia Shulman

Felicia Shulman

Nacimiento : , Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Felicia Shulman
Felicia Shulman
Felicia Shulman


After a difficult separation, Serge Jr. takes his daughter Lily, 9, on a truck ride across Canada. They head to Alberta and its legendary Badlands World’s Best Truck Rodeo, a race Lily and him have been dreaming about. On the road, under his daughter’s increasingly worried gaze, Serge will eventually need to face the music.
North of Albany
Annie frantically flees Montreal for the US with her young son, Felix and teenage daughter, Sarah, fearing the repercussions after Sarah severely injures her school bully. When their car breaks down just outside a small town in the Adirondacks, the family is stranded. Paul, a single father and the town's lone mechanic, isn't able to fix the car until the following week. Annie's stubborn insistence to leave town at all costs comes head-to-head with Paul's unwillingness to give in. When Sarah realizes that her secret is out in the open, she runs away, forcing Annie and Paul to join forces to find her. When Paul's traumatic past is revealed, Annie realizes that she is not the only one running and comes to terms with facing the music.
Sweet as Maple Syrup
Rachelle is in a race against time when her family's maple orchard starts to decline, just ahead of the upcoming Maple Syrup Festival. With the help of Derek, a professor of arboriculture, they combine her hands-on experience and his scientific knowledge to heal the orchard, along the way discovering their newfound friendship may have a sweet ending of its own.
Blood Quantum
Los muertos están volviendo a la vida en la reserva natural de Mi'gMaq de la comunidad de Red Crow. Los únicos que parecen ser inmunes al extraño virus que se está propagando son los indígenas que habitan la zona.
La femme au parc
Cassy, 9, is obsessed, silent, angry. Recently, she lost her mother to a mysterious accident. Her turmoil clashes with that of her father, a violent man who treats women like objects. While the little girl rediscovers a kind of happiness thanks to a kind vocal instructor, the father’s behaviour grows increasingly erratic. Childhood and grieving confront some hot-button issues when sexual harassment, violence and homophobia enter the scene. Natacha Mitrani, the director’s daughter, is heartbreaking in the challenging role of Cassy.
With Love
A young man goes to his father's home in Maine where, helped by a public registry, he locates and tracks down sex offenders. In parallel, his mother follows his trail in order to try to understand what could have pushed him into this murderous madness.
El extraordinario viaje de T.S. Spivet
Jibsen's Secretary
T. S. Spivet es un genio de diez años que vive en un rancho de Montana con su peculiar familia. Su gran talento para la cartografía pronto tiene recompensa: una institución científica le concede un prestigioso premio y, con la única compañía de una maleta, se dispone a recorrer el país para plasmarlo en mapas.
Sin sufrimiento
Ante la muerte de su novio, Emily entra en un estado catatónico de donde solo la sacará la doctora Thorne. Pero la salvadora pronto se volverá enemiga y desarrollará una enfermiza obsesión que la llevará a secuestrar a la joven.
Piché: Entre Ciel et Terre
Gracias a su instinto y a su pasado tumultuoso, Robert Piché encuentra la fuerza y la sangre fría necesarias para hacer aterrizar su avión en condiciones muy adversas y salvar así las 304 personas que se encuentran dentro. En tratamiento en una clínica de desintoxicación por un problema de alcohol, en el día siguiente de este acto heroico, se ve obligado a revivir no sólo este momento fuerte, sino también su pasado en prisión. No podrá volver a dar un sentido a su vida hasta que haya asumido su pasado. (FILMAFFINITY)
En un pueblo lejano, se instala un circo, el mismo que dice tener entre sus estrellas, a las criaturas más aformes nunca antes vistas. Lo cierto es que estás criaturas guardan un extraño secreto: la leyenda del Diablo de Jersey, parece es toda una realidad, capturado y bajo mil llaves pasa sus días como el mejor número de una feria como tantas. Una noche la extraña criatura escapa en una de sus resentaciones, esta vez la pequeña ciudad será la víctima de sus impulsos sedientos de sangre. El Diablo de Jersey no se frena ante nadie y deliberadamente asesina a quien se ponga en su camino. El Sheriff del pueblo debe rastrear al animal y darle caza antes que termine con todos en su festín de sangre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Who is KK Downey
The plot revolves around two hipster friends who pretend to be a writer with a troubled past in their quest for fame.
Det Vasquez
A kick-ass professional car thief, Sage, (Taryn Manning), steals a classic '66 Charger on a challenge. It turns out the car belongs to a serial killer (is there another kind?), who proceeds to slice and dice her friends because he wants his car back, and wants Sage dead. Sage also deals with treacherous fellow criminals, and a cop who wants her in jail, or wants to start a relationship (he hasn't decided yet).
Abrazo mortal
Ruth Cassidy
Rafe sospecha que la muerte inesperada de Tommy, su mejor amigo, no se debe a causa de un infarto. Revisando sus objetos personales descubre una extraña nota que le pone sobre la pista de un posible asesinato. Con la ayuda de su amiga, una joven policía, Rafe descubrirá que su muerte está relacionada con la presencia de una atractiva y enigmática mujer.
Muerte en la isla
Unos ladrones de diamantes intentan recuperar el botín que su difunto jefe escondió tiempo atrás. Para conseguirlo, uno de ellos planea ganarse la confianza de la viuda, haciéndose pasar por un antiguo conocido de su marido y metiéndose de este modo en su vida. El expresidiario consigue engañar y seducir a la mujer, iniciando una peligrosa relación con ella.
Little Witch
Nasty Witch (voice)
A young witch finds her desire to use her powers for good at odds with her aunts' traditional mean ways. Little Witch's wish to make new friends changes one Halloween night.
Impatient to have a child, an infertile couple seeks help at a sperm bank and are thrilled when the procedure works. But their joy is cut short after they discover the donor is a psychopath willing to kill anyone who stands between him and his baby.
Hemoglobina (Herencia de sangre)
Un hombre aquejado de una dolencia rarísima viaja a una isla con su novia en busca de una cura, pero encuentra mucho más de lo que buscaba. (FILMAFFINITTY)
The Myth of the Male Orgasm
The excesses of feminism and political correctness come in for some serious ribbing in this Canadian comedy, which might just give Rush Limbaugh a belly-laugh or two, along with anyone else who has ever thought that his pet term "feminazi" was humorous. In the story, Jimmy (Bruce Dinsmore) is having a mid-life crisis, and in order to get a handle on why he has so much trouble with women, decides to participate in a college-sponsored study on male sexuality. What he doesn't know is that the study is being run by some extremely radical, doctrinaire feminists, and that he's in for a nightmarish grilling. He shows up for his first sessions, is blindfolded, and is then put through his paces as a relentless female interrogator puts him constantly on the defensive for everything he has ever done with women throughout his entire life.
Susurros de Muerte
Young Woman
 Un detective investiga los ataques que supuestamente una mujer recibe de un hombre al que ella misma mató.
Vinieron de dentro de...
En el complejo residencial de la torre Stareliner, un científico crea, por medio de unas modificaciones genéticas, una especie de babosas. Cuando estos seres penetran en el cuerpo de un hombre lo convierten en un enfermo aquejado de un insaciable instinto sexual y asesino.
The Amityville Curse
Mrs. Moriarty
A modern take on Hans Holzer's novel The Amityville Curse.